Diet Club

Thanks @Betsy it is early days !ite was lovely to see you yesterday.i aim for a slow progress!you looked very slim!

Thanks still got a quite a way to go before I get back in my little skirt though!

I'm sure when I see you in Salisbury in 7 weeks you'll be slimmer. It was lovely to see you too x
I’m amazed that I managed to lose 1lb last week taking my total weight loss to 17lb. I’m struggling though to get below that weight and keep going up and down :( I still have 26lb to lose :(
I’m amazed that I managed to lose 1lb last week taking my total weight loss to 17lb. I’m struggling though to get below that weight and keep going up and down :( I still have 26lb to lose :(

You'll get there Claire! You may be losing inches now as your body tightens up to its new figure. I find that when my body does this it can't seem to lose weight at the same time. I think (read hope!) I have maintained my weight. I'm being good now until I get weighed next Tuesday. It's been nice to have 2 weekends off!
Well done @Betsy it’s great when you maintain and haven’t really been following the diet :) Well done @BossHogg

I’m going to my friends wedding in November and have brought my dress today a size smaller. It just about fits but not comfortable so I’m hopeful that it will fit better in 7 months time and I’ll be happy!
I gained half a pound, which I'm happy with as I've been on nights.