Diet Club

Believe me there's no unseeing that!
It is but a distant memory for me; i mind it was quite . . .erm . . .'surprising'

But it could do with another outing specially for us weight loss buddies. Shock us into rapid weight loss :woot: :))
It is but a distant memory for me; i mind it was quite . . .erm . . .'surprising'

But it could do with another outing specially for us weight loss buddies. Shock us into rapid weight loss :woot: :))
Remember @BossHogg donned his Mankini to raise a lot of money for charity and it was very brave of him to do so. I can't think of many other men who would have done that.
Remember @BossHogg donned his Mankini to raise a lot of money for charity

Lol i dont know if i forgot that or never knew - i tend to be one of these folks who uses the forum a lot for a few months, then has gaps of years. So i think i just happened to pop in to the forum, saw the mankini pic and disappeared again without knowing the charitable background.

All power and credit to Bosshog!
I did weigh today and i am on the (slow) way down again but i cant remember what i was! I think 11.10. Something.

I have been eating more mindfully the past couple of days. How are you all doing?
Not good! I seem to have lost my way a bit on the food front. :( On a more positive note I did go on an 8 mile bike ride🚲🚶‍♀️ 2 nights ago and I've been on a 3 mile walk🚶‍♀️ today.:D
Oh dear - we're all struggling, me included. Taken my eye right of the ball this week. My teenage daughter and i are going on a shopping weekend in Glasgow from fri to mon.

And, rather than preparing for it by eating carefully all week, i went into "sod it" mode early.

Shopped at aldi yesterday and ate at least 6 groovy bars over the course of the day. Might have been 8. Not sure. I bought 2 boxes of 6. It was less than 12. My son had some. Sooooo yummy.

I think i will need to start afresh next Tuesday:oops:
Oh dear - we're all struggling, me included. Taken my eye right of the ball this week. My teenage daughter and i are going on a shopping weekend in Glasgow from fri to mon.

And, rather than preparing for it by eating carefully all week, i went into "sod it" mode early.

Shopped at aldi yesterday and ate at least 6 groovy bars over the course of the day. Might have been 8. Not sure. I bought 2 boxes of 6. It was less than 12. My son had some. Sooooo yummy.

I think i will need to start afresh next Tuesday:oops:
I'm like that too! Glad I'm not the only one. My friend had just finished the Ration Challenge and I thought that if she can do that I can lose half a stone. Er no it hasn't happened. I am now on a healthy eating drive. So far I've managed 2 days but we all have to start somewhere. It's going to be bad eating wise on Saturday as I'm going to my friend's for drinks and nibbles and I can't get out of that but hopefully after that it's onwards and upwards until a week on Saturday when I have a Wedding to go to!

Oh well one can but try ......
Where are you all?! Back from my Glasgow weekend, have had a fab time and eaten quite a bit. Oops.

Went to mcintosh at the willows cafe and had the most marvellous alice in wonderland themed afternoon tea. It was soooo good! Little cakes made into playing cards, clock, mad hatter etc. So clever.

Went to prezzos on sunday night with a meerkat code. Dont know if any of you have noticed they have really scaled back on the generosity of that offer since the pandemic. Mind how it used to be buy one, get one free on each starter, desert and main - well at pizza hut they changed it to 25% off the entire bill. It is something but nothing like as good as before.

Anyway, went to prezzos thinking it was 25% off the entire bill and we werent all that hungry so we just had a garlic bread to share for starter.

When they totalled it up, the waitress said "oh, you could have had an extra garlic bread free"

As prezzo are still doing the buy one, get one free deal on meercat. So, saved a few cals there by not knowing that and assuming they had scaled back like pizza hut.

We went in the huge tall cineworld - i have always wanted to see a film there as we have driven past at night sometimes all illuminated and it looks amazing. It is the biggest cinema in the world - the tallest anyway at over 200ft.

