Diet Club

Well done everyone keep up the good work! I'm still stuck and 2 and a half stone at the mo!
No but to be honest my head hasn't fully been in it with starting a new job over past few weeks!
Just as well. I only want to lose another stone and wanted to be there by July but I just can't shift it! I think my bod likes being this weight as it's been around the same for a year or more no matter how hard I keep to the SW Plan.
Try upping your activity, perhaps try something new? I love swimming :) I would like to loose another 4-5 stone.
I have my Platinum Body Magic Award so I have upped the activity. I can't swim either so that's no good. I have a fitbit too and I like to do at least 7,500 steps a day. On Wednesday I did over 14,000.
Hmm not sure then. Have you tried completely changing what you normally eat, perhaps you're in a bit of a rut food wise?
Yup done that too! Have different HEB's each day and try to alternate between milk and cheese for the HEA's. Have been doing SW off and on for years since red and green days.
Thanks Ruth! I have exhausted all my options too. Even when I had my self imposed wine abstinance for 6 weeks at the beginning of the year it made no difference.:(:hmm:
Disappointed this week with only half a pound off. Left group early as had somewhere to be.

Posted on the Facebook page and not one comment. Feel a little bit unsupported despite being on plan 100%
Disappointed this week with only half a pound off. Left group early as had somewhere to be.

Posted on the Facebook page and not one comment. Feel a little bit unsupported despite being on plan 100%
Half a pound off is still a loss and not to be sniffed at! You have lost a block of butter in weight. If you lose half a pound a week for a year you will have lost over 2 stone! Keep going! I have been at SW for 3 years and have lost 1st 4lbs I keep going I would like to lose another stone but I just can't no matter how I try. I think my bod likes being this weight!
Disappointed this week with only half a pound off. Left group early as had somewhere to be.

Posted on the Facebook page and not one comment. Feel a little bit unsupported despite being on plan 100%
Have you tried contacting your Consultant? They are there to support you, failing that i you look at another group.
I have to say, they do vary. I realised this after going for a weigh in else where and it felt very different, whilst I didn't stay for group, I know of a few members at mine who say they really enjoy our group. One of the girls recently had a dreadful injury and everyone clubbed together to get her flowers and a gift. I couldn't imagine strangers doing that in any other circumstance unless it through the media.

Anyway, we all have rubbish weeks, I put on 3.5lbs the previous week, I know what I did etc, and I'm glad I lost 1lb this week. I've set myself 2 for the week and I know it's going to be tough to get back on plan but for me it's about visualising where i want to be and writing everything down that I eat...everything.

Keep the faith and stay strong.
Back focussed now on food. I've been rather naughty and today I realised I haven't made any big difference since December, ups and downs really, so I've had a good talking too, back to writing it all down, prepping and looking ahead, on an SAS log too. Determined, but realised that the reason `i have lost focus is because `i haven't got an event to aim for. :doh:

Duly sorted and dress `i want to fit into...c'mon WE can do this!

Must get half a stone off in 2 weeks...can I really do this?
:lose: :coat::coat::soz:
The wine has definitely stayed away from me. super pleased about that.
Although I wish I hadn't stepped on the scales tonight...perhaps I will check back again tomorrow morning...a few SW days also...gotta nail this!
You know you shouldn't weigh at home that is the Cardinal Sin (not Syn) of SW! You should lock those bathroom scales away! Keep going you can do this! I know you can Lil I have every faith in you.
Yeah I know, but I find it actually helps me. I like to keep a little check on how the week is going.
I'm still on the downward slop i.e. losing a little bit so that helps.
And here's my little treat jar...hehee
Looks good. At Christmas when the sweeties came out I had my own. I got different boxes of hifi bars and chopped up the bars into 4 and wrapped them up in foil. That way I could have 8 of them as my HEB. I didn't know what I was getting until I opened up the foil. It was my SW picknmix. It took ages to do but so worth while and I felt I was having a treat with no extra syns!
I haven’t been at work since July and was finally dismissed last month. In that time, I have managed to pile on a stone which I really need to get rid of!

I would rather not join a group but does anyone have any tips as I barely eat as it is :(

I’m a vegetarian and hardly ever touch carbohydrates