Diet Club

@piggyfan how did you get on?

I was starving when I got home yesterday and had a bit of a feeding frenzy...I won't tell you how many biscuits its possible to eat while waiting for the kettle to boil!

I've written off my weeklies so got to be good for the rest of the week!
I had my implant out and well hormones have gone wacky .... in a good way not hungry and less bloated ... that was until the fun times that are wombus eruptus decided to occur but been at the gym or swimming most days this week and I can leg press more than my heavier OH so tis all good but thank god for mooncups
I'm meant to be studying but thought id post on here instead haha my routine at present is 20 minutes cross trainer to warm up everywhere basically, followed by 20 minutes on a stationary bike because well its easier than the cross trainer followed by half an hour heavy lifting (none of this 5kg malarkey .... l lift like a man but with limits obviously given the lack of testosterone .... my leg press aim is minimum 400lb/28st/200kg or more and id like to be able to bice curl a fair chunk too but my biceps are hilariously small right now) followed by a 5 min jog just because thats all I can actually jog and it seems to loosen me up again after lifting .... and some days after that we've done an hour in the pool or 32-50 lengths depending on how lazy I feel and then to finish 15 minutes in the sauna followed by an ice cold shower ... nom :D adds up to 1.5 to 2.5 hours at the gym plus a 10 min walk each way.
@piggyfan how did you get on?

I was starving when I got home yesterday and had a bit of a feeding frenzy...I won't tell you how many biscuits its possible to eat while waiting for the kettle to boil!

I've written off my weeklies so got to be good for the rest of the week!
I gained two pounds! I did not think it would be that much. I have to get back on track. I hope you can manage without the weekly points. Good luck.
Just been weighed, another 1lb off, that elusive 3 stone award evades me for another week.
I just wanted to say @Bekki - Wow! I went swimming again for the first time in ages because of bronchitis and I managed 8 lengths. I was really pleased with myself! But!
I just wanted to say @Bekki - Wow! I went swimming again for the first time in ages because of bronchitis and I managed 8 lengths. I was really pleased with myself! But!

You're always lovely Sarah, I trained properly and very intensively as a child to a competitive level so my technique is still there (somersaults at either end head always under the water that kind fo thing) and I have a high lung capacity on my side i've been out of training for a few years and that is after 2 weeks intensive training, swimming comes naturally to me the work out in the gym and weights are mainly on muscles used for the swimming, id love to get into the local club and compete as an adult but I have some way to go for that in terms of speed. 8 is pretty good going though my OH managed 10 on his first trip swimming in years and hes apparently fit and healthy according to the doctors!

Apart from one exam for uni I'm done now so been trying to get back into old habits as the uni and work sedentary life has well left me with an extra 4 stone I do not wish to keep but decided not to worry about whilst I was busy with uni. I seem to be lucky that ive kept my lung capacity and stuff just gained fat so its not all bad.
Really enjoyed my dinner tonight, thought I'd share (virtually of course, I've eaten it all!)

Vegetable stacks - mushroom topped with slices of griddled aubergine, courgette, potato and beef tomato (2pp, 1 for potato and 1 for oil used), with a quorn chilli stuffed pepper (3pp) topped with cheddar cheese (3pp), and salad with light mayo (2pp) = 10pp total
I've just had a big plate of slimming world chips and a super lean beef burger - all syn free. Washed down with a nice ice cold glass of syn free diet cola. ;)
I'm now sat at my computer absolutely stuffed.
So on WW you're meant to eat all your points each day... I honestly cannot eat any more today!

I couldn't be bothered with all that weighing and measuring, that's why I love SW. ;)
To look at some of the meals we eat, you would scream - that's not healthy! here's my new bible, If I'd have known I could eat this stuff, I'd have started years ago! :yahoo:

fakeaway1.webp fakeaway2.webp
I couldn't be bothered with all that weighing and measuring, that's why I love SW. ;)

I tried SW and lost a couple of stone, but in a way it wasn't restrictive enough! I find WW is teaching me what "normal" portions are. I like the weighing etc. as that means that I have to be prepared. I make my lunch the night before for example, and not only save money by taking lunch rather than buying it, but also it stops me popping down the shop and getting a massive macaroni cheese ready meal!

I've got the hairy dieters books and their S&S chicken (or quorn!) is a regular here along with egg fried rice!
I done it the other way, tried WW first and found it too restrictive! I work shifts so I found it awkward sticking to a regimented diet. When I'm on early shift, I take a nice big lean meat salad, some fruit and a couple of WW wraps and chuck it in the fridge. On late shift, I take a nice low fat meal, jacket potato/microwave rice and a packet of microwave steam veg and some fruit. It works for me, my colleagues cant believe the size of the meals I'm eating and the weight is dropping off as my tickertape shows. ;)
I done it the other way, tried WW first and found it too restrictive! I work shifts so I found it awkward sticking to a regimented diet. When I'm on early shift, I take a nice big lean meat salad, some fruit and a couple of WW wraps and chuck it in the fridge. On late shift, I take a nice low fat meal, jacket potato/microwave rice and a packet of microwave steam veg and some fruit. It works for me, my colleagues cant believe the size of the meals I'm eating and the weight is dropping off as my tickertape shows. ;)

My life is slightly easier in that I have a full kitchen at work, oven, grill, microwave, hob etc. although usually my lunch is an extra portion of whatever I've had for tea the night before.

I've got a new job (yay!) that I'm starting soon but the hours are totally opposite to what I work now, so I'm going to need to plan even more as I will be working 11am-7pm and the OH can't cook!

I've started looking for meals that I can make in the slow cooker, meals I can prepare before work and get OH to put in the oven when I'm on my way home, meals I can cook in bulk and freeze etc. - any suggestions welcome!
I love my food optimised spag bol, chili con carne and diet coke chicken. Plus with my new recipe book, meals are going to get a lot more exciting! :yahoo:
I love my food optimised spag bol, chili con carne and diet coke chicken. Plus with my new recipe book, meals are going to get a lot more exciting! :yahoo:

Always got chilli and spag Bol in my freezer! I do find its easy to get stuck in a rut of eating the same meals each week.

My latest trick is when making lasagne, instead of using a calorie laden sauce full of butter and cheese, I use a can of Campbell's condensed low fat mushroom soup instead!