Chat Thread.

The weather had been quite nice hasn’t it?
Not so much today though, it’s a wee bit cold
The guinea pigs met my new baby grandson today, he was having his nappy changed on the piggy room floor. They were fascinated that hoomans can be guinea pig sized! They all came over and looked at him and made a weird cooing sound, I thought they might wheek for food but clearly he is too small to open the fridge yet (he's 3 weeks old and he was a month premature so technically he is minus 10 days old, and truly guinea pig sized) :)
The guinea pigs met my new baby grandson today, he was having his nappy changed on the piggy room floor. They were fascinated that hoomans can be guinea pig sized! They all came over and looked at him and made a weird cooing sound, I thought they might wheek for food but clearly he is too small to open the fridge yet (he's 3 weeks old and he was a month premature so technically he is minus 10 days old, and truly guinea pig sized) :)
I do so love new babies. One of the best smells in the world is a freshly bathed baby smelling of Johnson's baby powder.:love::love:
They will both be on a plate soon. My local kfc has two malards waiting for fries. Doubt they fly well or swim after that
They won't be worried by cats, I saw them chase one up the road, poor moggy was terrified! :))
Hi guys! It's been almost a year but I'm back! Did you miss me?! How is everyone? What have I missed?
Sorry I disappeared, life got rather busy and I took a step back from forums and the like.
I'm now married and have a little girl!
I'm indoctrinating her into the world of guinea pigs - starting by reading books like 'Guinea Pig Party' by Holly Surplice!
Hi guys! It's been almost a year but I'm back! Did you miss me?! How is everyone? What have I missed?
Sorry I disappeared, life got rather busy and I took a step back from forums and the like.
I'm now married and have a little girl!
I'm indoctrinating her into the world of guinea pigs - starting by reading books like 'Guinea Pig Party' by Holly Surplice!
Welcome back! I joined in October so you probably won't know me, but it's always nice to meet new people
Congratulations on your marriage and you wee girl!
Let me introduce myself, and my two boys.
My name is Sophie and I'm a guinea pig lover much like everybody else on the forum
I have two boars named Smokey and Bacon, who love adventures and cuddles
Once again, lovely to meet you x
Hi guys! It's been almost a year but I'm back! Did you miss me?! How is everyone? What have I missed?
Sorry I disappeared, life got rather busy and I took a step back from forums and the like.
I'm now married and have a little girl!
I'm indoctrinating her into the world of guinea pigs - starting by reading books like 'Guinea Pig Party' by Holly Surplice!
Hi nice to see you back! Wondered where you had got to! Congratulations on your marriage and your baby. What's her name?
Since you left @Kallasia I have had gang warfare piggy style and have had to split my herd into 2 mini herds. Betsy and Dennis now live as husboar and wifey in the top of the hutch and Christian lives with Meg and Vevet in the bottom of the hutch. Christian took over from Velvet as the head of the herd in a coup and decided he didn't want Dennis with "his" girls and started to bully him which is why I had to split them up. Dennis is now able to show his true pigsonality and has started rumbling and bossing Betsy around which she doesn't seem to mind too much about. She has always loved Dennis and the 2 of them get on really well. Velvet has relaxed now that she doesn't have to head the herd any more and Meg is still the bottom piggy and happy to stay there out of trouble.
Welcome back! I joined in October so you probably won't know me, but it's always nice to meet new people
Congratulations on your marriage and you wee girl!
Let me introduce myself, and my two boys.
My name is Sophie and I'm a guinea pig lover much like everybody else on the forum
I have two boars named Smokey and Bacon, who love adventures and cuddles
Once again, lovely to meet you x

Excellent naming strategy :)) it's nice to meet you too! Also, boy piggies are the best!
Since you left @Kallasia I have had gang warfare piggy style and have had to split my herd into 2 mini herds. Betsy and Dennis now live as husboar and wifey in the top of the hutch and Christian lives with Meg and Vevet in the bottom of the hutch. Christian took over from Velvet as the head of the herd in a coup and decided he didn't want Dennis with "his" girls and started to bully him which is why I had to split them up. Dennis is now able to show his true pigsonality and has started rumbling and bossing Betsy around which she doesn't seem to mind too much about. She has always loved Dennis and the 2 of them get on really well. Velvet has relaxed now that she doesn't have to head the herd any more and Meg is still the bottom piggy and happy to stay there out of trouble.

Oh my! :yikes: I bet that caused a big headache for you! I'm glad they all seem to be happier now though!
Excellent naming strategy :)) it's nice to meet you too! Also, boy piggies are the best!
It was originally Smokey and Smudge, then we got Bacon (Smudge passed away)
We were going to call Smokey Graham, grey (his coat colour) and ham (guinea pig)

I've only ever had boys (three pigs in total, they aren't eve one yet) and I love them to bits!
That's fully comp with legal cover, windscreen cover, courtesy car, drive other cars, and recovery too. ;)