Diet Club

Forgot to weigh this morning :oops:. Had a bad weekend eating wise as we had friends over for a barbecue. The food was OK and I did a huge salad but then the Doritos came out and the wine was flowing ...... so not looking forward to my trip to the scales tomorrow morning :flag:
Forgot to weigh this morning :oops:. Had a bad weekend eating wise as we had friends over for a barbecue. The food was OK and I did a huge salad but then the Doritos came out and the wine was flowing ...... so not looking forward to my trip to the scales tomorrow morning :flag:
A 1lb gain for me this morning :(. Not really a big surprise!
Sorry I'm a bit late reporting in today and no weight from me as was up early running my daughter in to get her brace fitted. She is not a happy bunny!

Going to the pictures this afty to see that dream horse but i will just take a bottle of water. Might pop in for a cheeky maccy ds after though ( well it will be teatime and it is right by the cinema, how handy!)

Great to have you on board @Sarah from Chucklebunnies :D

Well done for reporting in with the pound on @Betsy - to be honest and come back here is massive. We are all on a hilly road together here!
It certainly was! How did you know this?
Because i have done the exact same thing multiple times! I'm in my 50s now - i was lovely and slim with no effort at all til i was 26.

Then i had my first baby and i have been yo yo dieting ever since. So that's 30 years; long enough to know how the minds of us dieters work lol!
Because i have done the exact same thing multiple times! I'm in my 50s now - i was lovely and slim with no effort at all til i was 26.

Then i had my first baby and i have been yo yo dieting ever since. So that's 30 years; long enough to know how the minds of us dieters work lol!
Like me then. I said goodbye to my 24" waist when I was pregnant with my first when I was about the same age as you were. I have been to Weight Watchers and Slimming World on and off ever since! (mainly SW though as I found the plan worked better for me)
Yes i like SW and have done that many times, with success. It does work for me and i do love the plan and the recipes.

The problem for me is that is hasnt taught me portion control - i just loaded up massive platefuls and that's fine when it's free food of course but, when i slipped up, my brain was still expecting to see a huge amount.

I also never really liked their dessert recipes so, when i was on SW, id go cold turkey on desserts and then of course blow it all after a few months.

Jane plan isnt good on sweet tooth provision either. But it does allow for a small dark choc bar each day which i can sort of live with.

But it is excellent for portion control - all that is done for you.

Once i have lost more weight, i will probs move over from jane plan to SW.

It is still, even after all these years, very very hard for me to accept you need to stick with that way of eating for life.

Because there's nothing i enjoy more than pigging out with cake and sweets🤣

And i know even that is ok if it only happens once in a blue moon. But, in an ideal world, id really like to eat a family sized bag of cadbury's eclairs every single day. And i dont think any eating plan yet allows for that!

Only had one bag this year so far though. When i give in to the pull of the eclairs, i will be well and truly off the diet train.
Woo hoo way to go @BossHogg! That's a great result!

Still 11.10 here. But i did enjoy my maccy d tea last night:tu:

Film was surprisingly good too - dream horse. I went with my daughter and her pal as they are horse daft but in actual fact the film was more one of those feelgood good old fashioned British cameraderie films with lots of laughs and love. You dont need to be remotely interested in horses to enjoy it and id recommend it for adults and teens (anyone under 12 ish would have found it boring i think)

I didnt eat anything in the cinema and, actually, nothing i ate yesterday was out of control. But all this eating out i must cut it down i think . . .
Making progress - Well Done @tabelmabel keep going. :).

I don't know if anyone watched it - what we feed our children? Since watching that I have been making more an added effort to eat healthy. Although, I do eat pretty healthy. I have been using more vegetables, today I made coleslaw with no cream - awesome! Risotto (leek and butternut squash) and Pesto, the pesto is way healthy than a jar from the shop and will last way longer. I must admit I really love cooking and get a sense of satisfaction when using all the food I bought 😂.

