Diet Club

Well done Boss! That's great news. I need to lose 2lb this week then that's half a stone gone. Don't think I'll do it as I treated myself to a slice of Bakewell Tart today in the M&S Cafe. I was going to be good and just have water to drink (which I did) but this slice of Bakewell Tart kept talking to me saying "eat me I taste lovely" well I didn't want to offend it now did I?
I actually treated myself to meat pattie and chips from the chippy on Saturday, it didn't even touch the sides, I almost licked the greaseproof paper clean! :))
13lb weight loss is not to be sniffed at! That is so much you have lost think of it as 6 bags of sugar although 26 blocks of butter does sound better!
Had a maintain. I've been on nights this week so my body clock and digestion is all over the place.
Never mind Boss there is no shame in a gain. You have lost so much already a small gain is nothing to worry about. You'll soon lose it again.
Another small gain, I've got a lot going on so my mind isn't on it at the moment. :(
Don't worry @BossHogg I had another maintain this week and life just gets in the way sometimes. Hopefully now that I'm feeling better I'll start losing again.
Well done @Claire W. There is no shame in a gain. Life gets in the way sometimes. I gained 1/2lb this week but I still have 1/2 a stone gone and I bought some jeans yesterday that I never would have fitted into a few weeks ago so bonus!
Another pound and a half off. I have decided what my target weight is now and have quite a way to go. So far I am 9lb towards it so not halfway yet. I have another 5lb to go to my first interim target of a stone gone.
How did you both get on this week @BossHogg and @Claire W? I saw @eileen at the Meet yesterday and she said she had joined Weight Watchers. Then the conversation changed and I never asked her how she was doing! :oops: How very rude of me! Sorry Eileen! Maybe you would like to join us in our quest to lose weight?
I've had the month from hell, nothing but small gains. I've got a lot going on at work. :(
I haven’t weighed myself yet as we’ve been staying with the in laws since Thursday but I’m expecting a gain as I’ve been drinking more than usual and we had pizza on Friday night and Chinese last night :(
I've had the month from hell, nothing but small gains. I've got a lot going on at work. :(
Never mind Boss think of all that weight you've lost altogether not the small gains. You'll soon get back on track!

I haven’t weighed myself yet as we’ve been staying with the in laws since Thursday but I’m expecting a gain as I’ve been drinking more than usual and we had pizza on Friday night and Chinese last night :(
No shame in a gain Claire. Life gets in the way.

I'm expecting a mainain or a gain this Tuesday as I have had rather a lot of the old vino this week. Then I off in the caravan for Easter and lots of naughty but nice things to eat. I am taking a holiday from SW for a fortnight from this Tuesday. As the following weekend I off to Bristol with my friend and I don't want to be weighed the 2 Tuesday's following weekend's off!
Never mind Boss think of all that weight you've lost altogether not the small gains. You'll soon get back on track!

No shame in a gain Claire. Life gets in the way.

I'm expecting a mainain or a gain this Tuesday as I have had rather a lot of the old vino this week. Then I off in the caravan for Easter and lots of naughty but nice things to eat. I am taking a holiday from SW for a fortnight from this Tuesday. As the following weekend I off to Bristol with my friend and I don't want to be weighed the 2 Tuesday's following weekend's off!

I’m just hoping for not a huge gain. I hope you enjoy your holiday and break from SW :)