Diet Club

I must be absolutely crazy then, I have bad arthritis in both knees, I did the Great North Run last year and I'm doing it again this year! :yikes:
You must be......I want would love to run... but my ankle bone is deformed due to a bone disease I had at 7 days old.... so basically my ankle has 5 degrees of movement and the last doctor I saw said my ankle was about the same as a eighty year olds :fog:
What's prompted you to cut out sugar and wheat? Is it purely weight loss based or is there a medical issue behind it?

I find that wheat makes me feel sluggish and bloated and as for sugar, I cant seem to manage any kind of moderation.
Would love some advice about how to get into running . I don't even run for a bus at the moment and I am considering entering a 5k run for charity in summer . where do I start ? Do I need special running shoes ? Should I be doing certain stretches Should I have a plan ?

I (Lisa) am at the moment on week 7 of Couch to 5k which is a free NHS programme which takes you from being a total non runner to being able to run a 5 k. I did this programme a few years ago too but never kept up with the running afterwards. I'm using a treadmill at the gym but I do venture outside if the weather permits. Feel much fitter for it so would recommend it to you

Lisa x
I (Lisa) am at the moment on week 7 of Couch to 5k which is a free NHS programme which takes you from being a total non runner to being able to run a 5 k. I did this programme a few years ago too but never kept up with the running afterwards. I'm using a treadmill at the gym but I do venture outside if the weather permits. Feel much fitter for it so would recommend it to you

Lisa x
Running is a swear word to me! BUT I love walking, we walk all over the place with the dogs and geocaching.

Just had a lovely tea of jacket spud, beans, tuna and mushrooms with a touch of Worcester sauce. Stuffed!
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Would love some advice about how to get into running . I don't even run for a bus at the moment and I am considering entering a 5k run for charity in summer . where do I start ? Do I need special running shoes ? Should I be doing certain stretches Should I have a plan ?

Sorry for the latr reply, been crazy busy at work.
The couch to 5k app is amazing for a beginner, download it and it takes you through steps every day to help you complete a 5k in a time period.

You don't need special running shoes unless you have an injury or if you think you'll suffer from impact. I have to have different trainers for running because I get shin splints (micro fractures in your shins from impact) easily.

You can get your run tested at running shops like HeRunsSheRuns or the running shop for free, they stick you on a treadmill and analyse your run and recommend a pair of running shoes for your paticular type. I just went for the analysis and bought a similar pair of shoes elsewhere where they were cheaper :)) But as long as they have a stable base and they're comfy, that's all you need really.

As for stretches, I'd always stretch after exercise rather than before. Calf, hamstring and quad stretches will be the most important ones for runners. I think it'll show you how to do them on the app.
Also, foam rollers are amazing. They have them in most gym's or they can be found cheap online or in sport shops, I think TKMAXX always has them too. They're just solid foam cylinders that you give yourself a massage on and it stops the pain/ache you typically get after exercise. I have a blog post on them actually..

Beki Gordon Personal Training

(At the bottom of the page, I'm currently looking for a better blog site so they're easier to access)

I think you will be busy on this thread lol... i have 2 friends who are also trying to loose weight so we are helping each other out ! We all know what to do - eat less and move more... just wish i could go out for a run sometimes...

Haha that's okay, sometimes I can't reply right away but I will reply :nod:
Helping people was why I got into this job so I'll always do my best if someone asks for it.

It sounds easier to lose weight than it is, it's mainly a mental challenge more than anything. Humans are programmed to want to conserve energy so it's going against instinct to run around and lose precious calories. And eating high calorific foods tastes so nice for the same reason.

Image piggos running around to lose weight and rationing their cucumber to change the size of their butts :roll: Wilma probably thinks I'm mad
I find that wheat makes me feel sluggish and bloated and as for sugar, I cant seem to manage any kind of moderation.

Fair enough, have you been tested for a gluten intolerance? It won't be celiac disease unless it severely upsets your digestive system but an intolerance can make you feel tired and bloated easily. It's worth going checking with a doctor.

The paleo diet is useful for those looking to cut out wheat and sugar. It's basically meat and veg, like a hunter gatherer diet. It's pretty restrictive and hard to follow, but people who are gluten intolerant have gotten some pretty good results from it. If you Google it, there's loads of recipes that you'll be able to follow that stick to those diet requirements :)
That sounds interesting. I am vegetarian (just to be even more complicated) and have been wondering about the ketogenic diet. Still researching.
I'm getting withdrawal symptoms from the gym! I haven't been for a week while I'm suffering from a viral infection! :(
Sorry for the latr reply, been crazy busy at work.
The couch to 5k app is amazing for a beginner, download it and it takes you through steps every day to help you complete a 5k in a time period.

