Diet Club

Just been weighed, I had another maintain. Only glad I didn't gain anything as I've been off for nearly a fortnight and enjoyed myself instead of watching what I eat. I must have subconsciously ate the right things in between binges to stay the same. ;)
Just been weighed, I had another maintain. Only glad I didn't gain anything as I've been off for nearly a fortnight and enjoyed myself instead of watching what I eat. I must have subconsciously ate the right things in between binges to stay the same. ;)

That's the way to do it . As long as you don't gain - you're heading in the right direction.
Only problem is, I've promised to lose 3lb for next week's weigh in! :eek:
You have done so well to maintain. That cannot have been easy as you were on holiday.
You have done so well to maintain. That cannot have been easy as you were on holiday.

I'll make a promise - that I'll gain a bit while on holiday. I'll also make a promise that I'll get back on track as soon as I'm back.
I promised to lose 2lb 5 weeks ago and lost 5 1/2lb - still don't know how I done it! ! ! :yahoo:
I'll make a promise - that I'll gain a bit while on holiday. I'll also make a promise that I'll get back on track as soon as I'm back.
Getting back on track sounds very positive. It is easy to just give up. Good luck.
-1.8lbs this week, I've decided to switch from kg to st & lbs so I can make more intermediate goals, its a bit more difficult working in kilos.
I've pledged to lose another 3lb next week, that will be 3 stone off in 16 weeks. ;)
I can't believe it either! I've had to order new uniform as my current one is hanging off me! :yahoo:
I'm holding off ordering new hi-vis jackets, my boss wont be too happy, they're £230 each and I have 3 of them! :eek:
We can't, because they're condemned after 25 washes, we have to get new. 2 of mine have been washed over 20 times so it wont be too much off a problem getting them replaced. My storm coat is a different matter, that's less than 12 months old and has only been washed 3 times.
Had a sneaky peeky on the scales this morning as it was my brothers wedding yesterday. So proud of all of them, they scrubbed up well! My niece looked totally adorable in her bridesmaids dress, and my nephew Charlie (5), stole the show as best man, all suited and booted!

I didn't go mad at the wedding, but didn't go without - I don't drink so I was on the lime and sodas but went crazy and had a lemonade too! Meal was a carvery so I had the veggie nut roast, plenty of veg, and boiled (not roast!) potatoes. Dessert was the most amazing cheesecake ever. Scales are showing a nice loss still!

Good opportunity for an update photo too! This is me, my brother, and our two step sisters. It looks as though I'm beginning to get an actual figure rather than being a blob :)

I can't believe it either! I've had to order new uniform as my current one is hanging off me! :yahoo:
-1.8lbs this week for me, now off to spend my bank holiday in work!

You both are doing ever so well .

I've gone off the rails bit. The final straw was that I went out with my OH Sat and was comfort eating (hangover) yesterday. I'm getting weighed today (our group leader is so dedicate she still comes in on BHs) so I'll see how much damage limitation I need to do.
Dissertation handed in and gym membership renewed .... hopefully can lose the 3 stone that spending most of my life on my butt studying and working has helped create. We have a brand new swimming pool over the road that opened last week, I used to swim in the local swim club and did all my awards/life saving courses as a young teen but quit because I was a moody 13 year old who detested 6am training sessions .... buttt I get up early anyway so id love to get back in the swim club my swim speed is less than half of what it used to be :-( previous to this the local pool was half an hour drive and a fiver petrol which made it unfeasible to go often.
Dissertation handed in and gym membership renewed .... hopefully can lose the 3 stone that spending most of my life on my butt studying and working has helped create. We have a brand new swimming pool over the road that opened last week, I used to swim in the local swim club and did all my awards/life saving courses as a young teen but quit because I was a moody 13 year old who detested 6am training sessions .... buttt I get up early anyway so id love to get back in the swim club my swim speed is less than half of what it used to be :-( previous to this the local pool was half an hour drive and a fiver petrol which made it unfeasible to go often.
I wish you luck Bekki.
thanks @piggyfan ... and swimming again tonight theres an hour of adult only lane swim which suits me perfectly, providing I'm allowed to swim implant removal later, cant be doing with trying to swim around bratting children essentially stood splashing (babies dont bother me but groups of obnoxious teens ... bleurggh)
thanks @piggyfan ... and swimming again tonight theres an hour of adult only lane swim which suits me perfectly, providing I'm allowed to swim implant removal later, cant be doing with trying to swim around bratting children essentially stood splashing (babies dont bother me but groups of obnoxious teens ... bleurggh)

If its in your arm you'll have steri-strips and a big hole!