Diet Club

Anyone got any tips for exercise motivation? I had planned to start up running with Koda (then the weather heated up so that was a no go - he really doesn't cope well in the heat). There's loads I can do, I just feel I'm stuck and can't get motivated. I can't believe how fit I used to be when I used to compete the horses.

Anyone got any tips for someone who has lost all motivation with diet and exercise? 🤦‍♀️
Anyone got any tips for someone who has lost all motivation with diet and exercise? 🤦‍♀️
Start off with just 15 mins walking a day for a couple of weeks then slowly build it up. I guess if Koda needs a longer walk that's good motivation so go for a longer walk. Don't worry about the diet at the mo wait until you're in a better place mentally. Just try to eat healthily as that'll make you feel better anyway.
Start off with just 15 mins walking a day for a couple of weeks then slowly build it up. I guess if Koda needs a longer walk that's good motivation so go for a longer walk. Don't worry about the diet at the mo wait until you're in a better place mentally. Just try to eat healthily as that'll make you feel better anyway.
Thank you :) We are doing some lovely evening walks (when it's cooler) so I'll build up from there. Hope you and your gang are well 🥰
Anyone got any tips for exercise motivation? I had planned to start up running with Koda (then the weather heated up so that was a no go - he really doesn't cope well in the heat). There's loads I can do, I just feel I'm stuck and can't get motivated. I can't believe how fit I used to be when I used to compete the horses.

Anyone got any tips for someone who has lost all motivation with diet and exercise? 🤦‍♀️
My motivation was entering the Great North Run for charity, I lost 7 stone and was as fit as a butchers dog. I was a glutton for punishment and entered the year after! I raised 2.5k for the Red Cross and the Lifeboat Institution. I got injured on the last one and haven't trained since, subsequently, I've put 4 stone back on.
I'm not big on exercise and it's perfectly possible to lose weight without any additional exercise - exercise just makes you hungrier anyway!

I do walk with the dogs - probs between 3 and 5 miles daily but it's hardly power walking. Just a saunter really. And I'm moderately active with ordinary activities - bit of housework, cleaning out the pigs, that kind of thing (I'm moving about on my feet all day; i dont tend to sit during the day as there is always plenty to do) So i am 'moving' but i dont do any formal exercise - no running, swimming, ball sports, nothing at all. It's just not for me at all. I have recently started mantrailing with the dog and that involved a light, short 'jog' Any more than that and i will have to pack in the mantrailing:D

As regards eating, I'm always better on a bought in plan. I have done diet chef in the past and jane plan now. Slimming world is good but I'm not very good on portion size so i tend to continue with massive portions and lose motivation coz i get bored with the classes quite soon.

What i like about jane plan is that the food is very tasty (it is proper food, no shakes) it is a measured size and just pops into the microwave so it is all done for you. Basically, if you just eat what is in the box, you cant go wrong.

Where it does go a bit wrong for me is that i do like to eat out a lot (esp as restrictions are loosened here in scotland and indoor eating all re started in april) Then, i get left with unused jane plan meals as i have eaten out.

And they keep bringing more - like the magic porridge pot!

I have stopped plan delivery just now whilst i use up what i have. Then i will re start it. Sticking to it will take off a steady 2 lb each week and there's so much variety, i can stick at it for months on end. It is a long haul thing for me, for sure.
Well I'm back up to 11.9.10 today - not the fault of jane plan. A very frustrating incident happened yesterday, causing me to blow up at OH and put my blood pressure through the roof.

I should have come straight to this thread to vent but instead i went straight to the cupboard and scoffed a huge bag of popcorn.

Who remembers this - always makes me laugh the bit about the broken nail! It's so true! We all do it dont we - minor life crisis and we scoff some cakes. Like that could actually help!

And now I'm on 11.10:doh:

Terrible day food wise yesterday. Started with home made rhubarb pie in a farm shop cafe and went downhill from there. Let's face it, i have had a crap week.

Positives are i am still weighing (when i go really off track, i wont even step on the scales)

What I'm going to do now is really try to get back on board today.

And i wil report back tonight how i have managed. I think i need to break it down into manageable chunks and come on here each time i find myself about to lose it.

