Diet Club

:oops: I put on at the dreaded weigh in tonight. Just on the limit of having to pay again:yikes: I have 9 nights on holiday then 10 days back home being good then hopefully be back in my target range!
I'm on a long train journey and have been spending my time doing something I've been meaning to do for ages - cutting my favourite recepies out of old magazines to make my own recepie book.


@BossHogg, @Betsy & @Mother Hubbard - I'm in that other slimming group so, my recepies will probably look like a foreign language to you all!
Thats a great idea...i need to do the same.

Stay same weight today, no loss, no i'm doing a sp week...hope i can last the week, gotta get that official stone off!
I've had the month from hell with small gains every week, I've pigged out none stop, its only 5 weeks to my north run!
Have a better week this week Boss, you can do it :)

I lost another 2 and a half pounds this week, takes my total to exactly 1stone 7lbs :yahoo:
I've had the month from hell with small gains every week, I've pigged out none stop, its only 5 weeks to my north run!

Now come on BossHogg, get your head out of the freezer, leave the Ben & Jerry's alone (coz I want it!) and get focussed on your intake...we need you!

Have a better week this week Boss, you can do it :)

I lost another 2 and a half pounds this week, takes my total to exactly 1stone 7lbs :yahoo:

Brilliant, well done Ruthie, great effort - keep going.

I also got my award I was chasing - my first Stone, it was hard getting to it, but it was worth the effort.
Now come on BossHogg, get your head out of the freezer, leave the Ben & Jerry's alone (coz I want it!) and get focussed on your intake...we need you!
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Brilliant, well done Ruthie, great effort - keep going.

I also got my award I was chasing - my first Stone, it was hard getting to it, but it was worth the effort.

Woo, well done ! :) :yahoo::yahoo:
That smiley is a bit close to home, my slimming world consultant got banned for drink driving this week! :oops: Me being the cheeky git I am asked how many syns are in a ban? :))
I lost 1 1/2lbs. :D
Well done Boss!

I also got my award I was chasing - my first Stone, it was hard getting to it, but it was worth the effort.
That is brilliant Well Done

I have probably put that on this last week with my cruise and all the rich food and the free drinks package! I told them at SW I was away for 2 weeks so I have 9 days to lose a load. Serious SW planning from tomorrow and strictly 5 syns a day! for next 9 days until the dreaded weigh in! I did try to be good with most starters being salad and most puds being fruit but when there is chocolate lava pud:drool: on the menu can't a girl slip a bit? Then there was Prosecco on the drinks package and ........:doh:
We're having taster session in group this week, just got to decide what to cook. ;)
Syn free quiche sounds good! Try it with a Smash crust. Just get the Smash damp enough to press onto the sides of the frylight sprayed dish and bake for 15 mins. Then add the middle and cook as normal. The Smash acts like a pastry and although Smash is totally disgusting and inedible on it's own :vom: you can't really taste it in the quiche and it makes the quiche a lot nicer. Add 60g of cheddar cheese (2 days Healthy A) to the filling and then you def can't taste the Smash! It is YUM:drool:.
I went with the breakfast loaf, every last morsel was hoovered up, the greedy gits didn't even keep me a bit! :( mind you, losing 3 1/2lbs helped forget it. ;)
That looks naughty but nice. I dipped out on SW yesterday. I came back from my cruise after 9 days but I told them I was away for 2 weeks! Hopefully after 10 days of SW meals I'll be back in target. Then I'm off again for another 9 days!
That looks naughty but nice. I dipped out on SW yesterday. I came back from my cruise after 9 days but I told them I was away for 2 weeks! Hopefully after 10 days of SW meals I'll be back in target. Then I'm off again for another 9 days!
Wow you lucky lady.

I have to say, my gut isn't enjoying the rich food though...hmm, salad for dinner beckons.