Diet Club

Imma try it too! Would be good to take to school for lunch, and filling enough to not need any bread.

Good point! Maybe I could make it for my husband. I could try a small piece. The girls don’t like eggs and son can’t have egg white.
I chose the rosemary and red onion sausages as they're syn free. 👍
I chose the rosemary and red onion sausages as they're syn free. 👍
Aye. They may be too carbie for me, but I might try something else, or leave them out. Wonder would broccoli work 🤔
It probably would, you don't need to put sausage in, I do it to pad it out. 👍
I've just had some sliced for breakfast, I can confirm it tastes nice cold. 👍
Random question, does your bladder get used to drinking more water!?

Beginning the third week of drinking more water. This week I am going to try reducing my portion sizes.

I'm taking the small steps approach. Hopefully it works!
I try to limit my fluid intake when I'm at work, as it's not easy taking a pee on a full closure!
Nice Sunday dinner for only 14 syns. roast potatoes in only 29 minutes, 14 minutes in microwave and 15 minutes in the air fryer. 👍
Random question, does your bladder get used to drinking more water!?

Beginning the third week of drinking more water. This week I am going to try reducing my portion sizes.

I'm taking the small steps approach. Hopefully it works!
I dunno, I can’t fit more water in, what with all the coffee I drink 🤣🤣

All the best!
it doesn't need presenting that well, it wasn't go to stay on the plate long enough! XD
When I went to my first the gym it was strict. I had a very strict diet; low carb, high protein and lots of water. I had to drink at least 2.25 litres of water every day with 500ml extra each time I trained in the gym. The only way I found to drink that much was every time I went to the loo, have a drink of water. I was getting up 3 times a night. Eventually my body got used to the amount of water it was taking in. This only lasted for 6 weeks but it was 6 weeks of Hell. Gruelling HIIT three times a week. NOT for the faint hearted. It got me fit though!
When I went to my first the gym it was strict. I had a very strict diet; low carb, high protein and lots of water. I had to drink at least 2.25 litres of water every day with 500ml extra each time I trained in the gym. The only way I found to drink that much was every time I went to the loo, have a drink of water. I was getting up 3 times a night. Eventually my body got used to the amount of water it was taking in. This only lasted for 6 weeks but it was 6 weeks of Hell. Gruelling HIIT three times a week. NOT for the faint hearted. It got me fit though!
I’m tired just reading this! Well done for sticking that!

….. where’s me coffee…?
Where as I appear to have forgotten how to eat sensibly and have eaten nearly a whole sharing bag of giant buttons to myself 🙈🫢
Oh I LOVE those! I could totally do that RIGHT NOW!
I'm so annoyed at myself, I know I shouldn't have but I've had a rubbish week and it briefly made me feel better, I should have done something else - go for a walk, hide in a dark room, but I didn't 😔
When I want chocolate, I reach for a skinny bar and they're only 3 syns each. 👍
I'm so annoyed at myself, I know I shouldn't have but I've had a rubbish week and it briefly made me feel better, I should have done something else - go for a walk, hide in a dark room, but I didn't 😔
Look at your week as a whole and as long as you’ve watched it for most of the time - you’ll still be quids in! That’s what I tell myself anyway. I still want giant buttons now! 😭😭😭
When I want chocolate, I reach for a skinny bar and they're only 3 syns each. 👍
Oh but the carbs! THE CARBS! I spend my day working out if I eat a banana can I have toast at lunch AND spuds with dinner? Or I could eat half a banana and less spuds - then maybe I could have oatcakes and also have toast! Let alone skinny bars!