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My mum is a professional seamstress (she makes posh peoples clothes) if you want any tips? :))
Yup, I'd like to know how to unpick the stitches if I accidentally sew my fingers together:)) Nah, not really, but I nearly did! :doh:
I'd like to learn how to use the button hole attachment though, the instructions may as well be in Swahili:roll:
Yup, I'd like to know how to unpick the stitches if I accidentally sew my fingers together:)) Nah, not really, but I nearly did! :doh:
I'd like to learn how to use the button hole attachment though, the instructions may as well be in Swahili:roll:

Button holes, eh? I will text her...
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Thank you, will tell mum :) I keep saying to her there is a big market for this, I wish she'd do more piggie cosies, etc!
Yup, I'd like to know how to unpick the stitches if I accidentally sew my fingers together:)) Nah, not really, but I nearly did! :doh:
I'd like to learn how to use the button hole attachment though, the instructions may as well be in Swahili:roll:
Wondered when you'd show up lol. Any sign of that calendar yet Tim
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We have snow here now. This is where being a quasi hermit in training comes in handy - I'm all stocked up and have no need to go out until all the fuss has died down! :))
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Throw some this way please :D
It's rubbish southern snow - barely perceptible and too warm to settle (but of course, we go nuts and act like we're so brave in the face of nature's treachery :))).
Our snow was short-lived, the only evidence of it from my window is that the cars look like they do on the morning of a frost. No doubt there'll be traffic gridlock and calamitous tales of loss and tragedy within the local area tomorrow :))

D'you remember when shops were closed for a whole day on Sundays? And usually a half day on Saturday? If you didn't have enough milk or toilet roll by midday on Saturday, you'd have no choice but to slum it til Monday... and we survived! :))
Little bit of snow here so far. Boyfriend hoping for a snow day tomorrow. Just been to check on pigs half hour ago as they are outside, some were sat on the snuggle safes keeping toasty.
Did you find your dog @Flutterby ? I saw this on facebook on one of the Bolton sights, I didn't know he was yours. Hope you find him soon if not already.
When I first got the piggies, I'd check on them during the night. Then Willow was poorly so I'd check on her during the night (actually slept on the sofa in the living room). Now if I get up during the night (toilet or just wake) I feel compelled to check the fish. Merlin was quite still so I rippled the water. He was just asleep but obviously woke! *sigh* I need to be less of a pet worry-wart, it's highly unlikely my animals will inexplicably die overnight :(
Little bit of snow here so far. Boyfriend hoping for a snow day tomorrow. Just been to check on pigs half hour ago as they are outside, some were sat on the snuggle safes keeping toasty.
Did you find your dog @Flutterby ? I saw this on facebook on one of the Bolton sights, I didn't know he was yours. Hope you find him soon if not already.

No sign of him yet :(
I have had an interesting day regarding instruments
The case that came with my Chinese flute was actually defective and it wasn't shutting so I asked them to send me another case there's a problem my flute is 3 inches too long for the case so I called them up and I told them this and they said well I picked it out of the flutes box that they came in so we don't actually know what's happened and I said could it be that when it would be manufactured someone's put the wrong flute or an extended Version in the box and they said yes that's quite possible and I said well what's going to happen and they said we are going to send you the flute that came out of the bag that you have got because we don't actually know what you have I said but the problem is neither do I because all the writing on the flute is not in English so it's going to be interesting to get the new flight tomorrow to see if the head joints are the same if it's got the same construction if there is the same number of fingerhold on it if not then I have no idea what I have but I'm not going to be charged for the flu because it wasn't my fault I was given the wrong one
There is also another problem because the native American flute that I ordered the other day they don't have it anymore we have a slightly different variation this one has a drone as well which is okay because I like them but there is a problem with Parcelforce they hadn't come to get the parcels when you called me up at 5:20 to tell me that he hadn't been in to get the parcels that were due to be dispatched for tomorrow so if it was okay with me pick the Musicshop take the flute to the post office tomorrow and have it dispatched for me to get on Monday and I said no problem so the flight that I will be getting tomorrow is the one I should've had in the first place with my original order because the flu I've currently got is 2 inches short of the width of a single bed so goodness knows what I've got and they don't actually know what I've got either so were all just thinking fuse to see jabber which is rather funny
So that was my day
my new flute that they sent out has literally cracked right the way up headjoint so they're going to have to send me out another one to replace the replacement for the replacement of the original replacement for it it's stupid
I think what sees my original flute which I have still have is the fact that the bamboo is actually really thick where is the one I got today was really thin and I had the keys for that flute at my house so when I got it this morning it wasn't cased and I think the shock from it going from outside temperature inside temperature just literally made it break
I have been listening to it making noises like ice cracking for the past half an hour
The sad thing is I never even got to play it so I never got to hear her voice
I will call them up on Monday when I get my native American flute to chase up whether they have ordered me the new Chinese for it to be sent on Tuesday because it can't be sent any later than that because Wednesday is my busiest day for doing stuff so I have told them that it has to be delivered on Tuesday
Will keep you posted