Diet Club

I hear a lot of good things about slimming world, much better reputation in the fitness industry than weight watchers or similar has
I just want to let you everyone know that I am a WeightWatchers member and have lost over a stone since Aug 2016 . I am now at goal and I am now concentrating on maintaining. I don't mind what plan people follow as long as it works for them . WeightWatchers works for me .
The blokes are hilarious. I can imagine them telling everyone they spent two hours working out, they just neglect to mention that an hour and a half of that is strutting about in front of the mirrors... They've been really friendly so far though which is nice.

She has put together an upper and a lower body plan for me to alternate. I aim to get there three times a week. I'll give it a couple of months and then see where I'm at by having another session with her. It's £25 an hour which is a lot when there is the gym fee on top so I just can't afford it.

Diet is non meat eating slimming world based. I do two 12 hour shifts a week, entirely on my feet. The rest of the time I'm probably too sedentary doing housewife type stuff so obviously I'll fit the gym into that. I like to knit, which is great at preventing too much nibbling but not so good for getting moving!

Yeah, they usually have a bit of a front but when you talk to them they're usually quite nice.

I used to charge that before I moved onto paid fitness instructing. It adds up quickly and I always felt bad for people having to charge so much.

Awesome, that's good that you have a plan to go with. Just keep at it best you can and remember to add in some cardio or try HIIT training out if you haven't already?
You can do HIIT training at home and it only takes 20-30 mins, no equipment needed.

The number one thing is that you enjoy it though, don't make yourself do exercise that you really don't enjoy doing because it will make you miserable. I always tell people to try out gym classes, sports, and different types of exercise to suit them and their lives. If you enjoy it then you'll want to be there and it makes the whole thing so much easier.

Slimming world is great, stick with that if it helps you. I'm sure you'll find the weight drops off in no time with a decent diet and exercise
We are planning something with actifry chips tomorrow.

Just sprinkled in some Schwarz chip seasoning this time and they were to die for. Even the OH loved them (he has no need to lose weight or eat low fat and wouldn't normally enjoy low fat anything so I take it as a compliment)
I just want to let you everyone know that I am a WeightWatchers member and have lost over a stone since Aug 2016 . I am now at goal and I am now concentrating on maintaining. I don't mind what plan people follow as long as it works for them . WeightWatchers works for me .

That's great work, congrats on your achievement with WW!

My only problem with them is that in the past they've been pretty profit focused with their food range. A lot of it is low calorie but replaced with additives and chemicals.

Whatever works for you individually is great though and if you're having success, that's all that matters
Just sprinkled in some Schwarz chip seasoning this time and they were to die for. Even the OH loved them (he has no need to lose weight or eat low fat and wouldn't normally enjoy low fat anything so I take it as a compliment)

Oooh I may try that. The hubby is doing SW from home with me and we love actifry chips. He's a vegetarian and a fussy one at that!
Just sprinkled in some Schwarz chip seasoning this time and they were to die for. Even the OH loved them (he has no need to lose weight or eat low fat and wouldn't normally enjoy low fat anything so I take it as a compliment)
Ooh, what's the chip seasoning? I don't have an actifry but I do make wedges and SW chips in the oven.

If 30 day shred counts as Hiit @Bekialice then I have done some. I was looking at Jo Wicks too but the pigs are in front of the tv so I've got no floor space... I am running on the treadmill. I want to get outside again in the warmer weather. I hate running but do feel better for having done it iyswim.
Ooh, what's the chip seasoning? I don't have an actifry but I do make wedges and SW chips in the oven.

If 30 day shred counts as Hiit @Bekialice then I have done some. I was looking at Jo Wicks too but the pigs are in front of the tv so I've got no floor space... I am running on the treadmill. I want to get outside again in the warmer weather. I hate running but do feel better for having done it iyswim.

I think it's a bit different but similar enough.
You can use ptetty much any cardio exercise for HIIT. But it's been proven to shed more body fat and build ore lean muscle than longer less intense forms of training.
For example, running on the treadmill for an extended period of time at a steady pace will be aerobic exercise which uses low amounts of fat, water, and oxygen in your system.
HIIT which is high intensity interval training, triggers a high metabolic response which burns a lot more body fat in comparison.
Tabata is the best form of it. Basically 20 seconds doing an exercise, to your full ability. Then 10 seconds complete break X8 per exercise.

Or you could try it on the treadmill too, sprint for 20, rest for 10. Triggers a great response and takes less time.

Jo Wicks is alright, my friend was on his cycles and she sent me them over. I'm not a mad fan of it but again it works for some people
I really struggle as i have a bad leg, arthritis in my ankle, knee, foot and toes, i cant walk far or run .. i dont eat veg ( dont hate me !) Dont drink or smoke... dont eat pasta, white bread or spicy foods.... i used my fitness pal on 1200 cals a day but struggle to loose weight..... any tips would be appreciated!
I really struggle as i have a bad leg, arthritis in my ankle, knee, foot and toes, i cant walk far or run .. i dont eat veg ( dont hate me !) Dont drink or smoke... dont eat pasta, white bread or spicy foods.... i used my fitness pal on 1200 cals a day but struggle to loose weight..... any tips would be appreciated!

My fitness pal is a great little app that is good for working out kcal and keeping track of your diet.
I have a client with arthritis/osteoporosis in her hip/leg so I'm familiar with your struggle. I hope it doesn't cause you too much pain :hug:

If MFP says 1200 kcal a day try to stick to that best you can.
Is there a reason you don't eat veg or is it just a taste preference? I have to recommend eating a colourful diet full of lots of veg and some fruit, or I'd be being irresponsible.
What does a days diet look like for you?

Have you tried swimming/aqua aerobics or is that too much for your leg? It should take all of the impact out so you can safely keep yourself healthy and this will make room for more calories too.
Also, it may be the last thing you want to do but weight training can slow down development of arthritis and it is non impact so that could possibly be something to give a go if you fancied it
That's great work, congrats on your achievement with WW!

My only problem with them is that in the past they've been pretty profit focused with their food range. A lot of it is low calorie but replaced with additives and chemicals.

Whatever works for you individually is great though and if you're having success, that's all that matters

Not to my experience ! I can assure you I've NEVER been obliged to buy their products . What works for me is you can keep a food diary on their app - so, you can use either their barcode scanner - or input the data yourself . I really don't know why WW has such a bad press with some people.
Ooh, what's the chip seasoning? I don't have an actifry but I do make wedges and SW chips in the oven.

If 30 day shred counts as Hiit @Bekialice then I have done some. I was looking at Jo Wicks too but the pigs are in front of the tv so I've got no floor space... I am running on the treadmill. I want to get outside again in the warmer weather. I hate running but do feel better for having done it iyswim.

The one I used tonight was Schwarz

Chips Seasoning | Spice Blends | Schwartz Products

But Aldi do their own and that's lovely too.
My fitness pal is a great little app that is good for working out kcal and keeping track of your diet.
I have a client with arthritis/osteoporosis in her hip/leg so I'm familiar with your struggle. I hope it doesn't cause you too much pain :hug:

If MFP says 1200 kcal a day try to stick to that best you can.
Is there a reason you don't eat veg or is it just a taste preference? I have to recommend eating a colourful diet full of lots of veg and some fruit, or I'd be being irresponsible.
What does a days diet look like for you?

Have you tried swimming/aqua aerobics or is that too much for your leg? It should take all of the impact out so you can safely keep yourself healthy and this will make room for more calories too.
Also, it may be the last thing you want to do but weight training can slow down development of arthritis and it is non impact so that could possibly be something to give a go if you fancied it
Thank you for your reply.... Constant pain but I am used to it although lately it has gotten worse with the toe pain - feel like chopping my big toe off lol ! I have never eaten veg - i blame my mother lol ! I can't eat it now.. just can't make myself and at 43 i am not gonna change.. swimming is hard work but i do enjoy it but at the moment feel too self conscious to go but i plan to resume it at some point.... my other half is a gym nut, he goes three times a week but i never ask his advice as he thinks if i stop eating chocolate i will suddenly loose stones ! don't get me wrong, i don't eat LOADS but at least one treat a day .... trying to be more aware of this though .. x
Not to my experience ! I can assure you I've NEVER been obliged to buy their products . What works for me is you can keep a food diary on their app - so, you can use either their barcode scanner - or input the data yourself . I really don't know why WW has such a bad press with some people.

I'm glad your experience hasn't been profit focused and it works for you :)

I don't have a problem with people doing it, it just wouldn't be my recommendation personally.
There's a few reasons for that but I'm not trying to convince you not to do it and it wouldn't be of any positive contribution to outline them. Any step towards health is a positive one
Thank you for your reply.... Constant pain but I am used to it although lately it has gotten worse with the toe pain - feel like chopping my big toe off lol ! I have never eaten veg - i blame my mother lol ! I can't eat it now.. just can't make myself and at 43 i am not gonna change.. swimming is hard work but i do enjoy it but at the moment feel too self conscious to go but i plan to resume it at some point.... my other half is a gym nut, he goes three times a week but i never ask his advice as he thinks if i stop eating chocolate i will suddenly loose stones ! don't get me wrong, i don't eat LOADS but at least one treat a day .... trying to be more aware of this though .. x

Doughnuts are my weakness, I eat far too many for a personal trainer/nutritionist :blink:

Yeah, Marie is like that. She struggles to sleep at night because of her hip and that contributes to weight gain too. There's a lot of factors at play with things like that.

Yeah, I didn't eat meat for years because of school dinners overcooking it. It's difficult to convince yourself to like something if you just don't.
How do you feel about smoothies? They're not my usual recommendation because they break down the sugar and fibre too much, but at least your vitamins and could maybe sneak some spinach or kale into there?

Maybe have a chat with your partner and ask him to show you some basic weight machines and lifts? Just with light weights and nothing that will cause pain in your leg.

And try not to feel self conscious, get yourself a new swimming costume and go feel great about yourself. Everyone is beautiful and other peoples opinions don't matter. Easier said than done, I know, but it will help.
Find an aqua fit class, you might find people in the same boat as you too and the instructors will be great
Heya :)
I stumbled across this thread and I hope you don't mind me commenting!

I'm a fitness instructor/ personal trainer and nutritionist and I thought I'd make myself known, if anyone ever has any questions or needs advice on anything health and fitness related then just pop me a message. No catch or anything

Anyone who is a friend of piggos is a friend of mine
Though I'm sure you're all beautiful the way you are!


Would love some advice about how to get into running . I don't even run for a bus at the moment and I am considering entering a 5k run for charity in summer . where do I start ? Do I need special running shoes ? Should I be doing certain stretches Should I have a plan ?
Would love some advice about how to get into running . I don't even run for a bus at the moment and I am considering entering a 5k run for charity in summer . where do I start ? Do I need special running shoes ? Should I be doing certain stretches Should I have a plan ?
Good for you lisa! :) As you've already witnessed, I'll never be a runner, my knees would probably explode! :mal::))
Doughnuts are my weakness, I eat far too many for a personal trainer/nutritionist :blink:

Yeah, Marie is like that. She struggles to sleep at night because of her hip and that contributes to weight gain too. There's a lot of factors at play with things like that.

Yeah, I didn't eat meat for years because of school dinners overcooking it. It's difficult to convince yourself to like something if you just don't.
How do you feel about smoothies? They're not my usual recommendation because they break down the sugar and fibre too much, but at least your vitamins and could maybe sneak some spinach or kale into there?

Maybe have a chat with your partner and ask him to show you some basic weight machines and lifts? Just with light weights and nothing that will cause pain in your leg.

And try not to feel self conscious, get yourself a new swimming costume and go feel great about yourself. Everyone is beautiful and other peoples opinions don't matter. Easier said than done, I know, but it will help.
Find an aqua fit class, you might find people in the same boat as you too and the instructors will
Think you will be busy on this
:drool::drool: was you a good girl and stick to your 'no pud' promise? ;)
Errrrr..... no... my friend ( skinny minny ) always has a pudding so i did too BUT i did leave some !
Would love some advice about how to get into running . I don't even run for a bus at the moment and I am considering entering a 5k run for charity in summer . where do I start ? Do I need special running shoes ? Should I be doing certain stretches Should I have a plan ?
There are various apps. I did a couch to 5k and went from struggling to do 30seconds to doing 7-8km two or three times a week. I used 5k runner, it was free but it's paid for now. I got trainers from a running shop where they looked at my gait.
Doughnuts are my weakness, I eat far too many for a personal trainer/nutritionist :blink:

Yeah, Marie is like that. She struggles to sleep at night because of her hip and that contributes to weight gain too. There's a lot of factors at play with things like that.

Yeah, I didn't eat meat for years because of school dinners overcooking it. It's difficult to convince yourself to like something if you just don't.
How do you feel about smoothies? They're not my usual recommendation because they break down the sugar and fibre too much, but at least your vitamins and could maybe sneak some spinach or kale into there?

Maybe have a chat with your partner and ask him to show you some basic weight machines and lifts? Just with light weights and nothing that will cause pain in your leg.

And try not to feel self conscious, get yourself a new swimming costume and go feel great about yourself. Everyone is beautiful and other peoples opinions don't matter. Easier said than done, I know, but it will help.
Find an aqua fit class, you might find people in the same boat as you too and the instructors will be great
I think you will be busy on this thread lol... i have 2 friends who are also trying to loose weight so we are helping each other out ! We all know what to do - eat less and move more... just wish i could go out for a run sometimes...
Errrrr..... no... my friend ( skinny minny ) always has a pudding so i did too BUT i did leave some !
:)) Meany Minny more like... :lol!:
Syrup sponge and custard for me tomorrow. Oh wait, perhaps I shouldn't be talking about puddings in the Diet Club. Sorry everyone! :whistle:
I really struggle as i have a bad leg, arthritis in my ankle, knee, foot and toes, i cant walk far or run .. i dont eat veg ( dont hate me !) Dont drink or smoke... dont eat pasta, white bread or spicy foods.... i used my fitness pal on 1200 cals a day but struggle to loose weight..... any tips would be appreciated!
I must be absolutely crazy then, I have bad arthritis in both knees, I did the Great North Run last year and I'm doing it again this year! :yikes: