Chat Thread.

Yes he has I can't get over the size of him unfortunately I can't look back at the pictures
I guess I have to realise that my baby is no longer a baby
I still see him is that tiny little thing that I brought home
I am wondering how you will tell them apart if they grow to approximately the same size one day, hopefully one will always be heavier.
I can tell which one is which by the way they move inside the cage as well as outside
Are used to kill all my rats apart and the couple don't sisters
Russian are used to tell all my different rats apart and a couple of them were sisters
I don't know what this dictation is going on about Russians for today
Maybe it's obsessed with the US president
I've hijacked my speech program
Sooo tired! My partner came home from work yesterday looking like death warmed up, he was complaining of a sore throat that morning. All night he's been tossing and turning and costantly asking "do I feel hot". So poor guy has hobbled off to work this morning (he broke his foot a week ago) and I have just sat down from feeding piggies with my coffee and enjoying some silence and my dad comes out from his office also looking like death and complaining. The silence was good while it lasted.
That's not good Kylie
I can't get my dictation to say your name properly
That is rubbish
Free today I'll be a bit quiet for you
Lol it's ok. It was right the first time. I just hope they don't pass on whatever they've got because they both look like they are going to die.
My new black harp arrived yesterday and it's made of maple on the top of the frame and spruce for the soundboard
It's really beautiful to play it has a bright and sparkly but gentle sound
I will let you know when I've recorded it
Sooo tired! My partner came home from work yesterday looking like death warmed up, he was complaining of a sore throat that morning. All night he's been tossing and turning and costantly asking "do I feel hot". So poor guy has hobbled off to work this morning (he broke his foot a week ago) and I have just sat down from feeding piggies with my coffee and enjoying some silence and my dad comes out from his office also looking like death and complaining. The silence was good while it lasted.
So woke up this morning sick as a dog. Damn you men folk in this house grrrr.
I'm having my hair done today so I should post some pictures when it's finished
I got my hair done yesterday Sybilla on the lookout for pics
I hope my face doesn't crack your screen
This is me since my hair was done
Hopefully I've done a bit more weight since the last picture
Correction put on a bit of weight

It's Friday, the rugby is one...piggies fed...dinner ate, chocolate opened and the top button of the trousers are officially loosened! Oh yes, it Friday night everyone.
Big exhale of air....and relax. :bronco:
I had to sit still for two hours and 30 minutes while that was done to my hair without a cigarette and with attention deficit hyper activity disorder that was not easy
Thanks Kylie
They seem to be going outwards as well as down
I'm starting to notice them when they get wet
I'm hoping to go and do a performance this week so wish me luck for that
I will try and get my friend to video it so you can have a look
I'm a little bit nervous but I always am
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Good luck with the performance, Maddy! I don't care what anyone says, performing in front of people is nerve-wracking no matter how many times you've done it before. I hope it all goes well.
I have this dream where I get up on stage tried to play the flute and no sound comes out
It's a scary dream
It usually happens the night before a performance which isn't very helpful