Chat Thread.

<creeps in to chat>
Hi Everyone! Just popping back in to see how my old forum friends are. I hope you are all coping, staying healthy and sane during this dystopian time :) I am currently working from home and my piggles are enjoying wheeking loudly in my video calls to work! Cassandra x
<creeps in to chat>
Hi Everyone! Just popping back in to see how my old forum friends are. I hope you are all coping, staying healthy and sane during this dystopian time :) I am currently working from home and my piggles are enjoying wheeking loudly in my video calls to work! Cassandra x
They want to join in the conversation too! :lol!:
Nice to see you again.
Hope all is well with you.
Thanks. I just lost my beautiful Boo, who would have been 7 in August. We are all so sad, he was the last of the trio of boys that I got in 2013. I now have Spike, Ghostie, Harley and Sandy Claws. Miss Boo though!
Great news @BossHogg and I hope it stays that way x
Thanks about Boo, I really really liked him, he was a great character and would follow me around the house :(
Has anyone ever ordered personalised coasters from anywhere? The ones with 4 or 5 pictures on?

Just wondering if anyone can recommend anywhere?
Has anyone ever ordered personalised coasters from anywhere? The ones with 4 or 5 pictures on?

Just wondering if anyone can recommend anywhere?
I've never ordered coasters but I've had mugs from snap fish and been happy with them. Not sure if they do coasters though.
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For those of you that posted on my forum, I have some bad news, TangoOscar31 (Thrush - my moderator) has passed away after contracting covid 19. :(
As this is a chat thread I thought I'd update piggies progress here and not start an unnecessary thread ...

Bill and Ted are doing brilliantly living outside 😁 I can here their happy wheeking through the dining room window.
I've been so worried and the huge storm yesterday didn't help but I've not really any need to worry.
They're living outside full time now.
I've ordered and recieved a snugglesafe for the colder weather, also have a glass clear tarpaulin on its way from China ... some numpty (me) didn't check where it was coming from and it's not turning up till next month 😩 no wonder it was cheap!
Green tarpaulin it is for now though.

Also wanting to know if you can keep single piggies outside? My gut says no but wondered if anybody had done it?
My first piggie Gibby lived outside on his own and was fine through snow and frost.
Was planning on getting a double hutch, one above the other, for my single boys until I can pair them with friends once the teenage stage is over.
Having piggies outside is not so bad ... and hubby said I can have as many as I like outside!
He'll regret that lol.
As this is a chat thread I thought I'd update piggies progress here and not start an unnecessary thread ...

Bill and Ted are doing brilliantly living outside 😁 I can here their happy wheeking through the dining room window.
I've been so worried and the huge storm yesterday didn't help but I've not really any need to worry.
They're living outside full time now.
I've ordered and recieved a snugglesafe for the colder weather, also have a glass clear tarpaulin on its way from China ... some numpty (me) didn't check where it was coming from and it's not turning up till next month 😩 no wonder it was cheap!
Green tarpaulin it is for now though.

Also wanting to know if you can keep single piggies outside? My gut says no but wondered if anybody had done it?
My first piggie Gibby lived outside on his own and was fine through snow and frost.
Was planning on getting a double hutch, one above the other, for my single boys until I can pair them with friends once the teenage stage is over.
Having piggies outside is not so bad ... and hubby said I can have as many as I like outside!
He'll regret that lol.
It’s best not to keep them single outside, let alone inside. They need that interaction even if through bars/grids/separator or whatever.

This is a chat thread so if you have a thread on your two it’s better you post it there. It won’t be seen here really.