Diet Club

I'm a good boy, mince pies are in the bin (soggy bottoms) and the cake is still there. I'm here slurping on a cuppa instead....
Really need to get my ass in gear, but I supposed you have to be in the right frame of mind.
I hereby offer my services to anyone on this thread who needs to 'dispose' of any foodstuffs that have the potential to derail them from their healthy lifestyle attempts. I know, I know, it's incredibly selfless of me, but I'm just thinking of you guys. Willow and Marble offer the same service for redirection of excess hay/nuggets for porky pigs.

@Tim I guess it's too late for those mince pies, huh? :soz:
I've lost 4lb this week (put on 15 over crimbo!) but I'm on Nefopam amongst other things which has made me feel sick so I haven't really eaten as much as my normal piggy self
I've lost 4lb this week (put on 15 over crimbo!) but I'm on Nefopam amongst other things which has made me feel sick so I haven't really eaten as much as my normal piggy self
I'm on Nefopam and Diclofenac!
I'm sure I was on Diclofenac or similar for my knees a while back
Do you get any side affects boss?
I'm on oral morphine too which I only take as a top up if I need it
None whatsoever, I've been given gastro relief pills to settle the stomach lining, but I've never needed them. ;)
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I'm on too many to name, but weight wise my steroid inhalers and anti-crazy meds don't help!
I have been feeding left over mince pies to the birds (and squirrels) in the garden. Today I am enduring a SW Carrot and Coriander soup for lunch at work while my colleague has just eaten the most delicious cheese and pickle sandwich and crisps. My weigh in was this morning. I managed to lose half a pound last week. Not bad considering the weekend away at a wedding where I was making no effort not to drink and consumed far too much of the fabulous wedding cake.