Diet Club

I just spent 30 minutes cutting dead branches and pulling ivy out of the hedge, filled the brown bin again of course. Now I am tired out so I hope that sort of thing counts as exercise!
Unfortunately we're all short on time but you really have to make time for exercise - it's so important that we do as we dramatically lower the risk of all sorts of cancers, heart disease, diabetes etc. I usually exercise in the evening, my husband gets up early and does it in the morning. You have to find a time that suits you best.
Forgot to mention: for anyone who's main problem is appetite control try apple cider vinegar. It must be unpasterised and "with mother" ( those are all the healthy enzymes) I use Bobby's. it has a nice flavour and you can get it direct from them or through Amazon ( same price either way). You need to dilute it ( never drink vinegar neat!) I have one to two tablespoons just before mealtimes ( or if I'm feeling hungry for no good reason) diluted with fizzy mineral water and adding a tiny bit of high juice for flavour - it's actuallya very refreshing drink. You can dilute it with normal tapwater, warm water, a bit of fruit juice - whatever takes your fancy. Honey is also nice instead of high juice if you don't like the plain vinegar and water taste. It really reduces appetite and does lots of other good stuff too ( there's loads of info online). Just remember to rinse your mouth with water afterwards to protect your teeth ( drinking through a straw helps too).
Unfortunately we're all short on time but you really have to make time for exercise - it's so important that we do as we dramatically lower the risk of all sorts of cancers, heart disease, diabetes etc. I usually exercise in the evening, my husband gets up early and does it in the morning. You have to find a time that suits you best.

Out of interest, how much weight do you need to or have you lost? (Not sure where you're at?)
Another tip ( sorry, should have just put all this in one post!) is to start an inspirational Pinterest board. You could do your own or have a shared board with friends that you can all pin onto (you could start a diet club inspirational board!). Here's mine, my go-to board for inspiration if I'm feeling tired, it soon gets my bum off the chair and into action. ;)
Out of interest, how much weight do you need to or have you lost? (Not sure w Where you're at?)
I weigh just under ten stone but am only 4'11" and so you'd think from that that I'm quite chubby but I'm not - muscle weighs more than fat - I've weighed less than that in the past and been fatter! I was a 14 verging on a 16 last summer and now a 10 hoping to get back to the 8 I was when I got married ( that was a while back but i've still got my long velvet skirt and I'll know I'm there when I can get into that!). Waist is now just under 27 inches.
Sorry if I sound a bit bossy :oops:
I do tend to get quite passionate about exercise and it's benefits mainly because I do genuinely care about people being as healthy ( and therefore happy - really helps with depression) as possible. :hug:
I have been totally avoiding this thread recently as my head really wasn't in the right space when I first started this diet (and this thread). I eventually gave up on the diet because I was cheating so often it didn't make sense to continue. Anyway - I started again on 2nd April and have been really behaving myself. I started at 10st10.4 and yesterday I was 10st6.2 so am doing much better. The hardest part now is that as I only want to get to 10st and so don't have loads to lose, I am now just really, really hungry. Trying to stick to my normal amount of food and just upping fluid intake to stop the growling stomach!
Aww it is horrible to feel hungry. Please do not starve yourself.

I promise I'm not - I have between 1200-1500 calories a day and find myself eating something pretty much every 2 hours. It is just when my weight gets down to a certain level I just get really hungry! Normally 10st4 is the trigger but it is a bit early this time - probably because I am on nightshift and am craving fatty carbohydrates - would love a big bag of chip shop chips and a chow mein!
I weigh just under ten stone but am only 4'11" and so you'd think from that that I'm quite chubby but I'm not - muscle weighs more than fat - I've weighed less than that in the past and been fatter! I was a 14 verging on a 16 last summer and now a 10 hoping to get back to the 8 I was when I got married ( that was a while back but i've still got my long velvet skirt and I'll know I'm there when I can get into that!). Waist is now just under 27 inches.

Bit different to me then, I'm 6'1" and weight watchers is working very well. I've got 10st to lose and that's probably not even to a healthy BMI, it's just my initial target of reaching 100kg, then ill re-evaluate!

I lost 5st on weight watchers last year just by food alone, my exercise didn't change at all.

Exercise wise at the moment I only have time to walk my dog. I leave my house at 5:30am and I don't get back until 6pm, and then it's cooking, cleaning etc. until I fall into bed.
Bit different to me then, I'm 6'1" and weight watchers is working very well. I've got 10st to lose and that's probably not even to a healthy BMI, it's just my initial target of reaching 100kg, then ill re-evaluate!

I lost 5st on weight watchers last year just by food alone, my exercise didn't change at all.

Exercise wise at the moment I only have time to walk my dog. I leave my house at 5:30am and I don't get back until 6pm, and then it's cooking, cleaning etc. until I fall into bed.
You are doing fantastic Amanda. You should be proud of yourself.
Sorry if I sound a bit bossy :oops:
I do tend to get quite passionate about exercise and it's benefits mainly because I do genuinely care about people being as healthy ( and therefore happy - really helps with depression) as possible. :hug:

I don't think you're being bossy. One thing I enjoy about this forum is that people can express their views and discuss in a civilised way.

And you're right that exercise is important for a lot of reasons - but, personally, I think your recommendation of 45 mins - 1 hour of vigorous exercise 5 days a week is a bit excessive for people who are aiming for general fitness.. If you want to do that much - that's fine .

Below is a link which may be useful to some forum members.

You are also right that the best way to lose weight is a combination of healthy eating and exercise.

Unfortunately, I lack motivation and will power. I have tried for years to "go it alone" with no success. So, I have resigned myself to the fact that I need to be in a slimming club.

I can assure you that the slimming club I am in encourages members to exercise more .
Bit different to me then, I'm 6'1" and weight watchers is working very well. I've got 10st to lose and that's probably not even to a healthy BMI, it's just my initial target of reaching 100kg, then ill re-evaluate!

I lost 5st on weight watchers last year just by food alone, my exercise didn't change at all.

Exercise wise at the moment I only have time to walk my dog. I leave my house at 5:30am and I don't get back until 6pm, and then it's cooking, cleaning etc. until I fall into bed.
Sounds like you're doing really well, keep up the good work! :)
I lost one pound. It means I have lost half a stone so I got a sticker. If I can lose a pound next week I will achieve losing 5% of my body weight.
Well done, got my weigh in tomorrow, not feeling confident this week, I've been off work on hols and had temptation galore! :(
Even if you do not have a loss what does that matter when you have lost two stone? You are entitled to have a break after sticking to the plan for so long.
Very surprised - I lost 2lb giving me my 2 and a half stone award and dropping me under 20 stone. :D
Wow well done everyone. I've lost 4 pound...due to being ill and not eating lol