Diet Club

I've just joined Weightwatchers. I know something that is lighter already - my purse !
Good luck with it. Are you doing the express thing? I started on the points plan.

Express thing 1st -it's called Simple Start . Basically 3 healthy meals a day + 2 snacks.

It's going to be a shock to my system. I always eat breakfast and I'm ready for a piece of cake or toasted teacake by 11am.

I imagine I'll be moving on to points as soon as I can.
Express thing 1st -it's called Simple Start . Basically 3 healthy meals a day + 2 snacks.

It's going to be a shock to my system. I always eat breakfast and I'm ready for a piece of cake or toasted teacake by 11am.

I imagine I'll be moving on to points as soon as I can.
I could not do it as I do not like the foods on the list. I hate brown rice and pasta! I wish you luck.
Good luck today @piggyfan - let us know how you get on!

I'm having a terrible WW week. I wish I'd have gained last week as it would have snapped me out of it, but in finally feeling back in control now!
Thanks Amanda. I get weighed at 11.30. I am sorry you are having a rough week. It can be hard to motivate yourself.
I havent weighed myself since last year but I had to change down a size in work trousers because they were exposing my panties when i sat down or bent over and they could be pulled down without undoing the zip ... still had the size smaller sat in my ottoman so thats all good :-) no idea what I have lost and not actively been trying just had less time for food pitstops and been filling up on more cups of tea!
I havent weighed myself since last year but I had to change down a size in work trousers because they were exposing my panties when i sat down or bent over and they could be pulled down without undoing the zip ... still had the size smaller sat in my ottoman so thats all good :-) no idea what I have lost and not actively been trying just had less time for food pitstops and been filling up on more cups of tea!
Dropping a size is great!
I lost three pounds! I am thrilled. I moved down to another bracket by half a pound which is great.
Well done, I get weighed tomorrow then I'm on nights for a week so my weight will probably stand still as my body clock will be all over the place!
I lost three pounds! I am thrilled. I moved down to another bracket by half a pound which is great.

Told you so :P

It's the middle of my weighing week today and after it got off to a bad start I thought I'd hop on the scales and survey the damage.... Currently showing a 0.5kg/1lb loss...what?!
Do you eat as well as taking the ketones? Is it a tablet or something? My attempts at dieting have been completely derailed after getting depressed over visiting my in laws and comfort eating. So can I have some information please.
please be careful with these. Too many can hurt your kidneys and liver.
Thank you for the information GloriousGuineaGirl. I haven't started taking them, I am still thinking about it. I will look into the kidney damage problem in detail.
Thank you for the information GloriousGuineaGirl. I haven't started taking them, I am still thinking about it. I will look into the kidney damage problem in detail.
Its just because I had a test done ages ago and I had Keytones in my urine and the doctor informed that when that happens it means your body is eating itself Ie-eating extra fat but If it's too much then its not healthy so keytone supplements can be bad if you overdose your body:)
I've found out that the ketosis inducing type of diet was started to lower blood sugar in epileptics as this will lead to fewer fits. Atkins is a variant of this type of diet. So taking the ketones is an attempt to achieve an atkins style of diet without eating the atkins style food - ie very low in carbohydrate. I am uncertain about the benefits of taking something that pushes the body towards ketosis, so I think a low carb diet which is a lot less stressful on the body would be a better way to achieve weight loss in this manner. Although having read the atkins stuff it is way too much for me and I think just cutting out bread and potatoes and continuing to eat lots of veg will work ok!
I'm getting confused - is the intention that raspberry ketones induce ketosis? How does this help with weight loss?
I've found out that the ketosis inducing type of diet was started to lower blood sugar in epileptics as this will lead to fewer fits. Atkins is a variant of this type of diet. So taking the ketones is an attempt to achieve an atkins style of diet without eating the atkins style food - ie very low in carbohydrate. I am uncertain about the benefits of taking something that pushes the body towards ketosis, so I think a low carb diet which is a lot less stressful on the body would be a better way to achieve weight loss in this manner. Although having read the atkins stuff it is way too much for me and I think just cutting out bread and potatoes and continuing to eat lots of veg will work ok!
high protein and low carb is an excellent way.Lots of pulses are good too makes your metabolism work harder but in a healthy way Green tea also does this and has health benefits. I only know a bit as I had to change my lifestyle due to cholesterol levels and bowel problems :) feel better for it though.