Chat Thread.

Oh bless you funerals are hard. There is a good side though when you see family that you haven't seen in a while, hopefully you'll get a bit of that.

Hope it goes as well as possible.
Yep 15 of us are going out for a meal tonight. I haven't seen the extended family since February and my Uncle's last words to me were "I'll see you at my funeral".
It's not good when you can't sleep:zzz:.

I've got an emotional day today. It's my Uncles funeral and we leave soon as it's a 3 hour drive and the whole family are meeting for lunch first. Not looking forward to it but it has to be done.
:hug: :hug:

Hope the day goes as well as possible.

We have a funeral to go to too, my husband's uncle, on the 23rd. :(
Funerals are dark and dull in the u. K and alot of other places. But in Africa in places they celebrate with colour and dancing and happiness. Such a different look on things
Yes, that's right. So a three hour drive for us as well, and back the same day.
No, funerals aren't nice at all, but sadly getting more frequent inevitably. We've lost most of our parents' generation now.
Same here, my uncle in March was the last of that generation 😢
How’s everybody’s night going?
Trying to get 2 excitable kids to go to sleep! My nephews are staying over, we put up the Christmas tree, played board games, made paper snowflake decorations, great evening... but now they just wont go to sleep and I'm currently sitting on the top step using my stern teacher voice every time I here giggling and anyone get out of bed!
Just got pigs out for a run, I don't normaly do it this late, but they need it. Whilst I watch elf! Told you I'd try it again @Sophie B . Then il fuss ratties for a while, then push some zzzzzzzz's
I have never eaten sprouts but I want to watching this thread but unfortunately they are not available here I am hungry
I have never eaten sprouts but I want to watching this thread but unfortunately they are not available here I am hungry
You've not missed much I can assure you! You either love them or hate them. There is no in between. They taste like very strong bitter cabbage. Now I like cabbage but sprouts are :vom:.
They’re not bitter! Maybe you haven’t cooked them correctly @Betsy ill tell you what though, I can’t do with avocado 🤮 🤮 even the smell can get me gagging a bit! As for putting it in my mouth, makes me retch! I’ve tried and just can’t get past the texture! Funnily enough I used to eat it when I was younger - my mum used to mash it nd mix with a little salt and spread it on bread! I don’t know what happened!