Diet Club

Thought I'd do a comparison too....

This was me at my start weight (albeit a 12 month old photo)


And this was at the wedding on Saturday (in a dress...for the first time in 17 years)

I'm very proud of Lisa as she has lost lots of weight and has got very fit over the last 9 months, I (Ali) just wish I could get into the same mind set.. x

Rewind July 2013..

April 2014..

+1.8kg (4lbs) oops!

Back on track though and FitBitting again!

Set myself a target of 8,000 steps a day initially (I work a desk job 6 days a week), and 10 flights of stairs.

I was at my "desk job" for 12 hours yesterday and these are my stats...not as sedentary as I thought, it'd seem!

Tuesday = day off work. Struggling with the concept of having a lazy day, not sure that it is something I'm capable of doing!

But first...breakfast! 10pp of yum

was out on the road today so decided to eat lunch in a Sainsbury's cafe. Ordered jacket potato with veg chilli as this looked the most healthy thing on the menu. Looked like a starter when it came. Can't wait for my tea to be ready - I'm extremely hungry !
I have eaten - thank goodness. Home made bolognaise & brown spaghetti. I'll have to take a packed lunch in future - felt a bit shortchanged today!

Also, I have looked on cafe website for nutritional info - it gives cals, fat, sugar and salt content but not protein so can't work out pro points.
Oh that is annoying. I found that with quite a few places. Have you stopped doing express now and your on points?
Oh that is annoying. I found that with quite a few places. Have you stopped doing express now and your on points?

Not got my head round pro points fully yet so am really still on express but am starting to look up points values in preparation!
I went to WW many years ago when they used points which was a calculation based on cals and saturated fat. I found this was much easier and will make my views known at next meeting!

I will also have a flip through the "eating out" book to see if the types of cafes I use are in this book.

Are you on points?
Not got my head round pro points fully yet so am really still on express but am starting to look up points values in preparation!
I went to WW many years ago when they used points which was a calculation based on cals and saturated fat. I found this was much easier and will make my views known at next meeting!

I will also have a flip through the "eating out" book to see if the types of cafes I use are in this book.

Are you on points?
I agree. The old way of working out points was easier and you had a cardboard thing to use. Its all electronic now. Yes I am on pro points. I asked to be as I did not like the look of the express plan. I hate brown pasta and rice!
I agree. The old way of working out points was easier and you had a cardboard thing to use. Its all electronic now. Yes I am on pro points. I asked to be as I did not like the look of the express plan. I hate brown pasta and rice!

I can cope with brown pasta and brown rice but I like to have a bit of sauce in my stir fry !

I got a few of their recipe books at the last meeting - I just need to find the time to have a good look through them
I can cope with brown pasta and brown rice but I like to have a bit of sauce in my stir fry !

I got a few of their recipe books at the last meeting - I just need to find the time to have a good look through them
You sound like you are doing really well just by sticking to it. It is a big change.
Got my weigh in tomorrow morning, hopefully dropped below the 20 stone mark for the first time in 8 years. ;)
Just eat healthy and exercise regularly ( and by that I mean vigorous excercise - 45 mins to an hour at least 5 times a week). Diets don't work in the long term and you'll gain weight easier once a diet is finished - remember that when you are relying on diet alone your brain will want to slow your metabolism down not to mention the fact that if you're not building lean muscle mass at the same time as losing weight you'll probably also lose muscle mass as well as fat if you're not providing your body with the correct amount of fuel - ultimately making your body less effective at burning fat. Remember that lean muscle that is exercised regularly uses loads more calories to repair itself - even when you're asleep! It may take a bit longer but slow and steady progress is best as you'll just be burning fat, so ditch the scales and get a tape measure ( much more reliable measure of fat lost ) and just eat sensibly and work hard at your exercise - after two weeks it will develop into a habit and you'll feel odd when you don't exercise. I'd recommend Caroline Pearce's book for anyone who is serious about getting fit as well as thin, packed full of useful info.
The times I've slipped back into weight gain are when I've been unable to exercise through prolonged illness which has then slipped into a habit of not doing it much other that the odd run etc I also find that when I exercise 5-6 days a week I don't feel like eating crap, I tend to gravitate towards healthier food without any willpower etc.
I run, do yoga and circuit training and have lost 5 and a half inches off my waist since the summer - and I plan on it staying off! :))
Hope that helps....
Just eat healthy and exercise regularly ( and by that I mean vigorous excercise - 45 mins to an hour at least 5 times a week). Diets don't work in the long term and you'll gain weight easier once a diet is finished - remember that when you are relying on diet alone your brain will want to slow your metabolism down not to mention the fact that if you're not building lean muscle mass at the same time as losing weight you'll probably also lose muscle mass as well as fat if you're not providing your body with the correct amount of fuel - ultimately making your body less effective at burning fat. Remember that lean muscle that is exercised regularly uses loads more calories to repair itself - even when you're asleep! It may take a bit longer but slow and steady progress is best as you'll just be burning fat, so ditch the scales and get a tape measure ( much more reliable measure of fat lost ) and just eat sensibly and work hard at your exercise - after two weeks it will develop into a habit and you'll feel odd when you don't exercise. I'd recommend Caroline Pearce's book for anyone who is serious about getting fit as well as thin, packed full of useful info.
The times I've slipped back into weight gain are when I've been unable to exercise through prolonged illness which has then slipped into a habit of not doing it much other that the odd run etc I also find that when I exercise 5-6 days a week I don't feel like eating crap, I tend to gravitate towards healthier food without any willpower etc.
I run, do yoga and circuit training and have lost 5 and a half inches off my waist since the summer - and I plan on it staying off! :))
Hope that helps....

I wish I had a spare 45 minutes a day to exercise! (45 minutes a week would be good!)