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Everybody thinks it being skinny is a good thing but I tell you one thing it's bloody cold
Everybody thinks it being skinny is a good thing but I tell you one thing it's bloody cold

I have Raynauds. The only time I get an attack is when I weigh less than 8 stone. Above that, it's like Raynauds doesn't exist.
Eh, I weigh enough now that it's not a problem :)) I've had it for years, at least two decades, but my mother keeps insisting I have it because I smoke. I've had to remind her a few times that she took me to the doctor with it when I was about 7,and I sure wasn't smoking at that age!
From what I understand the condition is where the blood gets too thick to circulate
So yes it would be nasty
And painful
The heaviest I have ever been is eight stone seven
Not quite. The circulation just goes, but not because of the blood itself, or at least not in my case. In my case, something gets too cold (say a finger, or a toe) and basically the arteries go into spasm and blood flow is affected as a result.
I've lost both hands and both feet in their entirety before. But yes, getting the circulation back is one of the most painful things I have ever had to regularly do.
Everybody thinks it being skinny is a good thing but I tell you one thing it's bloody cold
I agree with you there, I HATE the winters because I get cold so fast. On the other hand I love the summer sunshine and rarely sweat no matter how humid it gets.

Your hair looks wonderful and well done for managing to sit still for that long, I think most people would struggle even those who do not smoke or have an attention disorders. I think i'l need to be browsing the forum to say happily still for that long ;)
So far I have gave the guinea pigs around
Put the towels in the wash
Ordered another 15 string lap harp
That should be coming tomorrow
Got support this afternoon so I might have a trip down to Tesco
That moment when you finally discover why....

For days now as I entered the house my nose was instantly greeted with a ever growing foul stench. No amount of cleaning or airing out the place could get rid of it. Garbage was regularly taken out so that ruled that out.

Then today when I was unable to find the source and could bare it no longer I set one of the rats loose to investigate. What did he find? A half cup of old milk with some... I guess what used to be strawberries in it secreted behind some awkward to move furniture. THANKS KIDS :vom::vom::vom::vom::vom::vom:.

It was revolting but finally the odd smell has gone and everything smells fresh again. Extra tickles and cuddles to my smart little investigator.
Wow that's really cool that the rat sniffed that out. They must be like little sniffer dogs that you just let loose and they sniff out anything. Good boy! I really hate odd smells (and sounds) that you can't quite figure out where they are coming from.
One of the trio is very fussy about new things so he was the one who's services I selected.

What he did when he found the smell was to keep running back behind that furniture when I called him. He does come when called ( they all do). But he was doing the odd thing of coming where I could see him and then going behind it. When I gave up calling for him and went to just pick him up...he went behind the furniture and stayed there. So queue me VERY carefully trying to move that heavy thing until I could see him, once I could see him I could also see the nasty cup he was sat next to while staring at me and then he came out when called and I was able to move the furniture so I could reach the cup easier without the danger of squashing him.

He's a smart boy but he was probably thinking more along the lines of "hey I found something new while exploring and it smells unusual" rather than "I found that thing you wanted finding". I just took advantage of his finickyness.
They kept breaking my heart because they don't live very long

Yes that is the only negative to owning them....but any animal can die young. It's just guaranteed in rats and mice. I think if anything it makes me spend more time with them because you never know when that last day will come.
My partner tried to tell me that getting a guinea pig would be better than getting another cat because they don't live as long and it wont be like getting attached to a animal who could live 18 years like my cat that passed last year. That's not how I am though. The moment I held them at the pet store (no rescue nearby so please don't me) I was attached and they were going to be mine. When the time comes i'll be just as devestated as when my cat died.
It's difficult not to get attached to an animal no matter how long or short lifespan is
Went into town yesterday got my headset replaced on my seven get broke
Went to lush got a bottle of perfume
Had something to eat then came home
Why is it when you lose your sunglasses somewhere it's always your expensive prescription pair and not the cheap pair. I've spent all afternoon going to every store at the mall I can recall going to last thursday and no luck. The only thing that makes me feel better is that if someone has them now they wont be much use to them unless they have the same prescription as me. Had to get more two more pairs (a two for one deal) ordered because my eyes are crap for long distance.