Chat Thread.

My beastie is a 2.2 i CtDi SE goes like stink! 138mph top speed and 0-60 in 8 secs. :D
That's beautiful. I love that car, I hear bad things about rover, but that is lovely

I think Rover started getting a bad rep round about the time they stopped actually being "Rover" with all the buyouts/mergers etc going on. Back in the late 90s/early 00s my mum had a Series III Land Rover. She adored it and honestly for the age it was great, but there's nothing like being trapped in a multistorey carpark waiting for the AA after your gear stick's snapped in two....
I think Rover started getting a bad rep round about the time they stopped actually being "Rover" with all the buyouts/mergers etc going on. Back in the late 90s/early 00s my mum had a Series III Land Rover. She adored it and honestly for the age it was great, but there's nothing like being trapped in a multistorey carpark waiting for the AA after your gear stick's snapped in two....
That's interesting, I hear rover are bad for head gasket failures. You can't beat a Toyota or Honda if you want a reliable car 👍
That's interesting, I hear rover are bad for head gasket failures. You can't beat a Toyota or Honda if you want a reliable car 👍

I only know about the Land Rover stuff 'coz my mum had one, but apparently the gear sticks snapping were relatively common. Suppose they were gonna be, you get the idea of what they were like here: we were in a carpark at the Royal Victoria in Belfast, mum had to ring the AA, get them out and into the carpark (barriers, pay to enter), get the AA to assess the damage, get my dad out of work to drive halfway across Northern Ireland to the only place in the whole of Ulster that sold repair parts for Land Rovers, then get him to bring it back and bring it to the hospital and take us kids home so the pair of them could yell about it later.

Thankfully it was June, and not December or something. Those things did not have "heating".
Rover and Land Rover were classed as two completely different motor companies. Rover was the merger of Austin, Morris, Leyland and Rover. Land Rover merged with Jaguar and was bought by Tata steel in India. All of them came under the umbrella of British Leyland. ;)
British Leyland - Wikipedia
Don't know if is the right place.
Since mid September I have been in & out of hospital
With my Lithium going toxic.
I've been at risk of a coma.
At the moment I feel washed out & tired all the time.
Are they any mult-vitiman that are good, or is it a load of rubbish.
Don't know if is the right place.
Since mid September I have been in & out of hospital
With my Lithium going toxic.
I've been at risk of a coma.
At the moment I feel washed out & tired all the time.
Are they any mult-vitiman that are good, or is it a load of rubbish.

I think I’d ask your GP what they would recommend. Sorry to hear you’ve been so poorly.
Multivitamin tablets do work, when they are really needed. People who have had bariatric surgery are advised to take multivitamins because they can no longer get enough from their food, so they must work. I agree that seeing your doctor for advice/recommendations is a good idea though. Hope you feel better soon!
Don't know if is the right place.
Since mid September I have been in & out of hospital
With my Lithium going toxic.
I've been at risk of a coma.
At the moment I feel washed out & tired all the time.
Are they any mult-vitiman that are good, or is it a load of rubbish.
Sorry to hear you've been so ill, multivitamins are good if you have a dietary deficiency but too much of some vitamins (like vitamin A) and minerals (like iron and calcium) are very toxic and can also interfere with how some medicines work. I would consult your GP first, they can advise best. I take a multivitamin with B vitamins and iron because I'm vegan and have IBS but most people don't need them. Hope your health improves x
Multivitamin tablets do work, when they are really needed. People who have had bariatric surgery are advised to take multivitamins because they can no longer get enough from their food, so they must work. I agree that seeing your doctor for advice/recommendations is a good idea though. Hope you feel better soon!
Hopefully I can only go up.
Had to spend £40 plus on new PJs because I don't know when I shall have to go in. Could have bought a new dress with that.
Well I had the oddest dream last night. I dreamt I planted both my feet in flowerpots alongside the plants that were in them already. Properly planted them, patting down the soil etc!

I assume it was my subconscious reacting to the fact that one's in plaster and the other's in a pressure stocking following surgery! Weird eh!
I’m exhausted, but can’t sleep 😐
How’s everybody doing? I presume most of you won’t see this until the morning though 🤣
It's not good when you can't sleep:zzz:.

I've got an emotional day today. It's my Uncles funeral and we leave soon as it's a 3 hour drive and the whole family are meeting for lunch first. Not looking forward to it but it has to be done.
It's not good when you can't sleep:zzz:.

I've got an emotional day today. It's my Uncles funeral and we leave soon as it's a 3 hour drive and the whole family are meeting for lunch first. Not looking forward to it but it has to be done.
Oh bless you funerals are hard. There is a good side though when you see family that you haven't seen in a while, hopefully you'll get a bit of that.

Hope it goes as well as possible.