Chat Thread.

No... No its defiantly not. What on earth is the point of a biscuit that looses its crap when its dunked in tea?!? Pointless biscuit. Like a malted milk... useless biscuit.
You need old school biscuits... like bourbon... or a custard cream... old school dunkin biscuit. They dont make them like they use too.
Nice biscuits are great dunked, but you have to be quick. Or *plop!*, fresh cup required...
I cant drink tea with biscuit in it. Plus you can never be sure you got it all! there is always a bit of biscuit in the bottom once you get down there.... eweweweww and you know you've drunk your tea with soggy biscuit in it.
Story of my life: I'm a vigorous stirer
By the way, i wasnt drunk last nigyt. Just to clear that up! I had alcohol and tramadol. :doh: