Diet Club

*hugs* to Boss!

Thanks guys! My target is a continuous 2lb a week, that will be nearly 6 and a half stone by the end of the year. I will NOT be fat at 30!
*hugs* to Boss!

Thanks guys! My target is a continuous 2lb a week, that will be nearly 6 and a half stone by the end of the year. I will NOT be fat at 30!
Slow and steady is best... well done thats a tremendous amount to loose x
*hugs* to Boss!

Thanks guys! My target is a continuous 2lb a week, that will be nearly 6 and a half stone by the end of the year. I will NOT be fat at 30!
I found it was alot harder to lose weight after I hit 30 and have to work harder now to lose weight so I definitely wish you well on reaching your goal :)
For diabetics, I usually stand by the zone diet. It's basically measuring your food and eating low GI foods that won't trigger as high if an insulin response. This means the right hormones are triggered at the right times and it doesn't send your blood sugar crazy either way. It's not very restrictive and it's relatively easy to follow. It's by Dr Barry Sears.

The paleo diet is extremely restrictive and I wouldn't usually recommended it for weight loss. I only mentioned it because the dietary requirements said no wheat or sugar, which is half way to paleo anyway. Paleo is basically anything you can pick, forage or kill. It's the caveman diet which is low in carbohydrates and higher in fat and protein. It's based around meat and veg and it's very difficult to follow. It involves eating nothing farmed so that excludes dairy, most grains, sugar, honey..etc.

Cleaning is exercise because it's not sedentary work. I'm the opposite and I love exercise. I genuinely can't imagine what it would be like to hate it :(

Have you tried team sports or something fun? In the UK, This Girl Can has a huge campaign to get women into sports so they're running loads of team sports to get people active and into netball/football/hockey/weightlifting..etc.
The gym can be boring but the key is finding something you enjoy doing :)
That's why hate diets as some are so restrictive and being diabetic is restrictive enough. I'm a bit frustrated at the moment because my partner doesn't eat fruit or veg and likes his meals either 100% meat or from a drive thru and I am easily tempted by anything sweet because I'm not supposed to have it.
I'm not really a people person and am a a bit (alot) shy around people so I'm not big into team anything lol but I noticed the other day that the heart foundation does a walk through our local mall which is huge and they just do laps around the mall for a hour and you don't have to have to have a heart condition to join up so I am looking into that with my dad. My health team only want me to lose 3 kilos as they want my weight under 60kg but I'm finding it hard to lose at my age now.
Good work people!

I really need to start coming into this thread more often. I really need to lose weight, and just don't have the motivation. I wanted to start 2017 on a good note, but after losing one of my pigs I've definitely been doing a lot of sulking and comfort eating. I'm going to start trying to get out on my lunch break at work, and go out or a walk. Small steps!
Good work people!

I really need to start coming into this thread more often. I really need to lose weight, and just don't have the motivation. I wanted to start 2017 on a good note, but after losing one of my pigs I've definitely been doing a lot of sulking and comfort eating. I'm going to start trying to get out on my lunch break at work, and go out or a walk. Small steps!
There's a group of guys at work that go out for a jog during lunch, see if there is anyone else who fancies a walk too, keeps each other motivated :tu:
I wish I could say its down to hard work and determination. It was down to sickness and being too ill to eat. Just the smell of food made me sick. I've survived on fresh orange juice with bits in from Lidl all week! ;)
I'm so tired! I worked really hard at the gym but added on a run at either side too. My aim is to stop driving there and run up instead, it's only about a mile away. I'm not at all fit so I'm building up to doing it on the treadmill. So I ran 1500m there, adding an incline because the only hill in the fens is between me and the gym, did my lower body work out (glute bridge, I hate you) and then ran 1500m "home" on the machine. My feet feel like lead!
Congratulations to everyone, even losing 1lb is no mean feat. I need to start popping in here more often, it's a great motivator.
I'm considering joining Slimming World - can someone tell me - am I allowed Weetabix for breakfast on SW ?