Diet Club

OOPS!:oops: put on 5lb on my all you can eat and all you can drink holiday in Tenerife! Now back to the SW Plan! Bit tricky when MIL takes you out for Fish & Chips! I did have grilled fish (no batter) making it Free Food though. An average portion of chips is around 15 syns so only a few over for today. Tomorrow I am going to a Harvester for lunch so that isn't hard to stick to Free Food.

@BossHogg Can you pass over your SW head please? I need to get my head set right. I need to lose this extra 2 stone (well plus a bit now).
Jacket potato no butter, grilled chicken breast and salad or vegetables. ;)
So, we have been away visiting friends and then we’re having a take away with friends tomorrow so my diet will start again on Monday when hub goes back to work. I really need to shift this 3 stone :( BUT I have given up ALCOHOL apart from a couple of gins here and there
So, we have been away visiting friends and then we’re having a take away with friends tomorrow so my diet will start again on Monday when hub goes back to work. I really need to shift this 3 stone :( BUT I have given up ALCOHOL apart from a couple of gins here and there
That should help then.
So, all the Christmas food has been eaten and the larger and wine been drank. Here’s to day one of my diet. I follow slimming world but don’t go to the groups. My ‘weigh day’ is Friday but I’m not doing my first weigh in until the end of the month. 3st to go :(
I know so random but is it fine for a female of 5 foot 7 inches have weight of 140 lbs? I feel I m fat and need to reduce 10 lbs atleast😫 if yes I ll keep it updated here
I started a diet on 2nd jan. I put on 10lbs in December. Too many mince pies in the run up to Christmas and the excess food and drink on the festive days. I'm pleased to have lost 5lbs in my first week. It's likely to be water not a real drop but it's still very motivating. Initially, I want to lose 2stone and if I can a further 2 stone at a more leisurely pace that would be great.

Well done to everyone else. We're making a great start.
I know so random but is it fine for a female of 5 foot 7 inches have weight of 140 lbs? I feel I m fat and need to reduce 10 lbs atleast😫 if yes I ll keep it updated here
Just looked it up on the BMI chart in my Slimming World book and for your height you are slightly underweight so don't go losing any. I'm sure nobody else thinks your fat. I would love to weigh 140lb I am the same height as you.
I know so random but is it fine for a female of 5 foot 7 inches have weight of 140 lbs? I feel I m fat and need to reduce 10 lbs atleast😫 if yes I ll keep it updated here
You are in the ideal weight bracket. ;)
Just looked it up on the BMI chart in my Slimming World book and for your height you are slightly underweight so don't go losing any. I'm sure nobody else thinks your fat. I would love to weigh 140lb I am the same height as you.
I'm over double that and only 5" taller. ;)