Diet Club

I've fast forwarded three stone on! :(
Oh no...been a bit off plan?
I completely lost if this week and was given a partial copy of the Fast Forward but I don't have the rest of it.
And I have a wedding to attend on Saturday and a tight fitting dress. Need to squeeze into it.
Hmm lots of water and lettuce one thinks then!
I've been off plan for 12 months! :(

Oops, now come on Mr BossHogg, you are so fetching in our man thong, that you must retain your old physic!
I've done a couple of weeks of blind weigh-in's to help with the yo yo which worked. But now I need to re-focus the efforts and food planning is the only way to go.
I was at my target weight for about 6 months, left SW back in March and now my jeans are really tight! Oops. I think I'll be joining you on your lettuce and water diet @Mother Hubbard! Sounds yummy!
I was at my target weight for about 6 months, left SW back in March and now my jeans are really tight! Oops. I think I'll be joining you on your lettuce and water diet @Mother Hubbard! Sounds yummy!
I'm flipping hungry tonight, but I'm drinking water instead...I must get into my dress! I dare not even try it on!
On the plus side, my bra size has come down 5 cup sizes and 2 back sizes! I even bought a bra from Debenhams today - I couldn't do that before :yikes:
They never had my size :eek:
I'm flipping hungry tonight, but I'm drinking water instead...I must get into my dress! I dare not even try it on!
On the plus side, my bra size has come down 5 cup sizes and 2 back sizes! I even bought a bra from Debenhams today - I couldn't do that before :yikes:
They never had my size :eek:

Well done!

A few suggestions to help you.:D

Why don't you have SW Chips? pasta? or an omelette? I don't eat eggs if I can taste them as they are EVIL! If I was hungry when doing SW my go to after fruit was SW chips or pasta. You should never feel hungry on SW - the more free food you eat the more your metabolism speeds up and the more weight you lose. :)

If you feel hungry you are more likely to go for the cakes and chocolate biccies cos you need a quick boost. How about Hifi bars? Heres a good idea for hifi bars that does really work! Cut two up into small pieces, put them in a bowl and pick at them over the course of the night then you think you have eaten loads cos your hand keeps going to your mouth when in fact you have just had your HEB! You could also mix them with fruit pieces then they would last even longer!

Good luck Lil you'll fit into that dress!:nod:
Oddly enough that's what I'd normally do I stopped at pub earlier and the OH had pizza and well I ended up having a wee taste and I feel bad about having some so I'm kind of punishing myself.
Good get that down yer neck then! I'm going on a cruise in a couple of weeks and I NEED to lose a couple of lbs before I go. Problem is I made Millionaire's Shortbread for my son today and it keeps calling me from the cupboard ......
I haven’t been at work since July and was finally dismissed last month. In that time, I have managed to pile on a stone which I really need to get rid of!

I would rather not join a group but does anyone have any tips as I barely eat as it is :(

I’m a vegetarian and hardly ever touch carbohydrates
Hello! I put on a stone since last July too - arthritis in my foot became so bad I basically stopped moving, sulked and ate! Had an operation to fix it in Jan & am finally back on the right track now & 6lb down again.

Have you managed to lose any since your post? If your diet is already low in carbs, have a look for any hidden sugars, & maybe try increasing your exercise. Even walking helps. Good luck!
My Gran always said "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach!" and my Dad said I had to learn to be a good cook. I now have a lodger who is paying me to cook his dinner. He eats more than one of my sons and my OH! I don't want to make him too comfortable or else he'll never leave ......
I'm heavier than I should be and really want to do something about it, we've been watching what we eat and trying to think on and walking more, bit harder since we lost our dog as he was the incentive to go out but we're getting there. Weigh in on Thursday at the doctors, I think I'd better eat dust for the week!
I'm heavier than I should be and really want to do something about it, we've been watching what we eat and trying to think on and walking more, bit harder since we lost our dog as he was the incentive to go out but we're getting there. Weigh in on Thursday at the doctors, I think I'd better eat dust for the week!
I bet you dust has got calories in :))
Well I’ve been pretty hem well since Wednesday anyway and I’ve been a good girl. Check out my grub!


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I've started afresh at slimming world this morning, I haven't been for 3 months as I was very disillusioned with my weight. I was very surprised to find I'd only gained 11lbs since my last weigh in so I must have been subconsciously making the right food choices. ;)
I’ve put on a few pounds over Christmas but won’t start dieting until I have eaten every last bit of chocolate 🍫 and drunk every last drop of alcohol 🍷 it may take a while but someone’s got to do it! :drool:
Oh, just reading back on this thread, did someone mention a man thong and Bosshog, I’d like to see that:yikes: