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A bit? I nearly broke through the floorboards in a mate's living room once. You know, on the _ground floor_... >.>
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I dare you to say that to my sister.

Actually don't. Really don't. We all like you alive :P (seriously though rugby IS life what is this nonsense?!)
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I'll say it sarcastically at a VERY safe distance :D I'm always winding up the lads at work saying it when their footy team has lost :)) I'm surprised I'm still alive! XD
)(&*^^%^(*%^^*&( I'm watching the auto score update on the BBC Sports site at the minute. That alone is setting my heart rate off. It looks like we finally decided to wake up...better late than never. Again.

and don't even get me started about football. It alone could cause more problems for Northern Ireland than half of their politicians could! Well, until recently. The latest round of election campaigning over there has me wondering if there's anyone sensible left in politics over there...
Perhaps an alcoholic beverage may bring your heart rate down a touch? :D
I'm not a big footy fan, which makes it more entertaining when I wind up others :))
I can't sit and watch a football match at all. Sit and watch a rugby match and I wonder where the time has gone. I'd far rather be playing football instead.

And besides, the cider is all the way over there...somewhere. And actually I've lost my keys, and my bottle opener is on the same bunch >.> Well, two. Two bottle openers, all on the same bunch of keys that I chucked somewhere on Friday and haven't seen since. Score.
And actually I've lost my keys, and my bottle opener is on the same bunch >.> Well, two. Two bottle openers, all on the same bunch of keys that I chucked somewhere on Friday and haven't seen since. Score.
You numptey:raz::))

They just extended their lead! :yahoo::D
Oh crumbs! :(

No, I think it's just hay dust. He's been doing it off and on, usually starting within an hour of me putting new hay out. It's the only problem he's got and generally he seems to be breathing fine, it's just when he does that "doot doot" searching thing he does, he hoots along with it.

Also drop goal yeeeeeees.
Bless him, as long as he gets along ok. No more heart attacks please! :))

Ooh yasss! That'll show the ribbits who's boss! :D
Kevin Gourdon has broken his binding early and that is another dunder-headed penalty given away by France.

Johnny Sexton kicks these in his slippers..."

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Great commentary! :))
Methinks the Irish has this one in the bag! :yahoo: :D
I hope so, chucking it away now would be a really silly thing to do. :whistle: Is Sexton still playing though? The commentary's being a tad ambiguous about that.

Also just as I type that look what happens. Bad Ireland. Bad!
No idea, but seeing all these Guinness advertising is making me thirsty! :D
Found the keys! In the kitchen cupboard. Don't ask, I have no idea.

It's funny reading all this commentary going on about how good Sexton is. I remember when bringing him on for Ireland felt like a huge gamble because he could be so hit and miss. Ah, how the years change. Jackson's got a good career ahead of him though. Nice to see an Ulster lad getting a chance.

Now, I think some celebrations are in order...
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Haha Comet just made some half gargle, half sneeze type noise. No more hooting. However he's now discovered he can wheek again. And I now have a damp puddle on the floor because I was trying to take a gulp when he did it. Scared the crap outta me. Thanks, little guy. I totally needed that...
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Haha nope. Although he did make me jump a fair bit - he always makes the same noise and you'd think I'd be used to him doing it since it always happens when he hoots but nope, I still manage to think he's choked on something every time.

And I run to check and he just stares at me. "Go away, silly human."
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Could be worse, you could have smoke alarms that pip at random. I just had them all tested and they STILL do it... in fact earlier all 4 of them let out a pip in succession through the house just as I was talking about them. Haunted smoke alarms.

I also have an electric kettle that you have to unplug because it switches itself on...yes the actual click down switch to activate. It's a very strange place our kitchen.
When I first moved in here there was a disposable smoke alarm in the living room that had a dying battery. I had to have maintenance deal with it because it was a smoke alarm and they basically shrugged, pulled it off the ceiling, and then chucked it down the rubbish chute.

That was a Monday afternoon and our bins got emptied on a Monday morning, so the alarm basically chirped to itself in the bin for another week.
Oh they have done this since the day they were installed, just usually not in harmony with each other and the timing is random. You can be home all day and maybe none will pip, and then the next day you'll hear it a few times.

They still make me jump when they do it and IRONICALLY they only do it when I am in the house alone or the only one awake. I swear its not me! I am not imagining this. lol
I used to live in a place where the smoke alarms had batteries but were also hard wired into the mains, so when the battery was dying you just had this constant siren going off til the damned thing was replaced. They were guaranteed for a decade or something but in 3 years I needed 3 new alarms. They always whinged about needing to replace them too and I'm like "right, but there's no fire, it's 3am, and I'd like some sleep already."

Switching off the electric wouldn't help either because then the alarm would panic because its power supply was cut. Bane of my life those things.
Yes I look forward to moving again someday and being rid of them. I can't remove them so I just have to live with the random "Is she still alive? well lets check.. PiP! Yep, she jumped she is still here."
Smoke alarm log entry day 324:
So far I have managed to elude the humans as to the pattern of my secret code. My plans to single out one human and only pip when it is present have worked like a charm. The rest are all convinced said human must now be hearing things. This afternoon I managed to send out a coordinated signal together with my comrades placed in strategic positions throughout the structure. It is only a matter of time before world domination is ours MWAHAHAHAAHAH

ps. That impudent kettle has been silenced at last. Fortunately the humans now keep him disconnected. I am almost certain he was trying to alert them to our plans. Thankfully now the only time he has the power to speak, his message is distorted by the sound of his own gargling.

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