Chat Thread.

I love Lush...must have a look once I can afford to treat myself.
I managed to spend 100 quid in lush
Perfume has gone up since we decided to leave the E you

I like Lush for the bath ball things but I agree they are expensive! I treat myself to a nice soak in a hot bath of my favorite smelling one about once a month. (I have normal showers daily do not worry!)

It's terrible to think a nice soak in the bath is considered a "treat" but I so rarely have the time for anything more than a quick shower. I have had hardly ANY vacation time this year so far and I'll be working the Christmas and New Year shifts AGAIN so no time for me to relax and chill until 2017!
I shower daily like you but like you rarely have a soak in the bath xx o yes definetely a treat xx
I love playing with the bath bombs although I think you want to get in the bath model dissolving not play with the bath bombs I'm such a child LOL
I love playing with the bath bombs although I think you want to get in the bath model dissolving not play with the bath bombs I'm such a child LOL

It is cool to watch them fizzing away. I admit I will play about with turning it about to watch how the bubbles spew out at water level.

My favorite is Twilight. I wish they'd rename it! I hate the fact that it has glitter in it making the name an OBVIOUS reference to that terrible book/movie series.
Yeah not only does it turn your bath and interesting sheet of what ever is not exactly original is it Twilight
Surely could've come up with something better than that
Come on lash you're letting the side down
Correction lush
This dictation is really stupid the only way I can get it to understand me is if I took the switch accents and took almost to the BBC one it does not like Scottish accents a toll
Stupid technology what
I have a coworker who siri just CAN'T understand no matter what language he speaks to it. At first he thought it was faulty but was proven not to be as it understood me perfectly well in a variety of languages. Our verdict was that..his iphone was clearly trying to assimilate me as it's new owner.:yikes:

And as for the Lush thing, I'd have called that ball "cosmos" or something. As the glitter could represent stars!
I am having my dreads twisted at the route tomorrow and I always look forward to that because I feel really pretty when I come out of the hairdresser when it's all nice and neat and tidy ☺️
I'm learning how to use a sewing machine, what can possibly go wrong? :roll:
Tomorrow we'll here of @Tim 's trip to the emergency room with a needle through his thumb!
Not quite, half way there though. I dropped a whole tin of 100+ dress making pins every where. I found most of them, one of which was on the chair. I found out when I sat on it :eek:
I can't people today, so it's a PJ day. Was expecting a book I ordered to come next Tuesday or Wednesday, but it plopped through the letterbox today - ah, little pleasures! :lol:

So it's been an 'in' day with the floof 'n' fin fellas (Willow's finally broken the 600g barrier; she's about a fortnight behind the chunky pigtato that is Marble :)))
Nothing wrong with a PJ day! I've gutted the house today whilst nursing a poorly husband who's laid up with a chest infection. Got a lot done, even had a trip to asda! :D
Someone help me I think I've got man flu too! :(
I had some vile cough medicine earlier, I was laying on the floor holding the ground for a good 5 minutes went all cold but sweaty was horrible! Feel like I've spent the whole of December ill! When will summer come :(
Ive spent my day on the sofa today :(
But I've got work tomorrow :mal:
Worried sick right now, one of our dogs has gone missing from the back garden. We've looked everywhere and he has been shared on every site possible, reported to dog warden etc. Beside myself with worry I hope someone has picked him up and gets him scanned ASAP!

Worried sick right now, one of our dogs has gone missing from the back garden. We've looked everywhere and he has been shared on every site possible, reported to dog warden etc. Beside myself with worry I hope someone has picked him up and gets him scanned ASAP!

View attachment 57653

Everything crossed you get him back quickly!
I'm having a Brexit/Trump-induced existential crisis :(

Time to turn off the news and smooch a piggy methinks :D
Oh dear @Flutterby I hope you find your little doggie soon! :(

I'm sat here, at work, doing a night shift...drinking my coffee...bored...doing paperwork...listening to drunks outsude, going home after the pub...:beer: