Diet Club

Maybe it is not the right time for you to lose weight. You have to be ready mentally. You only want to lose nine pounds. Is it possible you can learn to accept yourself the way you are? If you are comparing yourself to a younger you that is unfair as our bodies change and we cannot accept to weigh the same as we did in our twenties.

I know what you mean and I am adjusting my weight as I get older. And yes, at 37 I am starting to feel like a grown up and I don't like it! I also don't like how all my clothes feel tight either.

However - in my 20s I weighed 8st 12, when I got married 4.5 years ago I weighed 9st4. I would now happily settle at 10st (actually - I would like to be 9st12 so I can keep eating cake ;)). I think I am finding it difficult because in diets from the past I was only looking after me and would just cut out carbs etc but now I have to feed MrS as well and so changing the way I eat completely is difficult because I would then end up having to do a meal for me and then one for him. And just when I am getting somewhere with calorie counting he then decides he wants a takeaway and there goes all my good intentions! *sigh!

Think I will start feeling better about myself when I can go back to running next month.
I know what you mean and I am adjusting my weight as I get older. And yes, at 37 I am starting to feel like a grown up and I don't like it! I also don't like how all my clothes feel tight either.

However - in my 20s I weighed 8st 12, when I got married 4.5 years ago I weighed 9st4. I would now happily settle at 10st (actually - I would like to be 9st12 so I can keep eating cake ;)). I think I am finding it difficult because in diets from the past I was only looking after me and would just cut out carbs etc but now I have to feed MrS as well and so changing the way I eat completely is difficult because I would then end up having to do a meal for me and then one for him. And just when I am getting somewhere with calorie counting he then decides he wants a takeaway and there goes all my good intentions! *sigh!

Think I will start feeling better about myself when I can go back to running next month.
He could do his own food! If you just buy clothes the next size up you will be fine and feel better. Why not give slimming world or weight watchers a go if it is upsetting you?
He could do his own food! If you just buy clothes the next size up you will be fine and feel better. Why not give slimming world or weight watchers a go if it is upsetting you?

Sadly I cant really afford to buy a whole new wardrobe. Will keep going with the raspberry ketones for a while (only been on them for 4 days) and see what happens. I know my situation isn't really that bad - it's just getting on my nerves! And at some point I will find the motivation to do everything properly. We need some warm weather so I will want to eat salads!
I'm ready for my dinner, today will be roast chicken, mixed veg, mixed rice and veg and a cheese sauce, I'll be able to climb my food mountain and all for the grand sum of 5 syns. :D
I have been avoiding this thread as i have not done very well, so i need to read through and catch up, but wow @piggyfan Well done you!! x
The wife reckons I have a tape worm! :))

Oh my god! I have an absolute phobia about those things! was made worse when my biology teacher at school picked me to go to the lab and bring her the tapeworm in a jar - luckily the lab assistant was nowhere to be found so it was a near miss - those things are the reason I cannot look at a plate of spaghetti carbonara without getting the shivers! -nearly as bad as the time in biology when the class goon was asked to "gently pump the foot pedal on the cows lung to inflate it" - he stomped on it and the lung exploded over him! - hope I haven't put anyone off their tea - and if I have youll be thanking me if you loose weight this week!
I've signed up for "success express" for this week with the intention of losing the 4 1/2 lb to take me to 2 stone in 8 weeks. ;)
I have been a total cheat and rather than putting the hard work in by dieting to lose weight I have be taking raspberry ketones. The result so far is that I have lost 5lb in 10 days! It will be interesting to see if it stays off once I have stopped taking it!
Do you eat as well as taking the ketones? Is it a tablet or something? My attempts at dieting have been completely derailed after getting depressed over visiting my in laws and comfort eating. So can I have some information please.
Do you eat as well as taking the ketones? Is it a tablet or something? My attempts at dieting have been completely derailed after getting depressed over visiting my in laws and comfort eating. So can I have some information please.
I am sorry you are having a hard time. Would you consider slimming world? You can eat big portions which means you are less likely to comfort eat.
I get the 2000mg tablets and I take 2 a day. And I have to be honest in that I haven't changed my diet at all and the weight has still fallen off. I don't really have a bad diet, I just went through a rough time last year and did comfort eat. Am hoping that once the weight is off and I'm eating normally then it will stay off.

