Diet Club

Ooooh i might need to join diet club. I put on 2 STONE last year in the first lockdown and i loved every moment of my gain - i knew i was doing it as i was baking every day and making traditional puds with suet and even started experimenting with the perfect shortcrust pastry and used LARD!

Anyway, i started on jane plan jan first and shifted 1 stone and 3 pounds.

But now i have stalled because, with the easing of restrictions, i have been out to cafes, restaurants. And i even chomped my way through a family sized bag of cadbury's eclairs at the cinema the other night:coat:

So, if i can get in the habit of checking in here to report on my weight, it might push me to lose the rest!
My friend Kelly is my inspiration she is doing if she can do that I can lose my Lockdown Pounds! I weigh in every Monday. I'm doing Slimming World Freelance as my SW Consultant moved away from the area during Lockdown and the other groups locally aren't at a convenient time for me.
Right folks, I'm making a serious effort from today! I have been right off the rails and was 11.10.2 this morning. So i will report in here with my weight each day and let's hope it goes down a bit most days.

Who else is ready to get going seriously today?

Let's get healthy, everyone!
Yes, the more the merrier:yahoo: i definitely need daily support to keep me on track so will be checking in daily to report my progress and hoping to hear how you're all doing.

I'm not at a diet club this time (have done sw multiple times before)

So this will be the club i turn to! I'm on jane plan. It works great when I'm on it and i have been on it since new year. I started at 12 stone 10, got down to 11 stone 5, but then i started adding in all kinds of cafe visits, cakes and off plan items and have gained 5 pound.

So, back on plan as of today and initially hoping to get to 10 7. But ultimately id like to be mid 9s (i am 5ft 4)
We certainly can! Its 6 weeks this Saturday to the wedding. Hopefully Covid Restrictions will allow it. I'll be very happy with myself to be half a stone lighter and extremely proud of myself if I can make the stone! At the moment I am 1 and a half pounds down to what I was so only 5 and a half pounds to my half stone. :)
I’m the biggest I’ve been in 16 years 😞 Mine is medication induced weight gain on top of losing my job in 2018 (that’s when the weight started to creep on) and lockdown hasn’t helped. My doctor has said I’ll struggle to lose it 😞 I ideally need to lose 3 stone but it seems so hard...

I managed to lose a stone last year but have piled the weight back on 😞
I ideally need to lose 3 stone but it seems so hard...

Same as me - though i am a third there with 2 stone still to go.mine is cake induced, rather than medication induced, though i am post menopause on hrt and the weight doesnt come off now like it did 20 yrs ago.

Would you think about buying a plan in like jane plan or diet chef? It helps me because it is proper food but all in measured portions and it is all ready in minutes.

It seems expensive at first but when you take into account all the money that you would usually spend on fatty foods, it doesnt work out too badly.

I think the downfall of sw for me was i just carried on eating mountains of free food. I never got any sense of what normal looks like.
I’m the biggest I’ve been in 16 years 😞 Mine is medication induced weight gain on top of losing my job in 2018 (that’s when the weight started to creep on) and lockdown hasn’t helped. My doctor has said I’ll struggle to lose it 😞 I ideally need to lose 3 stone but it seems so hard...

I managed to lose a stone last year but have piled the weight back on 😞
We are here to support you Claire. Last year you and me were diet buddies!
Same as me - though i am a third there with 2 stone still to go.mine is cake induced, rather than medication induced, though i am post menopause on hrt and the weight doesnt come off now like it did 20 yrs ago.

Would you think about buying a plan in like jane plan or diet chef? It helps me because it is proper food but all in measured portions and it is all ready in minutes.

It seems expensive at first but when you take into account all the money that you would usually spend on fatty foods, it doesnt work out too badly.

I think the downfall of sw for me was i just carried on eating mountains of free food. I never got any sense of what normal looks like.
Thank you. Sadly I can’t afford to buy a plan as I’m out of work 😞 My husband pays for the weekly food shop
I’m starting my diet after next week as my husband is off work for half term and we’re going to Nottingham for 4 days to visit family where we’ll be eating out and having a few take aways so it isn’t worth it until then. However, I have somehow managed to lose 1lb this week x
I really need to get back on it! In the past 3 years i've gone from nearly 21st to 16stone. I would like to loose another 2 stone at least!
. Only had tap water to drink and had a chicken pasta dish
Give yourself credit for the two positive great choices :tu:

However, I have somehow managed to lose 1lb this week x
A great mood booster! Will be great to have you on board!

I really need to get back on it! In the past 3 years i've gone from nearly 21st to 16stone. I would like to loose another 2 stone at least!
Wow! That is AWESOME! We will be will you all the way down to target!

Come on, everyone! Let's shed a stone for july! We can all do it!
Diet club has kind of gone out of the window since I came down with a cough and cold at the start of this weekend (all thanks to the germy 18 month old nephew of mine.....) .

Need to get back on track. I hate the thought of the gym too, so was thinking about taking up running with Koda? I don't have to worry about him over-doing it just yet as with my fitness levels we will have to build up slowly! It's going to be another 6 months before puppy can safely start running but when he's ready, I've got a feeling that with two huskies, stopping may be the issue.. not the running..... 😂