Chat Thread.

How many instruments do you own now? I am just curious as you seem to add to the collection quite frequently.
I have two Yamaha 61 key keyboard one works The other doesn't
I have two rolls would flits a budget one and a more expensive one they don't have keys
I have an African black wood flute which also doesn't have keys
I have a crystal glass flute which has no keys
Our 18 inch Japanese bamboo flute that doesn't have keys
A 26 inch Chinese flute which is also bamboo without keys
I have a slightly smaller version of the same Chinese slip which is in a different key which also doesn't have keysA cocus wooden flute which doesn't have keys
To Indian bamboo flute switch don't have keys one is cracked right down the middle so she is not playable the other one is playable so managed to fix her
To harps
Two wooden folk whistles which don't have keys one in C and The other one is in D
I have my solid silver orchestral flute which has keys and I also have a student silver flute which also has keys and I also have a piccolo which also has keys and I think that's your lot
Oh no I've just remembered about the Neaton of American drone flute which will I will be getting tomorrow that doesn't have keys either
Do you think I've got enough instruments
I also forgot about the 15 string the other so yes there is that as well
Correction zither
I have ordered another Chinese flute from Amazon so that will be delivered tomorrow so I want to see if the flute that the music company is sending me out to replace the one cracked within half an hour of me getting into my bedroom is the same length or even the same key if they're in different keys I don't mind because quite frankly you can never have enough instruments that are in different keys that's just my opinion no oh yes and my African drum I forgot about that as well and my Tibetan bells and my Tibetan singing bowl oh why did I start this list I've got so much stuff no wonder I'm buying a place to put things
I am actually dreading when I move house because I'm going to have to pack all this up
Then there is all the stuff for the pigs as well which I haven't mentioned because that will do your head
I have ordered another Chinese flute from Amazon so that will be delivered tomorrow so I want to see if the flute that the music company is sending me out to replace the one cracked within half an hour of me getting into my bedroom is the same length or even the same key if they're in different keys I don't mind because quite frankly you can never have enough instruments that are in different keys that's just my opinion no oh yes and my African drum I forgot about that as well and my Tibetan bells and my Tibetan singing bowl oh why did I start this list I've got so much stuff no wonder I'm buying a place to put things
I am actually dreading when I move house because I'm going to have to pack all this up
Then there is all the stuff for the pigs as well which I haven't mentioned because that will do your head
Think how much happier you will be though Maddy
Yes sweetie I know I will be happier but still I'm going to need a suitcase purely for the woodwind
Also not been opposite my ex that will make me happier as well
I'm going to enquire by calling the vets tomorrow to see if I can get both of my meals sorted and then I can expand my heritage when I get my own house but adding a couple of girlies at the moment there are be little baby piglets and I wouldn't be able to let any of them go
So I am going to get them both fixed partly because I can't separate them so they both have to go to vet together otherwise I will have one seriously distressed pig on my hands if I only get one done
Besides I have to register stripey at the vet anyway but I can do that over the phone that's no problem I don't have to take him in register him
Here is what I look like
My hair had just been done but it's not the best picture but Hayhoe

@Maddy that sure is a lot of instruments! Quite an impressive collection and I don't know why but I always imagined you taller than you are and it is not a bad picture at all.
Your dreadlocks must take quite some maintenance as your hair seems quite fair. Kudos for having the added determination for keeping them.
The boys have come round from the anaesthetic okay I don't know what planet they were on yesterday but it was not planet Earth
I was woken up at 4 o'clock by squeaky pigs they want their breakfast
I gave them half the amount of lettuce are you would normally have to see how they got on with it and ate it like they had not eaten in a week
They are both up and about this morning so I've got my pics back yesterday I was absolutely traumatised by the state they came home in
I have never been so happy to hear squeaky pigs in my life even if it was at 4 o'clock
I am so relieved
Just seen this thread, nice to meet you Maddy, love your hair does it take a lot of time to keep it like this.
It's lovely to put a name to a face.
How's Choc & Stripy getting on. Let us know when you move & we want to know how the new house is.
My dreads take a lot more work than they would do if my hair was pure Afro but it doesn't take as much work as it would do if it was pure white hair because my mum is mixed-race
They used to be waste Lancs and about eight times the sickness but they were far too heavy do you take 12 hours drying time and I just couldn't handle them because my spine is dodgy
I still have all the old XS dried it was taken off in a bag under my bed to remind me never to let them get that size again
Fat dreadlocks look nice but they come and price the weight
Then more difficult to keep clean as well if they're really fat so I quite like having quite nice then drive although they're not that synonym or are starting to get fat again
I will have had my dreadlocks for four years this year in October
My dreads were pitching on October 4, 2013 and the last read was finished at 9:45 at night
Are used to have 66 braids before that and they used to take me 8 1/2 hours to do every six weeks
The trouble was when I took them out the route was already starting to dread up because my hair is really curly so I just thought sod it I'll just get the lot
Correction dread the lot
The good thing about partly having white hair is it means I can actually wash it a lot more than I would be able to if I had your Afro hair like my mum
Besides I wasn't cooked long enough I came out at 25 weeks just station but I still have all the skin problems as if I was black but I've got porcelain white skin so is my eldest sister were nickname to porcelain dolls in our family because the rest of them are all dark like my mum
We even look like porcelain dolls in photographs family pictures we don't look real
People have actually asked my mum if we are actually real people are not goals it's hilarious
Choc and stripey a much better today they are a lot better but polished off their breakfast in a ridiculously fast should period of time but it's nice to see them up and around again
I will be taking them back to the vet tomorrow to have them checked out to see how their wounds are healing and then I can find out from the vet then when I can actually start running them because stripey is doing both my and shocks head because of the energy is got
I couldn't believe it when I actually found out what strike his way is five months old he is 700 g
Choc is 900 g and he's for
It's probably nice to put a name to the face who is making all those weird noises with the flutes Lol ☺️
Born at 25weeks? Especially 30+ years ago. It's a miracle you are even here with us Maddy! Now we know where your fighting spirit comes from.
I was 1 lb 7 oz when I was born
In an incubator for A year
When I came out of the hospital at a year old I was the size of what I should've been at nine months
So I guess you could call me America baby
Glad to see the dictation on my iPhone is being as rubbish as ever
We may be getting a new addition to the family, Alfie, a ten year old staffie. He belongs to my sister in law who is in her 60s, she's just had both knees replaced and can't look after him anymore. She was going to get him PTS! we're not going to allow that to happen. Going to try and get him a new home and if we can't, he can see out his days with us. Granted I'll have to fence off part of the garden to keep the animals safe, but it will be a small price to pay to stop him from being euthanised. ;)
Poor pooch! :( You'll give him a great home and no doubt spoil him rotten :)
I love staffies, very affectionate:)
Good on you Boss, I hope you can sort him out a home but at least he's going to be safe no matter what x
Aww @BossHogg you are so kindhearted with animals. I hope that Alfie finds a wonderful home unless of course he stays with you in which case he already found the best!
Her grandson has moved in with her, he is going to look after Alfie so she can keep him. We've told her, whenever she wants some respite, we are here to give her a break. ;)
I'm hoping there will be another picture of myself at the start of March put up here because my Haggerston on the 19th so this will be the first time I has been done since I've been OP free so it'll be like me coming out of those little cocoons the caterpillars make chrysalis that's it
I hope I come out the hairdressers a nice little butterfly
Yes I am looking forward to having it redone because when the roots start to grow the dreadlocks put on the scalp because of the weight of them so when they all get twisted on top back inside I will tied to the scalp it takes the pressure off
They are starting to get heavy again even though they're not that long then making up for in size though