Diet Club

I must be taking this slimmming lark seriously. Instead of wine my usual Friday night treat, I am having ....... Malibu and Slimline Tonic:yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:. I can have 3 glasses of 25ml Malibu and Slimline Tonic for 7.5 Syns instead of 3 glasses of wine for 30 Syns. My son has driven the OH out to a meal so I don't have to drive. Once a year the OH and a couple of other Directors take their Secretaries out for a meal and a few drinks to say thanks for putting up with all the c**p. Wish my old boss had done that it's nice to be appreciated.
That’s really weird, how can a glass of wine be more than Malibu surely it’s got lots of sugar in it?
That’s really weird, how can a glass of wine be more than Malibu surely it’s got lots of sugar in it?

It's the quantity. I only having 25ml of it per glass and topping the rest up with Slimline Tonic (which is free ie you don't have to count it as syns). With wine I would be having 250ml of it so therefore more syns.
Sadly I don't like sprits, only larger and lime and rose / white wine :(
Yes, that makes sense. I’ve only ever done calorie counting at home, so just made up a diet looking at calories for each meal to a total of around 1200 cals per day. I created a spreadsheet last January with all the meals on each day, plus an odd treat (wine). It was quite successful I lost 1.25 stone over about 3 months which was great as I had put a stone on while being on strong steroids which makes you very hungry day and night. My OH did it with me and lost 2.5 stone in total which was amazing. We have put half a stone on over last 6 months so need to get back on it, it’s just normal food but with replacements like Carrot and Swede mash instead of Potato Mash, Bubble and Squeek instead of roasties. Eating more veg, sharing a bag of crisps, eating no sugar sweets etc. Always interested in other techniques so I’ll bare that one in mind x
Yes, that makes sense. I’ve only ever done calorie counting at home, so just made up a diet looking at calories for each meal to a total of around 1200 cals per day. I created a spreadsheet last January with all the meals on each day, plus an odd treat (wine). It was quite successful I lost 1.25 stone over about 3 months which was great as I had put a stone on while being on strong steroids which makes you very hungry day and night. My OH did it with me and lost 2.5 stone in total which was amazing. We have put half a stone on over last 6 months so need to get back on it, it’s just normal food but with replacements like Carrot and Swede mash instead of Potato Mash, Bubble and Squeek instead of roasties. Eating more veg, sharing a bag of crisps, eating no sugar sweets etc. Always interested in other techniques so I’ll bare that one in mind x

Well done on your and your husbands weight loss. That’s a real achievement.
I’ve gained 3 stone in 18 months due to medication and high prolactin as well as losing my job so it’s that that I’m trying to lose as I currently hate my size.

There’s lots of hidden calories in alcohol but I’m saving my syns until the weekend so I can enjoy a larger or two and a take away x
Well done on your and your husbands weight loss. That’s a real achievement.
I’ve gained 3 stone in 18 months due to medication and high prolactin as well as losing my job so it’s that that I’m trying to lose as I currently hate my size.

There’s lots of hidden calories in alcohol but I’m saving my syns until the weekend so I can enjoy a larger or two and a take away x
Yes that’s what we used to do, we always had our usual curry or meal out on a Saturday night and a few drinks, you need it after a week of dieting. So sorry you lost your job, it’s quite difficult not to put weight on when you are on meds and home during the day, especially if you are on your own, we try and walk a lot when we are cutting down too, that seems to take your mind off food x
Yes that’s what we used to do, we always had our usual curry or meal out on a Saturday night and a few drinks, you need it after a week of dieting. So sorry you lost your job, it’s quite difficult not to put weight on when you are on meds and home during the day, especially if you are on your own, we try and walk a lot when we are cutting down too, that seems to take your mind off food x

Thank you. I lost my job due to ill health so it is hard being stuck in the house all the time when my husband works 8-5. But yes, we can’t deny ourselves treats :)
Yes, we took early retirement which is lovely, In the summer months we go out on our boat, or to the beach or allotment but in winter we find it a bit boring especially when you can’t get out with the weather, those winter months do drag on, that’s when we are inclined to eat!
Yay we’ll done :) I’m panicking I’m not going to lose this week but we shall see on Friday x
Don't panic there is no shame in a maintain or a gain. :) Life gets in the way sometimes. If you have put on a bit you'll soon lose it again. The amount I've eaten (and drunk!:beer:) this week I'm surprised I lost anything at all tbh.:))
Apart from Saturday night when I have a Wedding Reception to go to I have decided I'm not drinking any alcohol in February :yikes::beer::yikes:
Very funny! I need to lose over 2 stone so if I stop drinking it should give my weight loss a boost.:tu:
Well done @Betsy :) I’m not expecting a loss this week as I ate junk on Saturday and had a Sunday dinner on Sunday which included a mushroom pie as I’m veggie. I also had a drink on Friday, Saturday and Sunday :(
Well done Boss at this rate you'll be at target in no time!

I am stuffing speed foods down my neck as much as I can this week as we are going out for a couple of meals around friends houses and I have not control over what I am going to be eating.