I'm not dieting however I am always conscious of my weight and what I am eating; so often check in to see how everyone is doing.
Oh yes i did see that programme @flintstones and very shocking how the brain seemed not to revert back to normal after those junk foods. Luckily, though i do love my sugar fix, i wasnt brought up on processed foods (as I'm quite old lol) so it was a meat and 2 veg diet for me plus a good helping of homemade apple pie or similar.

I wouldnt be at all surprised if my brain is set to "sugar needs top up" mode as i can go cold turkey on sugar for a few weeks and then i just have to have it.

And if i have a little each day, i find i just want more.

On the plus side, i dont like chips, fizzy drinks, fatty fry ups. Nothing like that.

Its just this cake problem . . . .home made cakes are fine; they dont need to be processed. But they must have sugar 🤣

Luckily again, i made the connection back in my 20s when i first started gaining that the reason i crave the foods i do is because it's what i was brought up on.

And i broke that cycle for my own kids. They really do only eat when they are hungry. Something that was an unknown concept to me til i was well into adulthood.

I mean . . . .since when was hunger ever a consideration when deciding to eat?!
How is everyone doing? I was out again at brewers for a sunday lunch but not bad otherwise.

Forgot to weigh today:mal:
That's where i started @Claire W - 3 stone over. I found it easier not to think of 3 stone.

Just set a more manageable chunk and work to that. I have lost just over a stone since starting in january. It has really stalled now but I'm not really going back up so that is a positive.

What i try to do is to set 'days of on-plan eating'

Like how many days can i do on plan. So if i do 7 days on plan and only lose half a pound, well id still chalk that up as a good success. And logic tells me that if i carry on getting good days under my belt, the weight will come off.

So i dont set a time table as such. I decided this year that i would do a year on jane plan and just see what weight i am at the year's end.

Now, of course if i had stuck to it properly, i would most likely have lost 3 stone over the year. But i have gone a bit off piste lately.

If you can find foods that you enjoy and fill you up, even if your weight doesnt come off fast, you will feel better in the knowledge you are full of good quality food, full of vitamins and minerals.

It sure is hard though to find an eating regime that can be stuck to for life. That's what i struggle with.

I can do it for months. But not for life. Logic tells me though that even some good healthy eating days are better than none.
That's where i started @Claire W - 3 stone over. I found it easier not to think of 3 stone.

Just set a more manageable chunk and work to that. I have lost just over a stone since starting in january. It has really stalled now but I'm not really going back up so that is a positive.

What i try to do is to set 'days of on-plan eating'

Like how many days can i do on plan. So if i do 7 days on plan and only lose half a pound, well id still chalk that up as a good success. And logic tells me that if i carry on getting good days under my belt, the weight will come off.

So i dont set a time table as such. I decided this year that i would do a year on jane plan and just see what weight i am at the year's end.

Now, of course if i had stuck to it properly, i would most likely have lost 3 stone over the year. But i have gone a bit off piste lately.

If you can find foods that you enjoy and fill you up, even if your weight doesnt come off fast, you will feel better in the knowledge you are full of good quality food, full of vitamins and minerals.

It sure is hard though to find an eating regime that can be stuck to for life. That's what i struggle with.

I can do it for months. But not for life. Logic tells me though that even some good healthy eating days are better than none.

A lot of my weight gain is due to medication plus I piled it on when I lost my physical job back in 2018 :( Well done on the stone that you have lost.

It is hard to find an eating regime that can be stuck to for life. But I shall try and find healthy foods that I enjoy and that fill me up x
Looking good @BossHogg ! Where's the mankini pic for comparison?!:woot:

Not a good report from me today. This is what happens without daily weighing . . .had a brewers on sunday (full roast)

Plus i wasnt great yesterday.

And now I'm 11.11.

Especially when your whole social life revolves around food . . .:))

I seem to be out all the time just now. Eating. Problem is . . . .I love it!
I like eating too .... sometimes a bit too much! Pity you live at the other end of the country @tabelmabel as I'm sure we'd get on well if we ever met up.