Diet Club

I know, its an extra lump to drag round the course!
1lbs off, reached Club 10 but feel utterly poo! So much so, last night I opened the fridge and sat with a squeeze soft cheese tube and ate the lot!
Today I was supposed to be studying and ended up laying on the sofa, cleaned the fur-balls, weighed, nails trimmed and then sat back down again... what the heck is wrong me with?
Everyone feels a bit meh at times so don't worry about it. Maybe you are tired it's your body's way of telling you to slow down? You sorted out the pigs so you didn't waste your day. You can study tomorrow. Well done on getting your Club 10 that's an amazing achievemen!
I stayed the same last week, but haven't weighed this week yet. I have been eating like a pig though.
I'm going to have to pull my finger out, since being ill in January, I have gained two and a half stone! I'm going to go flat out and try and get it back off by Christmas, I'm a fool to myself! :(
You can do it Boss, you've done it before. We've all been there, loose weight, put it back on etc. I want another couple of stone before xmas but I'd be happy with anything extra at the moment.
Much better today, 5 1/2lbs off! :yahoo:
Well done Boss That's better than me. I put 2lb on!:oops: I'm now officially out of my target range by 1 1/2lbs I had better be very good this week and lose at least 2lbs so I don't have to pay next week. Trouble is I am going to London this weekend to see my son and we are having lunch at a burger bar .......
They say confession is good for the soul......

I have gone over my target weight by 4.5lbs now :oops:. . I can't seem to get back in the groove of SW:no: I don't seem to be in the mood. I have eaten all sorts of naugty but yummy things (Chocolate croissants spring to mind, posh ice cream etc). I just can't seem to get motivated back into SW mode. I try and eat the correct thing and not drink too much wine :beer: but life gets in the way. How can I get back into it? Any ideas anyone? I think I need help :help:
How about staying for group session, get yourself a board for the kitchen and write up your weeks menu...keeps you focussed on what you are eating and only buy those foods on the menu. I know it's difficult when you are out and trying not to eat the lovely stuff. Limit yourself to either food or alcohol but not both if you need to and then only one day i.e. a saturday.

I've now lost 1.5st. which I'll finally get my half stone award tomorrow but I've shaved off quite a bit after that target too and hopefully it won't be long before I then get my 2st.

The encouraging thing is now receiving comments from people at work who can clearly see I'm losing weight, especially off my face so that's great. I'm not happy until I reach my target so rather than glowing in the lovely comments, I'm keeping my head down until I get there.

Keep trucking along everybody.
How about staying for group session, get yourself a board for the kitchen and write up your weeks menu...keeps you focussed on what you are eating and only buy those foods on the menu. I know it's difficult when you are out and trying not to eat the lovely stuff. Limit yourself to either food or alcohol but not both if you need to and then only one day i.e. a saturday.

I've now lost 1.5st. which I'll finally get my half stone award tomorrow but I've shaved off quite a bit after that target too and hopefully it won't be long before I then get my 2st.

The encouraging thing is now receiving comments from people at work who can clearly see I'm losing weight, especially off my face so that's great. I'm not happy until I reach my target so rather than glowing in the lovely comments, I'm keeping my head down until I get there.

Keep trucking along everybody.
I do stay to group every week and come away all focused and I do try and be good but life gets in the way. I went to Zizzi's last Sunday with my Aunty and Uncle who were down from Manchester and I didn't have a pizza I went for the salad without the goats cheese and it was free food as the dressing was balsamic vinegar and I only had water to drink and no pud either so I was very well behaved that day! Still I did maintain this week which is better than a gain so I was quite pleased. Hopefully it'll come off next week. I do a lot of walking too I have all my Body Magic Awards getting Platinum was hard but I persevered and got there. Today I have walked 4.5 miles and will do another 2 later when I walk to and from the local to see a live band. I do try but I can't seem to get motivated at the mo.
I was very unmotivated this week, ate and drank what I wanted, totally off plan, stepped on the scales expecting a massive gain only to find I'd lost a pound! :D
Well done!

I have put about half a stone back on in past month due to obvious reasons and a change in my medication. Last time I was on these meds I put on 3 stone and didn't know they increased your appetite so when I go to the docs on Thursday I'm going to ask for something different.
4lbs off, so I finally got my 1.5st award. 3.5lbs to go for my 2stone!
So 2 weeks I reckon...yeah baby
Oh Well done! That is amazing! I went to the pub today and had steak and swapped the chips for undressed salad so I felt very virtuous! And for tea I had butternut squaffles with bacon, mushrooms and red onion. I could have had cakey instead (I love cakey:drool:) but I need to get back in target again! Hope I lose this week!
I totally understand as soon as I think diet I seem to be starving at the minute, I lost a stone earlier in the year (without dropping a dress size I might add) then went on holiday and life happened so, kind of hid from the scales. My work trousers are starting to feel the pressure again now, just wish I loved salad as much as the piggies lol
Well I just thought I'd report in after SW tonight. I had a maintain - more than happy with that. Not quite back in target range yet but do you know what I don't care! I have been celebrating over the last couple of weeks. It was my Pearl Wedding Anniversary and my birthday so to come in with a maintain after what I've drunk and eaten is amazing! One Sunday, the nearest to my Anniversary, I was drinking Champagne at 3 in the afternoon! My Christmas promise to myself is to get back in target so I have to be good in the next few weeks and get that 6lb off in 7 weeks! Should be possible! 1lb a week is all.
I had a small gain this week, I'm not too fussed, I'm on a week of night duties, I always gain on nights from irregular sleep pattern and eating at strange o'clock. ;)
I had a small gain this week, I'm not too fussed, I'm on a week of night duties, I always gain on nights from irregular sleep pattern and eating at strange o'clock. ;)
Night duty isn't much fun! Do you find you need a boost around 4am Boss? That 4 am feeling always was the hardest! Thankfully I no longer do nights!
I'm not too bad, I'm used to nights, they still play havoc with my body, but I've done them long enough to say, "suck it up buttercup" and get on with it. ;)