Chat Thread.

Haha yeah rare these two shift their butts but feeding time gets the lazy up :D
Very gorgeous pussy cat, melting away on sofa! :love:
My cats Honey, Nora and Donald must be getting on now, we don't know Honey's age as she was a stray (we did try to find her owner as she was in really good condition, no luck, so she stayed with us) the vet couldn't even guess!
he's very numb in the head! :))

I think most male cats are numb in the head. I know ours is definitely a bit ...well...umm..special. Fortunately our Lady cat balances it out by being super intelligent, is is also while like Elijah but has longer fur and heterochromia.
My cat Donald (other two are girls) is ermmm... Quite something!
He has no road sense, he will sit right in the middle of the road!

My Dad had a Rover similar to this. It was a disgusting metallic green with brown upholstery and my Mum hated it. She called it The Green Bath Tub!
I have a Skoda Superb L&K and it is LURVLY! It is top of the range and has all the toys on it. We had to go all the way to Dartford to get it. OH was searching online for a year for this car.

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Another lovely car. I like jap cars myself, but German are better quality inside. And more made for comfort