Yesterday i think i ate 4 choc digestives in a row; something i havent done in months. Wasnt hungry, didnt need them. They were just there. Mindless eating.

Have a good one, fellow diet buds!
Doh. Today is not going to be the day. Remembered that we are all going into edinburgh tonight for a Chinese. Lucky i did remember as i had forgotten to write it down anywhere and i would have felt dreadful if we had added to restaurant 'no show' statistics. I would never do that deliberately, awful.

So we will go to that tonight but i have cancelled our Sunday lunch at Brewers tomorrow. Think i just got too excited and booked too many things!
I'm going to keep hungry today so i can enjoy the meal tonight.
Difficult with being able to socialise and eat out now. It's definitely a good sign to still be weighing yourself! I'm building up to that 😬😂
Well, back from the chinese and 11.12.6:yikes: But that just is the weight of food within. And, tbh, i think I'm full now for the week!

Was very good. Started with a selection of sticky ribs, prawn toast, spring rolls and some bits and bobs. Had duck in a tangy lime sauce with egg fried rice for main.

And finished with pineapple fritter and ice cream.

Funny thing was, when we ordered, the waiter had to cut it down for us as you know when you go for a chinese, it's quite good to have a variety of dishes to choose from so we can spin round the lazy susan and try new things.

So initially we'd ordered all the above, plus a half duck and pancakes plus some shredded fried beef plus an extra fried rice.

And i just saw the waiter's eyebrows kind of raise and said 'do you think that's a bit much?'

And he cut down the duck to a quarter duck and took a rice off!

There were only 3 of us there last night. I have been there in the past in a bigger group of maybe 8 or so and we always used to pick our own dish and then one additional new one for all to try.

Anyway, as you can see, i really do love eating food . . . . .but havent any more chinese lined up til August now. That should give plenty time to digest this one!
Well, back from the chinese and 11.12.6:yikes: But that just is the weight of food within. And, tbh, i think I'm full now for the week!

Was very good. Started with a selection of sticky ribs, prawn toast, spring rolls and some bits and bobs. Had duck in a tangy lime sauce with egg fried rice for main.

And finished with pineapple fritter and ice cream.

Funny thing was, when we ordered, the waiter had to cut it down for us as you know when you go for a chinese, it's quite good to have a variety of dishes to choose from so we can spin round the lazy susan and try new things.

So initially we'd ordered all the above, plus a half duck and pancakes plus some shredded fried beef plus an extra fried rice.

And i just saw the waiter's eyebrows kind of raise and said 'do you think that's a bit much?'

And he cut down the duck to a quarter duck and took a rice off!

There were only 3 of us there last night. I have been there in the past in a bigger group of maybe 8 or so and we always used to pick our own dish and then one additional new one for all to try.

Anyway, as you can see, i really do love eating food . . . . .but havent any more chinese lined up til August now. That should give plenty time to digest this one!
Love a good Chinese meal! We are very lucky to have an excellent take away near here that delivers for free. 🍚:D
Ok. Well this is going to be a good day! The sort of day i should have had on saturday.

So i will report in later in the day and let you know if i am managing to stay on track

Anyone up for joining me?
Ooh well done @Black piggies! I'm not thinking food right now - unfortunately my baby piggy, ebony, who has been a constant worry since i got her at the end of january isnt well AGAIN. She finished a 6 week course of anti bs last week.

She has only been one week off anti bs and now her breathing is bad again. Back to the vet later but in the meantime the worry has knocked my appetite too.

Every cloud . . . .
I have had a cous cous salad with some spinach and that gorgeous chilli beetroot from sains. Have you seen that? It is super yum, even if you dont normally like chilli and spices ( which i dont) it's a sweet chilli i think which just gives the beetroot a bit of zing.

Yes, ebony looks fine to the naked eye and it's just lucky I'm home all the time, my pigs are in the kitchen and I'm super alert to any slight behaviour change.

I dont know if we will ever get to the bottom of the problem tbh. I just get a horrible feeling that my big adult piggy, belle is the source of it all. She stays well whilst pigs paired with her seem to get ill and die.

But there seems to be no sure fire way of proving belle is an asymptomatic virus carrier. It really is turning into a nightmare.

