Chat Thread.

I know! People seem to think that rodents are sort of inferior, when really, they're incredibly intelligent. Godfrey will leap off the chair downstairs, and dash upstairs and straight into the room with his cage.
I think he likes me chasing after him...
the pigs are very good at doing things that scare their owners. i've noticed this as well...
getting my dreads twisted up on the 3rd of next month, about time too as the rutes i have on the top of them are mental....
went shopping with my support worker this afternoon and hit primark
from there i got
new winter coat (forest green)
slippers (which are fantastic)
more socks as mine keep seem to keep going off somewhere and not in my drawer
clarks to get in souls for my d'ms and Sainsberries to get Chock some salad.
Next Thursday i am having my hair retwisted and on friday i am going shopping to get some more head scarfs as the ones i got to try are lovely and they only cost 1 £ each so i am going to get a fiew more as they wair out eventually.
I know! People seem to think that rodents are sort of inferior, when really, they're incredibly intelligent. Godfrey will leap off the chair downstairs, and dash upstairs and straight into the room with his cage.
I think he likes me chasing after him...

The general opinion about guinea pigs from non owners is "What do you want one of those boring noisey smelly things for?"
And the General opinion about rats by non owners is even worse because the clueless think they are the same as wild rats. "Eww disgusting diseased creatures! They will bite! Why do you want that as a pet?"

Drives me crazy that rodent owners always have to justify their pets to the masses wheras things like dogs, cat, goldfish, (even hamsters, the commonly accepted social norm for rodent pets) are generally accepted as answers to the question "Do you have pets?" without any comments.
Small animals sadly are seen as a throw away pet :( It's wrong, so wrong. I once got asked why I was taking my piggy to the vet and couldn't I just 'Buy a new one'.
Some people don't think that pigs have any value what so ever
I don't know what goes on in some peoples heads sometimes...
My lovely cousin asked for some help in looking after a neighbours piggies in this colder weather - always happy to help and good that he cares even though they aren't his. Anyhow, he told me he's thinking of getting ratties for his daughter. I said they were lovely pets, clever and sociable and his daughter would love them. Apparently I am the only person who has responded favourably to this suggestion. Quite shocked me that people are so prejudiced.
i got my hair done again and what a great job they done on it
its not easy twisting white dreadlocks because the hair is so fine and silky
i've also been taught to palm roll them so they will all go round like there meant to
got more indian head scarfs on friday afternoon
had a nice meal last night with 2 friends
today, chilling...
After my emotional rollercoaster with Willow (thankfully very brief!), today's a catch up day doing all the stuff I didn't do when zooming to and from vets! Laundry, cleaning, tidying... Willow and Marble's cage is in better condition than the rest of the flat :)) Oh yeah, should eat too! Again, the ladies get their food/meds before I do at the mo! Now just opened a packet of Oreos, big mistake as Her Majesties think the packet rustling means their food should be coming and oh boy, they're not shy on telling me as much :))
i'm going down to london on monday to see if i can get the strings on my lap harp replaced and possibly get another strange stringed instrument at the same time
will let you know how i get on :)
getting really excited about going to london to see what there is musical instrument wise
will let you know what i come back with..
Today is instrument shoppin dday
Will let u know what i got when i get back with god knows what mind you
I feel very proud of myself because I've managed to set up a for number passcode for my iPhone so is no protected because I was feeling so paranoid in my head I had to do something to make myself feel more secure
It works no problem because I've locked it and I unlocked it several times
So I feel very pleased with myself
@Maddy you can set iPhones to unlock using your fingerprint too (not sure if it's only the later models - mines a 5S and it does it). I understand you have sight problems, maybe this might be easier for you? Also, it's ultra secure as it obviously only works on your fingerprint :)
Because I am blind the fingerprint recognition does not register my print at all neither did the please scanning machines when they had to take them but that is another story so that is why I have put in a passcode instead
So it least it has some kind of protection know where is before there was nothing
I am going to have my hair re-twisted on 5 January so I am looking forward to that
My dreadlocks always like a really nice one so I'll been twisted up it is expensive to have them twisted though it's £120 every two months
We are a very specialist here stale and because my hair is mean we fight and I haven't got the Afro texture so much that my mum has because she is mixed race they take a lot more work than they would do if they were on my mum's head
I will also have to sort out chocs Christmas present when I go on Monday to the bank I wonder if you will forgive me for accidentally walking into lash then realising for I am but by that point it will be too late and I will have stuff in my hands all dear
I managed to spend 100 quid in lush
Perfume has gone up since we decided to leave the E you
I've got a dressing gown from Premark today for £15 and it's really nice and fleecy I hope the guinea pigs don't steal it