You don't need special running shoes unless you have an injury or if you think you'll suffer from impact. I have to have different trainers for running because I get shin splints (micro fractures in your shins from impact) easily.

You can get your run tested at running shops like HeRunsSheRuns or the running shop for free, they stick you on a treadmill and analyse your run and recommend a pair of running shoes for your paticular type. I just went for the analysis and bought a similar pair of shoes elsewhere where they were cheaper :)) But as long as they have a stable base and they're comfy, that's all you need really.

As for stretches, I'd always stretch after exercise rather than before. Calf, hamstring and quad stretches will be the most important ones for runners. I think it'll show you how to do them on the app.
Also, foam rollers are amazing. They have them in most gym's or they can be found cheap online or in sport shops, I think TKMAXX always has them too. They're just solid foam cylinders that you give yourself a massage on and it stops the pain/ache you typically get after exercise. I have a blog post on them actually..

Beki Gordon Personal Training

(At the bottom of the page, I'm currently looking for a better blog site so they're easier to access)

Thank you . I will let you know how I get on.
Posting from my sick bed, i'm going to see if I can eat something.
That sounds interesting. I am vegetarian (just to be even more complicated) and have been wondering about the ketogenic diet. Still researching.

Ah, paleo is not for you then. A lot of it is meat based.
The ketogenic diet is good, you'll never be hungry on fats and proteins. Difficult to cut out carbs though and I'd be careful if you do cardio as carbs are the main fuel source for it
I saw on the news the other day about doctor's being all for the Mediterranean diet and how it is good for diabetics. The Paleo diet is very restrictive about dairy isn't it? I got told off by my endocrinologist and my nephrologist the other day for not exercising and putting on weight but I just hate exercising soooooo much and going to the gym with girls in their 20's with perfect bodies and not a bit of it going south :( oh well enough feeling sorry for myself i'm off to do some vacuuming and mopping, is cleaning considered exercise? Hope you feel better soon @BossHogg
I've been reading through this and reminding myself that I need to lose weight, but I can't actually exercise to do it. Basically when I weigh too much and do anything exercise related, my lower back turns into a dead weight and I can't move.

Even eating is more difficult than it should be because I have rather severe IBS, and everything has been known to set it off lol.

Mind you I hate exercise too unless it's walking. I'll walk anywhere (Eccles to Wigan, Bolton to Eccles, Bury to Rochdale, it's all cheaper than a bus!) but I refuse to exercise further than that. I am my own worst enemy lol. You're all made of far sterner stuff than I am, and that's pretty amazing!
I saw on the news the other day about doctor's being all for the Mediterranean diet and how it is good for diabetics. The Paleo diet is very restrictive about dairy isn't it? I got told off by my endocrinologist and my nephrologist the other day for not exercising and putting on weight but I just hate exercising soooooo much and going to the gym with girls in their 20's with perfect bodies and not a bit of it going south :( oh well enough feeling sorry for myself i'm off to do some vacuuming and mopping, is cleaning considered exercise? Hope you feel better soon @BossHogg

For diabetics, I usually stand by the zone diet. It's basically measuring your food and eating low GI foods that won't trigger as high if an insulin response. This means the right hormones are triggered at the right times and it doesn't send your blood sugar crazy either way. It's not very restrictive and it's relatively easy to follow. It's by Dr Barry Sears.

The paleo diet is extremely restrictive and I wouldn't usually recommended it for weight loss. I only mentioned it because the dietary requirements said no wheat or sugar, which is half way to paleo anyway. Paleo is basically anything you can pick, forage or kill. It's the caveman diet which is low in carbohydrates and higher in fat and protein. It's based around meat and veg and it's very difficult to follow. It involves eating nothing farmed so that excludes dairy, most grains, sugar, honey..etc.

Cleaning is exercise because it's not sedentary work. I'm the opposite and I love exercise. I genuinely can't imagine what it would be like to hate it :(

Have you tried team sports or something fun? In the UK, This Girl Can has a huge campaign to get women into sports so they're running loads of team sports to get people active and into netball/football/hockey/weightlifting..etc.
The gym can be boring but the key is finding something you enjoy doing :)