Especially as the vet is a 60 mile round trip each time. It is costing a fortune . . .
Goodness what a long journey. Hope you got some advice of how to manage her breathing? Poor Ebony.
I'm looking for a friend for Shadow who has gone through 3 piggies and my son asked if Shadow was a super slayer piggy killer lol. Hope that's not true of Belle!
Lovely sounding beetroot.
I'm another 38 quid lighter. No, not really much advice except continue nebulising. Her chest is clear apparently.

That should be reassuring but i am struggling to believe it as ebony's breathing is very rapid and her sides look to be sucking in and out to me (not in that very obvious way like they do in a very, very ill pig but it is there for sure)

She just said it was upper respiratory and she'd be reluctant to give another anti biotic.

Ebony doesnt have a temperature. I will have to go back and see the pig savvy vet if she doesnt pick right up.

Good news on my eating though. Ive had a meatball meal from my jane plan and put green beans and some baby potatoes with it. Feel nice and full so hopefully i can hold out this evening.

Evenings are my most difficult time. I usually finish each day with a mug of cocoa (no sugar, skimmed milk)

Once i get there, i can chalk up today as a success!
Aw worrying when you feel symptoms aren't being noticed. Hope Ebony doesn't get worse.
That's a lovely sounding meal. Cocoa without sugar is health drink!
Well done seeing your weight go down again. Do you find Jane plan filling?

I braved the scales, I was size 12 before lockdown and never been big, but I'm 12 stone 3 pounds! :oops: Have dug out my fitbit which has old records on the app of me being slimmer to remind myself this isn't "me".. I hope!
Well done seeing your weight go down again. Do you find Jane plan filling?

I braved the scales, I was size 12 before lockdown and never been big, but I'm 12 stone 3 pounds! :oops: Have dug out my fitbit which has old records on the app of me being slimmer to remind myself this isn't "me".. I hope!
Do you find the fitbits reliable? I've got the flex 2 and it's connected to my phone and will say I've burned a certain amount of calories whilst I've been wearing it. My phone however which I'll keep in my pocket at the same time will say I've burnt more calories so I'm wondering which is more accurate.
Do you find the fitbits reliable? I've got the flex 2 and it's connected to my phone and will say I've burned a certain amount of calories whilst I've been wearing it. My phone however which I'll keep in my pocket at the same time will say I've burnt more calories so I'm wondering which is more accurate.
I'm not sure but I think the fitbit reliability isn't ideal from what I've heard. So you're probably burning more calories. I tended to use it for tracking my weight long term on the app and logging active minutes. I find eating healthily easier than being active and it's a good reminder.
Do you find Jane plan filling?

Yes. When my brain is in gear i have done jane plan for 4 months at a stretch and not felt hungry at all. It really is very good but weight doesnt fall off fast - i get a steady 1 to 2 pound each week on the plan.

The problem is now i have started having a little off plan nibble in the evenings. And I'm finding it hard to cut that out.

On plan, it provides a very hearty evening meal and, physically, that meal is absolutely sufficient to keep you going right through til breakfast next day.

And it did - til i started grabbing a few mallows when i made my cocoa, and that built up to a few handfuls of mallows.

And now I'm finding it hard to manage without some sugar of an evening. My fault entirely.
Hello. In lockdown I put on a stone. Then I had to take it off again in order to fit into my work trousers - and I succeeded. So now I am doing flexible furlough, trying not to eat too much, it is really hard. I have put a pound back on, while thinking i was doing ok.
So I wanted to say thanks for starting up this thread again, I kind of need to look at it to show myself that other people are trying to lose weight as well. I feel that if I am not alone then I stand a better chance!
Hello. In lockdown I put on a stone. Then I had to take it off again in order to fit into my work trousers - and I succeeded. So now I am doing flexible furlough, trying not to eat too much, it is really hard. I have put a pound back on, while thinking i was doing ok.
So I wanted to say thanks for starting up this thread again, I kind of need to look at it to show myself that other people are trying to lose weight as well. I feel that if I am not alone then I stand a better chance!
You did really well, lost a lot. A pound could be a blip on the scales. I've been either working from home or wearing leggings and PPE, and the threat of normal work trousers is getting me motivated!