Chat Thread.

I'm curious as to why you favor your hair in dreads. They look nice but does the maintenance of them ever get annoying sometimes? ;)
Now the shenanigans of the Easter tea party are over, time to put my feet up

Does anyone wonna buy my some new socks? :D
Can piggies fart? I can most definitely confirm they can... out loud! Puzzle was just naping on a cozy blanket on my lap and as I tickled his nose he sneezed farting respectably loud for a guinea pig at the same time... it was the sweetest fart sound ever... :-D
Can piggies fart? I can most definitely confirm they can... out loud! Puzzle was just naping on a cozy blanket on my lap and as I tickled his nose he sneezed farting respectably loud for a guinea pig at the same time... it was the sweetest fart sound ever... :-D
Just want I want to read while eating a sandwich :p
IMG_0238.webp IMG_0239.webp Just got the Twilight Princess manga earlier today. It's really good and the artwork is amazing!
I did a British Red Cross first aid duty on the Great North Swim yesterday, I had a pleasant day driving this beastie round the twisting country roads surrounding Windermere. ;)

Sorry for the late reply
Yes the maintenance does get a bit irritating sometimes
Getting my dreads twisted again on Thursday
Love getting my hair done
Here i am with a lap harp
Hi Maddy, I visited your website and I listened to your wonderful music! You are such a talented musician! I love the medieval piece, but also the ones where you play irish flute... maybe because I also (sometimes) love playing my alto recorder and I my favourite score album is a book of irish traditional music :D
I want to share with you some roman daily life...
someone very civilised throw out his old mattress leaving it on the road... and someone else wrote on it (in roman dialect): " *** (italian bad word) I hope someone will find you lied down and COLD on your new mattress"
my i phone is temperarally out of action as i am switching networks at present and am waiting for my number to be switched over so i am locked out of the network.
unfortunatly i'm using my windows laptop with a substandard screen reader which is inferior to apple's screen reading software.
i hope it will be able to be used tomoro morning when i wake up as i cant really live with out my i phone as its doing my head in.
I am SO tired today after another long night but no rest for the wicked. Had to put my skills to use repairing a favored toy.

"Look, hurt! Need surgery now!" The demand comes as an extremely fluffy toy with a rip in is thrust in my face.
"Not now, I have a headache and I am tired. Later ok?"
"But..doggy hurt waaaaaaaaaaaAhh"

And that was how I came to repair a toy while suffering from a horrible headache and just wanting o be left in peace to rest. At least my stitches are invisible. I might not have the skill with a sewing machine or the creativity to design and make textiles for the pets but at least the sewing skills I do have come in handy for repair on soft toys haha.
We've all been there! I had to go back to Grandmas when bunbun got left there by mistake. Then we went away in the caravan and left blanky behind at home! Luckily my parents were coming to see us and they had a spare blanky at their house which was an acceptable substitute! The first night Tom luckily accepted my T shirt that I had been wearing all day as it smelled of me!
We left an alligator on a plane once, fortunately we did get it back but it took some time.
Shame it wasn't a snake really:doh:
Wow some crazy rain here right now. It's still sunny and hot but the skies just opened up and it's raining HARD coming straight down with the breeze having no effect on direction.I have washing outside but it can stay there...I don't want to get up to get it.

Also had some utterly crazy storms last night that were not even forecast.
We have had really hard rain here too. It was fine this morning when I put out the pigs. Then the heavens opened and I had to put them back in the hutch. Luckily there was an old duvet on top of the run so they didn't get too wet. They were all sheltering in one big pigloo and for once they didn't play catch me if you can and were more than happy to get back into a dry hutch! I did cover them as best as I could when doing the transfer. I was so wet as my coat leaked and I had to get changed into dry clothes!

Sorry don't know what happened there. I think I must have pressed Post Reply too early! I am still getting used to my new laptop!