There are no side effects that I know of but there haven't been any human clinical trials so fingers crossed my hair doesn't start falling out!
I'm thoroughly enjoying slimming world, I'm a chunky monkey and love my food, there's a saying in this part of the world - you can eat a tattie (potato) more than a pig! - that's me. I've just had a massive plate of spag bol made with extra lean beef, all syn free, I feel like a barrel! :D
Thank you for the info and thank you as well for the kind words about being able to eat a fair bit with weight watchers. I do appreciate your thoughtfulness. There are really good people on this forum.
I get the 2000mg tablets and I take 2 a day. And I have to be honest in that I haven't changed my diet at all and the weight has still fallen off. I don't really have a bad diet, I just went through a rough time last year and did comfort eat. Am hoping that once the weight is off and I'm eating normally then it will stay off.

There are no side effects that I know of but there haven't been any human clinical trials so fingers crossed my hair doesn't start falling out!
I find I am stress eating all the wrong things - am not at all hungry but have scoffed one of those long blocks of kinder with 12 small bars in and 4 bars of galaxy this evening as son has just told me he wants to go to uni and do a 3/4 year computer sciences - am a single parent, no help from family,worried witless about finding the £600 for this years college bus fees (college will probably pay for daughter but will not pay for son as they paid last year and this year),taxing and MOt ing car next month (if it fails I am stuffed)- let alone everything else that will need to be paid for - a friends daughter is paying £125 a week to live in halls and that's accom. only - that's more than a weekly social housing rent on a whole house - more years of financial stress & worry...need another biscuit to calm me down...
I know where you're coming from, I'm sole wage earner, my car has just packed in less than 4 weeks after passing its MOT. It's just cost me 600 quid for a replacement!
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I know where you're coming from, I'm sole wage earner, my car has just packed in less than 4 weeks after passing its MOT. It's just cost me 600 quid for a replacement!

Oh No! I feel your pain - and will be feeling a weight gain this week - will try and start again tomorrow and not weigh myself until next week - cant afford to buy anymore chocolate anyway - if they priced it at the same price as a packet of fags I would be as thin as a rake!Sorry to hear about your car! that happened to me a couple of years ago - got it through its MOT and the gearbox blew up!
I find I am stress eating all the wrong things - am not at all hungry but have scoffed one of those long blocks of kinder with 12 small bars in and 4 bars of galaxy this evening as son has just told me he wants to go to uni and do a 3/4 year computer sciences - am a single parent, no help from family,worried witless about finding the £600 for this years college bus fees (college will probably pay for daughter but will not pay for son as they paid last year and this year),taxing and MOt ing car next month (if it fails I am stuffed)- let alone everything else that will need to be paid for - a friends daughter is paying £125 a week to live in halls and that's accom. only - that's more than a weekly social housing rent on a whole house - more years of financial stress & worry...need another biscuit to calm me down...

I came from a single parent household with an income of £12,000 a year and I managed fine at uni with my money and a Saturday job - and I didn't live a typical student lifestyle - I ran a car that I funded myself, I have a dog and several other animals that I paid for and I still went on holidays!
I stayed the same. I did go over by 26 sync but I have been walking daily so I thought it would be okay. I am very disappointed as I worked hard all week.
I stayed the same. I did go over by 26 sync but I have been walking daily so I thought it would be okay. I am very disappointed as I worked hard all week.

I wear a heart rate monitor when I exercise and you have to do soooo much exercise to burn much off boo!

I lost 1kg (2.2lbs), not sure how as I'm really struggling to stick to it at the moment!

My target this week is 7 days on plan! I've been through the cupboards/freezer and planned my meals for the week (and been shopping an spent half as much!)