Diet Club

Thanks everybody, I just hope that I don't go and destroy it over the xmas break...what with all the very naughty tasty stuff around and the lack of body effort as I sit and do more study....(boo!)
I had my first loss in 3 weeks, only a pound and a half, but it's a start. ;)
Well done Boss, it doesn't matter, it's a loss!
I agree.

I haven't been for 2 weeks now as I was ill the first week and at a very mediocre Christmas do on Thursday (should have gone to SW) and I can feel I have put on weigh round my tummy as a few naughty things have crept in! On well I'll have to be good over Christmas won't I? Never mind it'll soon come off again! I suppose it shows I am human!
I agree.

I haven't been for 2 weeks now as I was ill the first week and at a very mediocre Christmas do on Thursday (should have gone to SW) and I can feel I have put on weigh round my tummy as a few naughty things have crept in! On well I'll have to be good over Christmas won't I? Never mind it'll soon come off again! I suppose it shows I am human!
Very true. It goes on very easily, it comes off to.
I am rejpining slimming world.. not sure how much of the nearly 4 stone I lost I've put on. However, the size 12s still fit.

I've messed around for too long now xx
You can do this! it's good the size 12s still fit.

I am still at SW and my 3rd Anniversary has just passed. Only lost just over a stone in all that time but 2 years ago I lost my lovely Mum suddenly and that put everything on the back burner for 2 years but at least I haven't put it back on again. I am now back in the groove and am determined to get back into my teeny tiny skirt again by July. Around one and a half stone to go. Not sure exactly how much just when I can fit into my skirt comfortably.
Calling all slimming world members ! I need advice. I thought I'd give SW a go as everyone at work does it ( if you can't beat them, join them) . Well, I lost a pound last week, 1/2 pound this week. The group leader (Consultant :raz:) asked me what I wanted to pledge to lose by next week - I said 1 lb. She suggested 2lb and asked me what fruit I ate. I said I had a apple as 1 snack and a banana a as another snack. She said I I'd lose more if I stopped eating bananas and got me to "agree" to stop eating bananas for a week. Is this something common in SW?
I prefer melon myself, bananas are a free food, not a speed food. Melon will help with the weight loss.
That is not my experience ! it is not how fast you loose weight but keeping a steady loss at your own pace.Bananas are considered to have more fructose,but SW have never asked me to stop eating them !
That is not my experience ! it is not how fast you loose weight but keeping a steady loss at your own pace.Bananas are considered to have more fructose,but SW have never asked me to stop eating them !
Same here, as I said, they're a free food not a speed food.
I have a banana every day and my Consultant (Kay) knows this. She has said in the past if you have more than 1 a day it can hinder weight loss as they fill you up and are not a speed food as @BossHogg has said. Look in your book and try and find the S (speed) fruit and veg that you like best. Also Kay has pointed out that when you get a snack attack go for speed veg rather than the speed fruit as there is less sugar in veg and it's going to speed up your weight loss more than if you go for the fruit. Maybe your Consultant wants to see how much weight you would lose by not eating bananas. As you are a new person, she may well want to see how they are effecting your weight loss. Just a thought.
OK- thanks for the answers everyone. I'll give it a go - but only 'cos you' ve persuaded me to :)). Wish you lot'd all transfer to Weight Watchers though :ple:

I'll get some melon 2morrow :inn:
If you ate relatively healthily before starting SW @PiggyOwner (as I think you did) then you are not going to have the level of initial weight loss that some other new members would have. I know when I went to group the ladies who lost most weight week after week were the members we referred to as the “chip shop ladies”as they worked in a fish and chip shop and had eaten a free meal there every working day for years. They would regularly lose 3-4 lbs per week when the rest of us were struggling at 1lb. The fastest way to lose weight is doing SP days (which I can’t bear) and eating loads of speed foods. If you swap your banana for an apple or clementine (on the speed list) you will speed up your weight loss. The key is to eat plenty of “speed” foods at each meal if you can.
I’m doing SW online and have lost 7lbs in 4 weeks. Some might think that was not great but I’m going at a very steady pace. It’s not a sprint - it’s a change in lifestyle.
Yep, I have been eating healthy. I have lost 3.5 lb since January. I joined SW to keep the momenum going
If you ate relatively healthily before starting SW @PiggyOwner (as I think you did) then you are not going to have the level of initial weight loss that some other new members would have. I know when I went to group the ladies who lost most weight week after week were the members we referred to as the “chip shop ladies”as they worked in a fish and chip shop and had eaten a free meal there every working day for years. They would regularly lose 3-4 lbs per week when the rest of us were struggling at 1lb. The fastest way to lose weight is doing SP days (which I can’t bear) and eating loads of speed foods. If you swap your banana for an apple or clementine (on the speed list) you will speed up your weight loss. The key is to eat plenty of “speed” foods at each meal if you can.
I’m doing SW online and have lost 7lbs in 4 weeks. Some might think that was not great but I’m going at a very steady pace. It’s not a sprint - it’s a change in lifestyle.
I have been doing SW for 4 years! I have lost just over a stone in that time. It didn't help that I lost my lovely Mum 2 years ago and that put everything on hold for 2 years. I still went cos I didn't want to gain the weight again . I now weigh the same as I did when my Mum passed away. I always like to put a positive spin on things so at least I know how to maintain my weight when the last 2 stone has gone.
Yep, I have been eating healthy. I have lost 3.5 lb since January. I joined SW to keep the momenum going
well you will certainly do that. Just keep on doing as you are doing. I am sure you will do well.

I have been doing SW for 4 years! I have lost just over a stone in that time. It didn't help that I lost my lovely Mum 2 years ago and that put everything on hold for 2 years. I still went cos I didn't want to gain the weight again . I now weigh the same as I did when my Mum passed away. I always like to put a positive spin on things so at least I know how to maintain my weight when the last 2 stone has gone.

I have just rejoined after several years “off plan”. Let’s not beat ourselves up. We are where we are. We’ve taken the positive step to do something about it. Onwards.
I have just rejoined after several years “off plan”. Let’s not beat ourselves up. We are where we are. We’ve taken the positive step to do something about it. Onwards.
Absolutely! I WILL get back into my teeny tiny skirt by July!
well you will certainly do that. Just keep on doing as you are doing. I am sure you will do well.

Thank you.

And thanks to everyone who has advised. I will keep asking questions about SW. I have 3 more weeks on my subscription. If I haven't got the hang of it by then @Betsy - I'm going over to the dark side!
With that attitude I am sure you will. I’ve never worn skinny jeans but there’s a goal!
Neither have I! Once I am rid of my 'childbearing hips' I hope to be able to. I do wear leggings though as they can and do hide a lot! Especially when wearing a nice long jumper over the top and I have quite a few of them!