Diet Club

I lost 1 and a half pounds a couple of weeks ago and then put 2lbs on last week. I was only 2lb off a stone now I'm 4lb. :(
I lost 1 1/2 lbs this week. :D
So did I! now I'm 2 1/2lb of a stone. Don't think I'll do that this week though it's Tom's party tomorrow and we just made this very yummy cake.


And he has 15 of his friends coming round for a bbq tomorrow. I think I may need copious amounts of the old vino to help me cope with that!
Tried the bar, it is nice. I'm on leave at the moment, I've had two maintains and a small gain. I'll get it back off when I return to work. ;)
I'm on holiday in a couple of weeks so I expect I'll put some of it back on. Where are you anywhere nice? Exotic? or just spending time at home with Mrs BossHogg?
I think I need that fork Boss! Instead of losing my 1lb to get my 1 stone award I gained 1/2lb instead.
Never mind, you'll soon get it back off, I finally had a 1 1/2 lbs loss. ;)
Well done! I expect it's got something to do with the Chinese I had last night and the wine I had on Sunday at a barbecue and the wine I had just cos it was Friday and .......
Treading water at the moment due to a lot of things going on. :(
Oh dear! instead of shifting a pound and a half I put in on! Never mind it'll go. I can't move that many boxes @Merab's Slave I don't want to put my back out like last year when I could hardly move for 4 weeks and couldn't drive for 6 because it was far to painful. It was agony sitting down, standing up, moving around and generally just being alive.
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Thank you. I gained loads whilst on holiday as I slipped for two weeks and ate and drank far too much :( but I’m back on it now so hopefully a loss this week. I still have nearly 2 stone to go thanks to what I gained
Just ate a large hot dog, a large fries, a chocolate doughnut and a cinnamon bun from IKEA. Yum.. Diet not going we'll