So - what better film than "in the heights?!" Except, it wasnt up on the top storey - it was only 4 floors up!

It was still a brilliant view going up all the escalators though and the film is AMAZING! A definite recommend.

The first day when we arrived, that was the friday and we just had a quick maccy d's for tea. We sat in. We were just hoofing it down to st enoch centre about 15 mins later when my daughter looks at me in horror and exclaims: " my brace!"

She had only gone and thrown her brace in macdonald's bin!

So i phoned them and told them not to empty the bin, we were on our way back.

Got back there - what an amount of rubbish had gone on top of ours. Eventually i found my teabag. We thought we had no chance of finding the brace and were just about to give up when i had it in my hand. Thank goodness.

We had the premier breakfast of toast, scrambled egg, bacon and beans. Not bad. I dont like hash browns, sausages, croissants etc.

Tbh though, i was eating what i fancied and feel totally stodged now and ready to get back to it. Plus the premier was full of mirrors so i had to face the truth.

We have a few days at home now, then away again next week so need to get cracking!

Havent faced the scale yet. Do that tomorrow maybe.

On a positive note, ebony survived well without me. Hubby managed her nebuliser and she was looking good on my return
I dropped a ton of weight before it dropped me. Thus It got my A1C lowered enough to where I am free to get tattoos lol. Diabetes was out of control before where they would not have healed properly.
Of course tats are not the biggest reason to improve your overall health .. lol. Just added bonus for me!
I didn’t even increase my cardio that much. I’m pretty sedentary actually. I lost it through dieting. I started out trying keto but the more emphasis on fat intake bothered my stomach if I recall correctly.
That's an incredible result, well done. Never knew about the tats issue, good motivation 😀 You must feel so much better.
What's modern day Atkins?
The original introduced in 1972 is still used effectively but the new Atkins which Rob Lowe refers to as modern day version is the concept of Net Carbs. Net Carbs where the fiber grams are subtracted from total carb grams. It’s now widely accepted as part of the Atkins program.
I never count the minimal carbs in vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, carrots or greens.
A typical breakfast for me is a scrambled egg omelette w/shredded cheese, mushrooms, peppers and/or onions and/or fresh spinach. Turkey bacon. Coffee.
For snacks raw veggies, almonds or hard cheeses. Few Berries maybe.
lunch and dinner is always rotating - chicken breast, ground Turkey, flank steak, salmon, orange roughy, or pork. With some kind of veggie concoctions!
sometimes I’ll replace a meal with a frozen fruit and protein smoothie.
If I felt hungry when I started it I’d try to keep it clean foods only. I’d take a clean food like a chicken breasts or a steak and double it, even triple it at first.
If I had cravings for foods I missed it’d be pizza with milk. Drinking a lot of water helped I still drink 1-1.5 gallons of water a day in average.
That looks really good. It must take a lot of cooking. Think if I got organised I'd like to try that. With missing milk, almond milk wouldn't be allowed as it's nuts and water.. or maybe it's real milk you missed.
I've been slacking recently, so I decided to return to basics and did a food diary, I wrote everything down that I ate, planned meals in advance, no snacking unless syn free speed food and ignored the biscuit drawer, result - 7lbs off in 1 week! :yahoo:
I've been slacking recently, so I decided to return to basics and did a food diary, I wrote everything down that I ate, planned meals in advance, no snacking unless syn free speed food and ignored the biscuit drawer, result - 7lbs off in 1 week! :yahoo:
Well done! Keep up the hard work! I follow the Slimming world diet too! I really think it is the best diet! Have been making cheesey pasta bakes with chorizo and lasanye this week and feeling really satisfied and living off 2 syn aldi hot chocolate with low fat squirty cream with pure milk as a healthy Extra, porridge, curly wurlys and Aldi's 1.5 syn protein pouch yogurts made with low fat cheese that taste a bit like cheesecake! I have been a Target member for a while now but have recently gone over so having to cut back a bit! Good luck 🤞