Chat Thread.

That's not magic, it's pure bosshoggery at its best.
Well today the sun is shining (well at least for the mo) and I have got up early so that I can make a fruit cake and pop in the oven so that it's cooked before the roast goes in then this afternoon we are going to Mum-in -Law who is lovely and almost like my own Mum (in fact she is now the only Mum I have). I'm going to take my own tea though and she is quite used to this. I have to try to maintain my present weight having FINALLY reached my goal weight at Slimming World and her teas are so full of calories that if I ate them I would soon be putting the weight back on! They are lovely teas though just a shame I won't be partaking really! never mind ......
Well done on reaching target, I still have a way to go.
Thanks@BossHogg. I took a healthy extra B roll with Fridays cold Roast Gammon in it :drool: and 3 syn cake (3 syns for the whole cake :love::love:) which used to be half syn cake:drool: as they changed the rules on artificial sweetener a while ago. If you crave cake this is what you need! It rises up in the oven and then drops back down again. I use drained thawed frozen fruit to mix in with the remaining quark. You can't taste the quark which on its own is completely :vom: but mixed with the fruit it is OK.

If you don't have the recipe its here but use half a tsp of baking powder not 1 tsp
Slimming World Recipes: Half Syn Cake - Slimming World

Give it a go you might surprise yourself!
I like cake in a cup, one egg, add an options chocolate sachet, whisk and put in microwave for 60 seconds, it rises up over the top of the cup but falls back down again. ;)
I can no longer give the guinea pigs the Burgess XL dry grass hey as I am seriously allergic to it
Hmm when you want to spend the morning cleaning the house and walk back into every room you have cleaned and have to start over (kids).

Chuck on Netflix to keep said rebels still only to find yourself dealing with arguments as to changing the program every few mins!

So after a trip to the zoo and the inevitable trip thru the zoo gift shop. I discovered the kids are huge fans of sand animals (if you type that in on eBay you'll see what I mean). Which wasn't so bad considering they were among the cheapest gifts so we're allowed.
Squeak can you describe to me what a sand animal actually is?
I am confused
Squeak can you describe to me what a sand animal actually is?
I am confused

I'll do my best.

They are small toy/ornamental creatures...usually lizards or snakes but over the years this has extended into frogs, dolphins, dragons, turtles etc. they are made from 2 peices of silk cloth (under side is often plain, the top layer is patterned like reptile skin or shimmery metallic rainbows ). They are filled with sand so are quite heavy and are manufactured in the Far East, Thailand particularly.
We have a number of lizard ones in the house of various sizes and patterns from trips to Thailand for example.

They make interesting paper weights and doorstops depending on their size.
Off to work for the last time in my old Renault scenic. It's done 155000 miles, its been replaced by a Ford Focus which is two years younger with 70000 miles less. ;)
If it wasn't for my boyfriend is coming up to stay with me the only people I would see on my carers and it was only when my carer said that to him the other day I actually realised that was the case sometimes I am really thick
I don't really have a big social circle in Reading I only know about three or four people
Obviously with me being blind it's quite difficult to get out and socialise
I didn't actually realise that if it wasn't for my carers I wouldn't see anyone at all until my carer actually said that
Sometimes I can't see things for looking at them
I have ordered an Indian bamboo flute that will be coming tomorrow so I will let you know when I've uploaded something with it in to SoundCloud
There is some new work on there actually that I would like your input on
Maddy Harper 1
There is some music on there with my Armenian instrument which has read and it's called a Duduk It sounds like a saxophone so if you think that's what I'm playing it's not
I call it my saxophone wannabe As that but it sounds like
I have to have the worlds tiniest flute I have ever seen
This is like a flute for children
Tiny little baby flute Awww
Summer is officially over and I know this because I've had to turn the little oil filled radiator that I have in my bedroom on because I'm not so much worried for myself but I'm worried for the piglets getting too cold because it was freezing this morning
I'm the first one to know when the weather starts to turn because I don't have a boiler in this house
Gosh I hadn't noticed that, but now you point it out, it does look way nicer.

Blimey are you going for Tim's honorary title of 'Tim'll fix it'? @Tim

'Boss'll fix it'

I know we could have one north and south...that works!:yahoo:
Summer is officially over and I know this because I've had to turn the little oil filled radiator that I have in my bedroom on because I'm not so much worried for myself but I'm worried for the piglets getting too cold because it was freezing this morning
I'm the first one to know when the weather starts to turn because I don't have a boiler in this house

Getting cold here too although Tuesday is expected to be in the 30's but then right back to cold again after.
No need for heating yet but today all windows were closed and the long sleeved/full leg clothing was utilized. No more shorts and t-shirts.
Gosh I hadn't noticed that, but now you point it out, it does look way nicer.

Blimey are you going for Tim's honorary title of 'Tim'll fix it'? @Tim

'Boss'll fix it'

I know we could have one north and south...that works!:yahoo:
They are dead easy to change, they only clip in, no special skills needed. ;)
Lady in the Van is on BBC 2 at the moment, it's hilarious! :lol!: anyone else watching it?