Diet Club

@Amanda1801 Sure is in my arm but i wont have steri strips, they make my skin blister :|, lol just a gaping hole in my arm ... woo!
All done the guy seriously went overboard bandaging .... funny when the first one I got nothing on it at all after it stopped bleeding! Glad to get the darn thing out as hormones mess with my moods, and I overeat when miserable so never a good start. I give up on hormones tbh nothing has worked yet ah well nevermind ... I'm off to become a nun :D
I could not attend weight watchers last week but got weighed today and lost three pounds. I have now lost three stone since last year. I have lost twelve pounds since joining weight watchers.

Wahey! You keep saying how well I'm doing, but you've lost more than I have! You're doing great :D
I could not attend weight watchers last week but got weighed today and lost three pounds. I have now lost three stone since last year. I have lost twelve pounds since joining weight watchers.

Well done you. ;)
Just been weighed, a small loss of half a pound, I've been on nights this week so I haven't ate enough. Push on to get my 3 stone award next week. ;)
I am starting a eating plan called the Terriann 123 diet plan, bought my books yesterday so will read it over and plan out my meals. The first 10 days remove all bread, pastas, potatoes, bulky stuff like that, it's just a protein packed 10 days! Oh How I will miss mash! They slowly re-introduce these back in though (thank goodness). Anyone ever heard of it or even been on it?
I am starting a eating plan called the Terriann 123 diet plan, bought my books yesterday so will read it over and plan out my meals. The first 10 days remove all bread, pastas, potatoes, bulky stuff like that, it's just a protein packed 10 days! Oh How I will miss mash! They slowly re-introduce these back in though (thank goodness). Anyone ever heard of it or even been on it?
I have not heard of it but gd luck.
Checking back in after a bit of a hiatus, I have 10 pounds to go until goal and it is now SO hard after losing just over 3 stone! must keep on going though, I don't care if it takes all year to do it, I will get there!
Checking back in after a bit of a hiatus, I have 10 pounds to go until goal and it is now SO hard after losing just over 3 stone! must keep on going though, I don't care if it takes all year to do it, I will get there!
You have done fantasticly well! You must feel great.
Checking back in after a bit of a hiatus, I have 10 pounds to go until goal and it is now SO hard after losing just over 3 stone! must keep on going though, I don't care if it takes all year to do it, I will get there!

Well done for losing 3 stone . You have the right attitude - the worst thing would be to get disheartened and give up.
I don't know about a magazine, it'll be on the group Facebook page, I don't do Facebook!
I am not looking forward to getting weighed on wednesday. I have totally blown my points. Gelato,quesedilia, biscuits. Oh dear.
I am not looking forward to getting weighed on wednesday. I have totally blown my points. Gelato,quesedilia, biscuits. Oh dear.

Stick to it tomorrow and importantly, drink lots of water between now and then!

I have a theory that when I go off track, I eat things I don't usually eat that are processed and higher in salt than what I'd normally eat. As a result, my body holds on to water and results in a big gain. I find drinking lots of water helps reduce this. Also, if there is a gain, I very quickly lose it the following week!
Stick to it tomorrow and importantly, drink lots of water between now and then!

I have a theory that when I go off track, I eat things I don't usually eat that are processed and higher in salt than what I'd normally eat. As a result, my body holds on to water and results in a big gain. I find drinking lots of water helps reduce this. Also, if there is a gain, I very quickly lose it the following week!
Thank you. That is a good idea.
There is nothing worse than trying to go on a diet AND having my first period in a bout 2.5 years! This might me T.M.I! I have had problems with my periods for a few years, I had been bleeding (not a period, just constant) for about 2 years on an off since I got the copper coil, I've had that out since last november and nothing had changed, so last month I started my pill Cerazette, now last time I was on this I had no bleeding, now a month after I am having a period and some awful cramping to go with it (full on crazy mode is activated). The cramp is getting me really down and yesterday I tried to start the first day of my diet, which I quickly threw out the window as I was in EAT EVERYTHING mode, oh man. Today I have started day one AGAIN, hope the cramp stays at bay. I am going to make baked philly chicken wrapped in bacon (it's in my Terri ann 123 recipe bible).
There is nothing worse than trying to go on a diet AND having my first period in a bout 2.5 years! This might me T.M.I! I have had problems with my periods for a few years, I had been bleeding (not a period, just constant) for about 2 years on an off since I got the copper coil, I've had that out since last november and nothing had changed, so last month I started my pill Cerazette, now last time I was on this I had no bleeding, now a month after I am having a period and some awful cramping to go with it (full on crazy mode is activated). The cramp is getting me really down and yesterday I tried to start the first day of my diet, which I quickly threw out the window as I was in EAT EVERYTHING mode, oh man. Today I have started day one AGAIN, hope the cramp stays at bay. I am going to make baked philly chicken wrapped in bacon (it's in my Terri ann 123 recipe bible).
Aww that sounds very difficult for you. Maybe you could start again after the period.
I have been feeling okay today so I have managed to stick to it, so far hehe!
Distraction is good when the munchies creep in. I tend to take the dog for a walk. If I'm craving something sweet, a shower with really fruity shower gel can get rid of it! If I'm really struggling, I'll brush my teeth because nothing tastes good then ;)