Chat Thread.

I've had that happen in several properties where the smoke alarm would just go off for no reason whatsoever when nothing is being cooked and usually in the middle of the night
Also had kettles turn on cells on iPad caps turn themselves on I swear of got a ghost with me wherever I go something weird happens usually with the plumbing
Have a water ghost
Comet's been silently judging me for my music tastes all night, I don't think he's an Oasis fan :))
Lol that's hilarious. I don't play music in front of the piggies, i'm a big heavy metal fan so I don't want to scare them or scar them for life lol.
Unfortunately my pics got no choice when it comes to music because I'm a musician so they have been exposed to a huge variety of pictures frequencies instrument unit
Stripey is not a fan of my iPhones clicks especially when it's going to my speaker stack if I'm playing something on YouTube he doesn't like the speech program either I think because he constantly rumbles at it when I'm using it through my speaker stack
Well sorry stripey it's not my fault that you've got a blind mum who needs an iPhone talks he's alright with my laptop though which has the similar speech program but I guess because it doesn't click when I'm scrawling through links all icons on the laptop he doesn't look at it or rumble
My piggies can't stand any noise coming from my iphone or even if the iphone is pointed at them while i'm taking a photo lol.
Comet kept making irritated chirruping noises down the phone to my parents on Sunday. Apparently he doesn't like their voices lol.
Kylie you can imagine what it's like how much bracket the iPhone makes when you have a speech program on it constantly clicks when you're not typing and when you go onto another icon it clicks so it clicks constantly
Stripey does not like that
I don't like a single set of bagpipes the tall I think that's horrible but if there is a band of them I can cope with that
Not to very patriotically of me being from Scotland and all that
They were designed to scare people in battle apparently so the history books say
I always tell myself that I want to learn the Irish pipes but I think the neighbours would have more than a bit of a problem with that. Pipes have a hell of a learning curve to them as well - people don't realise how difficult playing actual songs can be, and there's people playing rock songs, folk songs and everything. Takes no small amount of work.
Playing folk songs on a piano or a harp is much easier than playing them on the flute
I play all three
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I used to play the violin. Had this tutor that point blank refused to work with me because apparently I only wanted to play Irish folk music. That was news to me.
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Kylie you can imagine what it's like how much bracket the iPhone makes when you have a speech program on it constantly clicks when you're not typing and when you go onto another icon it clicks so it clicks constantly
Stripey does not like that
Oh no poor Stripey. I'm sure he will get used to eventually....maybe lol.
I think I'm mostly grumpy because the sky was that shade of bright orange it gets when it snows at night, and I couldn't sleep because of it :(

Thankfully the sun is out now so it won't be too icy, my sense of balance is horrendous lol.
I can imagine. Especially when it freezes, they never salt the streets around here. Do they at least salt where you live?
No they don't they play the town but they don't clear the outside of the town I don't know if that's the same way you are
I don't even know if they salt the town tbh, although I suppose they must, we're too close to the motorway exit to not to. But where I live isn't near the centre of town and the last time it froze over I was using the metal fences around a building site to keep myself upright.

I have seen the gritter lorry out overnight a couple of times recently, maybe they're finally bothering? Who knows.

Meanwhile I've just ordered an extension for the boys' Midwest habitat and I keep wondering where I'm actually going to put it. Don't know why I'm wondering tbh. They're taking over the entire living room anyway.
That's the trouble with guinea pigs is they can encroach on your living space very easily
I have found this
I'm fighting with them over instrument space
This is an up-to-date picture of Choc and stripey it was taken inside the running closure again because that's the only place that I can get photographs taken of the two of them because they won't sit still if they're in the cage