Diet Club

Ha ha @Bradshaw Piggies - running's not for me but my hubby does canni x with one of our dogs which is brilliant for huskies - check out any groups in your area. For dogs 12/18 months plus.

I'm just sticking with walking and eating better. I think that'll do the trick :))
That does sound good fun! I'm always looking for new things for Koda to try. Shelby can just watch until he's old enough 😂
OH has just treated me to an electric bike as I can't ride an ordinary one because I have dodgy knees. I have a feeling I'll be doing a lot of riding on my new toy now the weather has decided to play being summer instead of winter.
Just been on a 7 mile bike ride and I feel great! It was really easy on my new toy.
Ha ha nor do i - i'm a sweet tooth!

Btw programme on channel 4 at 9 tonight sounds like it could highlight a few things for us all " 21 day body turnaround with michael mosley"

How to turn around your risk of serious disease in 21 days. Sounds a bit intensive for me . . .

Beeb 1 has another food related thing on kids' junk food.

And then there is fitness guru davina with long lost family at 9 too. It's a healthy overload at 9 tonight across all channels 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍌🍉🍇🫐🍓🍒🥝🥒🥕⚽🥎🤽‍♀️🏊‍♂️😲😮😧
11.8.2 today! I have seen this weight many times before, have just been bobbing around it for weeks.

I think, with the support from this thread, i can power down below it now.

Great weather in Scotland at last - am going walking on the beach with a pal today.

Hope you are all on course for another day of healthy choices in our bid to shed a stone by july!

Roll up, roll up everyone who wants to join this bandwagon and just think how great we will feel when the sun is proper hot and we are feeling fabulous!
Sorry, folks but i am back to 11.9.4 this morning:hb:

It isnt a "blow it" scenario though where i have chowed down on chocs and cakes.

What happened was that our son came home from uni yesterday and we nipped down to a local restaurant for our tea. I had a pizza, a few chips and a dressed salad.

And that is what has done it. No dessert as i was stuffed.

I should have a good day today but tomorrow we are out for a carvery.

This is what happens isnt it - us food lovers do like to eat:))

Anyway, it is what it is and I'm still feeling pretty upbeat. Good healthy eating vibes to you all, as always
I should have a good day today but tomorrow we are out for a carvery.
At a carvery, sometimes the veg is coated in butter. Ask the chef if it is and if it is tell him you are allergic to butter and could you have some veg that isn't. Also take your own gravy granules in a little pot and ask for a small jug of hot water so that you can mix up the gravy yourself. That will save you on the calories.
11.9.2 this morn. I'm out for my carvery today. I am meeting a friend for lunch wednesday. But, apart from that, my week can be full steam project weight loss.

Hopefully i will be a couple of pounds lighter this time next week!

Anyone else up for trying 2 pounds off this coming week?!
OH has just treated me to an electric bike as I can't ride an ordinary one because I have dodgy knees. I have a feeling I'll be doing a lot of riding on my new toy now the weather has decided to play being summer instead of winter.
@Betsy could I ask which brand? I've started looking as I hate cycling but the children enjoy it, so thought this might be a good compromise but don't know where to start!
I also need to lose a bit of weight, I am trying intermittent fasting but struggle as it doesn't always quite fit with my days, I've cut back all my carbs but do have a sweet tooth.
I generally walk to work and back each day which gets the heart pumping but I'm very out of condition! I feel an electric bike would be good for this too.
@Betsy could I ask which brand? I've started looking as I hate cycling but the children enjoy it, so thought this might be a good compromise but don't know where to start!

Its not a well known brand. I got it from an independent bike shop and it was quite expensive. Its an Ideal Hybrid Bike. Its a German name but apparently it was made in greece. It has all the best Shimano gears and disc breaks and stuff which is why its expensive.

If you're looking for an electric bike you don't want the battery over the back wheel as that unbalances the bike, you need the battery in the middle of the bike on the frame. I looked in Halfords first and they were about as good as a Chocolate teapot!
Its not a well known brand. I got it from an independent bike shop and it was quite expensive. Its an Ideal Hybrid Bike. Its a German name but apparently it was made in greece. It has all the best Shimano gears and disc breaks and stuff which is why its expensive.

If you're looking for an electric bike you don't want the battery over the back wheel as that unbalances the bike, you need the battery in the middle of the bike on the frame. I looked in Halfords first and they were about as good as a Chocolate teapot!
Thank you, that's a good tip! Will keep looking. X
11.10.2 today but that's not hugely surprising, given my large meal out yesterday which is still inside me somewhere!

I'm on it today though and should be posting some losses henceforth . . .
um ....... Not getting on the scales until tomorrow as I forgot to weigh myself before breakfast this morning! I have had a bad couple of days eating not very healthy stuff as I've had family down.
Nah - daily weighing definitely works best for me - if i have had a loss, it spurs me on. And a gain keeps me focused.

Imagine if my weigh day was fridays. I'd have had no idea id have put on 2lb since last friday and might well have continued being lax this week.

I know that isnt 2lb of actual gain - a lot of it is the weight of the meal still in me and it could well drop right down in a day or two.

So, for me, daily weighing is the best for sure. Keeps me on track and in the mode
um ....... Not getting on the scales until tomorrow as I forgot to weigh myself before breakfast this morning! I have had a bad couple of days eating not very healthy stuff as I've had family down.
:oops:I put on half a pound last week. Still as they tell you at SW "There is no shame in a gain" and "Life gets in the way". Healthy eating now that my sons have gone home and back to Uni.
I'm exactly the same as yesterday but that weigh was before my toilet off load so i think it will come down tomorrow. I did pretty well on track yesterday except for a cadbury's 99 cone.

Yes, no shame in a gain @Betsy - main thing is to stay in the right head space.

My son is opposite to your boys - he has been away all year but just returned home for the hols. That shouldnt have any impact on my eating though.

Healthy eating vibes to everyone here as always!
No weight today as i slept in! Supposed to get up 6.45, opened my eyes at 7.15, panicked, got up quick, no time for a shower and was ready for work 7.30.

That is the first time i have slept in in well over 30 yrs i think. And the first time i havent had a morning shower in 30 yrs too - i dont feel too grubby, all things considered . . .