Diet Club

Well done. You have lost a lot. It is hard to stick to everyday.

I did go out for lunch today, met my uncle at Costa, still stayed within my daily points.

Since January I've lost 6.9kg (about 1st 2lbs) but last year, between January and June I lost 5st. I then re-gained it all between July and December...oops!
I did go out for lunch today, met my uncle at Costa, still stayed within my daily points.

Since January I've lost 6.9kg (about 1st 2lbs) but last year, between January and June I lost 5st. I then re-gained it all between July and December...oops!
Forget that. You are doing really well. You have lost a lot in a short space of time.
Just been reading through this thread with great interest! Last year I decided I needed to loose a bit of weight and tone up...and so far I have lost 2 stone 5 pounds in 6 months. I eat a high carb diet, lots of pasta, rice, potatoes, oodles of fruit and veg, fish, beans, eggs...I also have a bar of chocolate every day. I eat low fat spreads, wholemeal bread...I can honestly say that I am NEVER hungry as I can eat as much of these foods as I like. I didn't put even 1 pound on over Christmas which was amazing as I ate 'treats' and I have bags of energy.
I stay away from cheese (except low fat cheese spread) white bread, cakes, most biscuits...
I do eat the odd bag of crisps but go for something like quavers that have less calories. I don't calorie count though- that is just not me- I eat as much as I want until I'm full. I would like to lose another half a stone, although everyone says I'll look ill!
I need to jump back in here ... might just wait til may though uni work is mental around full time work ... kinda just eating whatever the OH puts in front of me!
So far I've lost 8lb altogether in 5 weeks and got my first silver seven at weight watchers, which has given even more motivation! :)
Off to weigh in - need 4 1/2 lb off to get my 2 stone award, watch this space. ;)
Wow you guys are doing amazing. I have been on a diet for 5weeks and only lost 5lbs but this week i re gained half a pound. :-( i am thinking about re joining slimming i lost 3 stone with them. (and since re gained and somr more....:-()
you guys are doing so well!
Wow you guys are doing amazing. I have been on a diet for 5weeks and only lost 5lbs but this week i re gained half a pound. :-( i am thinking about re joining slimming i lost 3 stone with them. (and since re gained and somr more....:-()
you guys are doing so well!
4.5 pounds is great! It is advised to lose a pound a week and that is what you have done.
Back to slimming world on Wednesday - I will let you know how I get on!
I am on the Slimming World plan. I joined 3 yrs ago, had never dieted before and lost quite a lot in the 1st 6 months. What I like about it is the fact the plan caters for vegetarians. Only problem is, now I think I need 2 fridges; one for me and one for the piggies! lol
I am on the Slimming World plan. I joined 3 yrs ago, had never dieted before and lost quite a lot in the 1st 6 months. What I like about it is the fact the plan caters for vegetarians. Only problem is, now I think I need 2 fridges; one for me and one for the piggies! lol
Did you exercise too?
I am on the Slimming World plan. I joined 3 yrs ago, had never dieted before and lost quite a lot in the 1st 6 months. What I like about it is the fact the plan caters for vegetarians. Only problem is, now I think I need 2 fridges; one for me and one for the piggies! lol
Thats what puts me off these clubs their lack of flexibility on diet, I follow the vegan diet :-)
Slimming world is very flexible, nothing is forbidden, you can check everything you eat on their website for syn levels. :tu:
Thats what puts me off these clubs their lack of flexibility on diet, I follow the vegan diet :-)
That's interesting and good to hear! I am an ova-veggie; I gave up dairy due to becoming lactose-intolerant and I don't miss it at all, in fact I can't stand the smell of it anymore, and I used to pack away the cheese in great quantities! I do eat free range eggs, but usually from my friend's chickens.
I think Slimming World is great for people like us, you'll be able to eat as much rice, pasta, chickpeas,etc as you like.
I find sticking to plan can work for a little while but exercise not only helps shift the weight but it tones your body up too!

I don't go to the gym but I've started to do an exercise dvd and i go skating once a week with a friend and this week since i started it I've lost the biggest amount so far!
I am stuffed!I have just had a massive plate of slimming world chips, lean grilled pork steaks done on a George Foreman grill, 2 fried eggs done with frylight and a large portion of mushy peas. Stuffed to bursting and all syn free! :yahoo:
I've lost another 2lb pound this week, so 10lb altogether, nearly at my first stone! :tu:

Well done to everybody else who's lost this week too! :nod:
Got my weigh in tomorrow morning, 1lb off needed to get my 2 stone award, just 5lb to go to get my club10 award, that's 10% of my body weight lost. ;)