Diet Club

I've joined a group where I live now. As luck would have it I've gone from one of the top 10 Consultants in the Country (at my old group) to the top Consultant in the Country (at my new group). So am expecting to lose this extra 2 stone by next week! :lol!: :))
I had a grilled bacon and poached egg brown bread sandwich for my breakfast, I thoroughly enjoyed it. ;)
I need to get back on the wagon. I’ve been off it for MONTHS! Not good ☹️ My husband has mentioned it many times that I shouldn’t eat late - sometimes I come back from work and I’m hungry so eat. Yet he bought two boxes of mince pies because he knows I eat them. He won’t start eating till I do! I’ve had about six now (they’re small).
I've got a fruit salad and fat free natural yoghurt for my break, I'm on night duty. ;)