Diet Club

You can even have 40g of Weetabix minis with choc chip as a healthy extra. ;)
Yay I lost a kilo moving house from not having time to eat and sweating like pig and stressing :)
Don't be daft, you are awesome! I feel the same, getting back on the band wagon soon :D
Don't be daft, you are awesome! I feel the same, getting back on the band wagon soon :D
Bless you Ruth, you are such a darlin' thankfully I have my humour but boy-oh-boy the weight I've collected is something else.
who says you need to start on a Monday...tomorrow it is...10 day detox drinking ditch water, it will give me the kick I need, then proper eating plan and hopefully if the back holds out okay...getting into the gym and working the lard off baby!
You can do it Lil, I believe in you :) When I am ready you can kick me up the ass too! :P :P
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Aww thank you, you're making me blush!

Oh dear, not the bra fitting topic again :lol!:
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I'm taking a month off slimming world. I have hit a wall where I cant be bothered! I'm still doing the gym, but i've now got an extra stone and half to shift before GNR :(
Have only just discovered this thread! I wish I had know it was here before I could have used the extra help as I took the very scenic route down all the little country lanes instead of the motorway but eventually ...

I got my Target Award last night at Slimming World after shedding 1 stone 5lbs and I got my Platinum Body Magic Award. :yahoo::clap::)) All the walking in the rain in November - which was when I started my Body Magic Journey - was worth it after all (I did wonder at the time what the hell I was doing).

If anybody needs any help to get their heads round the SW plan all you need to do is ask! The SP days are particularly confusing but I did understand them in the end.
Ooh am i invited? :sly: :))
Mate at your height, you'd end up with two black eyes :ban:

Have only just discovered this thread! I wish I had know it was here before I could have used the extra help as I took the very scenic route down all the little country lanes instead of the motorway but eventually ...

I got my Target Award last night at Slimming World after shedding 1 stone 5lbs and I got my Platinum Body Magic Award. :yahoo::clap::)) All the walking in the rain in November - which was when I started my Body Magic Journey - was worth it after all (I did wonder at the time what the hell I was doing).

If anybody needs any help to get their heads round the SW plan all you need to do is ask! The SP days are particularly confusing but I did understand them in the end.
Keep going, it will be worth it and no doubt you are feeling it already.
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Well folks, the time has come for me to go on a diet. I want to lose 1 - 1.5 stones. As it is the New Year I am pretty sure there are a few more folks out there doing the same thing. I thought it would be nice to have a little support group to celebrate our successes and tell us that its ok when we accidentally sleep walk into a bar of chocolate (I think I will be doing a lot of sleeping :drool:;)).

I shall be calorie counting using an app on my phone - 1200-1500 per day, and my weigh day will be a Saturday.

Let me know how you will be shedding those evil pounds!
So glad to
Haven't been to group for 7 weeks, plucked up the courage to return, I've gained 12lbs, which I'm fairly happy with. ;)