Chat Thread.

i have taken my medical insouls out my shoes as i cant wair shoes at the moment, plonked them in my slippers so by the time monday comes i'm hopeing by doing this the insouls will go in to the shape of my feet, fingers crossed...
i have taken my medical insouls out my shoes as i cant wair shoes at the moment, plonked them in my slippers so by the time monday comes i'm hopeing by doing this the insouls will go in to the shape of my feet, fingers crossed...
My daughter has to wear those, they have offered to fuse her ankle but she's turned them down. She's a nurse & couldn't do her job if they did that.
My foot is still sore from falling down the camper van step.Too late to-do anything about it now, it will heal.I'm only comfy in trainers now.I'm fifty and still wear skinny jeans
I don't know whether you would find an angora.I would say just ring round rescues and ask them.
I have medical insoles and ran a half marathon with them in my trainers! Had them 3 months now, I wear them in all my footwear. It's adjusting my legs to ease my arthritis and working big time, my medication intake has dropped to next to nothing. ;)
I don't know whether you would find an angora.I would say just ring round rescues and ask them.
I could do, would you keep 2 rabbits of the same sex. I used to keep rabbits about 28 yrs ago & ive totally forgotten now. Hubby said no, but I told him at my age I can do what I want. He's going to build the hutch tomorrow he says. Ha
Do you keep yours outdoors & where do you do you let him have there run.
I have medical insoles and ran a half marathon with them in my trainers! Had them 3 months now, I wear them in all my footwear. It's adjusting my legs to ease my arthritis and working big time, my medication intake has dropped to next to nothing. ;)
I've got arthritis in both my knees & 1 hip but I don't think I'll take up running. Nice bit of clothes shopping give me exercise.
I have had two sisters together then added a boy and that worked great.My girl is inside and my boy is in quarantine outside.They are ultimately having a two tiered hutch with smaller hutch attached to sleep in and a large run.I would love shed for them but finances don't allow at the moment.
my new medical in souls i had made have made me unable to walk if i have them in my shoes so that was utterly pointless having them made at all as i would rather have the calous pain over trying to walk in the sods...
at least i can walk out with them not in my shoes but if i put them in then i have to take my shoes off with in 10 mins so thats not practical at all....
i've got house sharers coming to view the available bedroom in here tomoro and they will be moving in on friday
nice of my landlord to let me know... not!
i now have the key to my room door as well as my safe for my controled/street valueable drugs so i feel a bit more settled now.
my scrues were never tightened up so they have always been loose lol
have let the relivant partys know that i want to move out of here and finally got the councle housing form finnished so that can be put in as i have to be on their register so i can then aproatch housing asociations where i'm more likely to be housed quicker and have a house that is more suited to my needs...
Yea, you'll be able to shut your own door on the world, Chock will probably be happier if he senses you are. Play your flute all night if you want to, just make your case worker is aware you must play, so that is incorporated in the rules. Are you excited, I know I would be.
i've got a performance tomoro evening
hope i bump in to Celtic whistle man again as i find him so enspiring.
its nice to find someone who plays the same kind of folk stuff i do as there isn't a big folk seen in England as there is in Scotland Ireland or Wails.
have no idea what i'm playing as i havent put a set together but i didn't last time and it was all right so i hope it is this time :)
going to go to town today with my support worker to see if i can get some gell in souls as my feet really hurt.
also gonna go down to the chemest at the bottom of the road to see if they have any patchouli oil in their esentual oil stocks as i am running out of that and thats one of my favorite ones...
will let you know how tonights performance goes...
managed to get some gell in souls which are now in my clarks boots as they are like walking on a plank...
they have improved them some what so thats a start...
i got the gig day wrong, its tonight not last night as i thought
if i had brains i'd be dangerous...
I would also be a hopeless manager...
I have a friend coming to see me from Petterborough who i havent seen for almost a year.
Its gonna be intresting to see how Chock reacts to him as he was a bringer of food so i wonder if he's gonna go off his nut when he hears him...
he use to lose his head totally and start running about and wheeking his head off really loudly as soon as he came through the front door before we moved here so wonder if he will get the same reaction now as he's not seen him for ages...
he gets higher and higher till i cant ignore it :)
sometimes he sounds like he's asking a question as the wheek goes up at the end, so funny
its really loud though for an animal though.
offen the smallest ones are the loudest.
that's what i've noticed...
yeh children can be really loud.
because my hearing is so sensitive the sound of a new born crying goes right through my skull...
Its really wierd feeling the bone vibrate...
Chock went mental when my friend he'd not seen for almost a year came in my room.
he started popcorning, running up and down the cage and squeeling his head off really really loudly.
it was amazing that he remembered who he was. as soon as he heard my friend say his name out he came from his house and totally went nuts.
pigs have more brains than people who don't keep them give them credit for...