Chat Thread.

We use pure almond oil on all of our wooden flutes (outside only, and avoiding the labium).
When my daughter started on a super small recorder (sorry - I don't know the name in English) we made our own cleaner - a thin piece of wire (1.8mm) with a piece of muslin cloth pushed through a small eyelet we made at one end. It works fine.
But depending on the wood it takes a while to break the instrument in.
She was only allowed to play 5 - 10 mins a day for a while, and slowly built up over time.

I am glad you like the sound of your new flute - it's such a personal thing isn't it?
@Maddy I meant to ask which flute you have.
Is it a shakuhachi?
I love the sound, but if it is bamboo them it probably needs a totally different care regime to a flute made of more typical European hardwood.
No its a Shinobu japanese bamboo flute which you playit sideways you''ll find them on youtube if you serch for them
I also have a wooden flute which is soft and ritch as its made out of rosewood
My rosewood flute i use bees wax polish on it but not sure how to treet this one as its bamboo so i don't think i would be able to put bees wax on it as its not wood although it feels like
I think bamboo is a read type plant thing
I have ordered a Dizzi bamboo chinese flute so that should get here next week some time
Looking forward to that...
Have had one of those days.Hot water from the kettle splashed up and burnt my belly, fell down the stairs cos the kids left a bottle on them, kicked a planter with bare feet and cut my little toe and then stood on the dogs foot cos she was messing about when I was taking her out of the gate and she nipped my finger.I knew I shouldn't have got out of bed this morning.
Have had one of those days.Hot water from the kettle splashed up and burnt my belly, fell down the stairs cos the kids left a bottle on them, kicked a planter with bare feet and cut my little toe and then stood on the dogs foot cos she was messing about when I was taking her out of the gate and she nipped my finger.I knew I shouldn't have got out of bed this morning.
Bless you, that does sound like a rough day! I always find a cuddle with one of the pigs helps to ease any stress x
What, my japanese bamboo one i have here or my chinese one which is on its way or my rosewood one or my crystal or solid silver one with gold head joint?
Which one or all of them lol
That would probably take up half your screen lol
Have had one of those days.Hot water from the kettle splashed up and burnt my belly, fell down the stairs cos the kids left a bottle on them, kicked a planter with bare feet and cut my little toe and then stood on the dogs foot cos she was messing about when I was taking her out of the gate and she nipped my finger.I knew I shouldn't have got out of bed this morning.
Sounds rough :hug:. In this situation I'd pile the dogs/kids/pigs/OH on the sofa and just cuddle up and watch a movie.

Off-topic, but would anyone in this forum be interested in a Discord server? Kind of like an IRC chat room, less "formal" than the chat thread and faster to have conversations too!
What, my japanese bamboo one i have here or my chinese one which is on its way or my rosewood one or my crystal or solid silver one with gold head joint?
Which one or all of them lol
That would probably take up half your screen lol

Well I was talking about the chinese one, but now I'm curious about the crystal one too!
Looks like i got my solid silver flute at the right time
Was in the music shop yesterday and all their solid silver flutes have gone up by a quarter of the price they were before we left the e u
My african black wood Irish keyless flute came today and i'm very pleased with her sound
She sounds totally different to my rosewood one because her wood is slightly harder
She came from london...
Only took 3 days to get here...
Had my dreads evaluated the other day to see how much it was gonna cost me to have them fixed by someone who knows what they are doing and this lady does as she has all the right tools having it done on the 18th and i cant wait as they look such a state...
I have the perfect wooden flute
It has no keys just 6 finger holes that you use to make the notes come out
Its made out of african black wood and its the nicest feeling flute i've ever had wood wise and its the most responsive one i've ever had
I got a discount as shes got a crack in her but where shes cracked it doesn't really matter as its not cracked on the mouth peace or the body work which would effect its tuneing its on the bit of wood that conects the body to the mouth peace
Now i can stop buying wooden flutes as i have now got the one i was looking for all along
Its the same wood that my picolo is made out of thats what sparked my intrest in it in the 1st place but tracking it down was a nightmare but now i have
You can get wooden flutes with keys but they are really costly and i don't know how to use the keys anyway...
Had my hair fixed on thursday and shes done a really good job
Different hair dressers mind you but i don't care so long as its done the right way which it now has been
Got a new pair of boots out of clarks yesterday and they are so comfortable even though they arn't broken in
I have an in soul in them so my feet have a lair bitween my socks and the bottom of the boot
My d m's were recking my feet i think
These boots are made out of buck skin so they are really soft
They have a zip up the side and laces on the front so i can get the ancle support that i was use to with the d m's but with out the wait...
I have found a wax for my dreads that isn't full of oil
Which doessn't make my hair feel like its not been cleaned for a year
It doesn't turn my hair a wierd colour iether and all in all i am pleased with the finish on the dreads them selvs when i put it through.
It was a good find thanks to my ethnic support worker because shes got afro hair and she knows where to go to get stuff for hair that is part afro like mine and part white.
my sister's going mental because she had a dissagreement with her boss a cupple of months back and walked out of her job because she was being treeted really badly
she has applyed for lots of jobs and has found out today that her boss is refusing to give her an employment reference so she can get another job so now shes freaking out because she doesn't know what to do at all
bless her...
I don't know if they are allowed to do that.I would ask advice from someone that deals with work disputes
i actuallly think they are braking some part of the employment law but still trying to find out which bit it is exactly
i'm letting her calm down a bit before trying to talk to her about this topic as she was in panic moad and nothing i was saying was going through as she wasn't computing what i was saying because her head was raceing. bless her...
3 are stupid because...
when i put my dongle in my u s b port it automatically logs me in to my acount but there is a problem
When i tryed to change my contact number they wanted me to put in my password which i cant remember and i don't want to guess it in case i get it wrong and then get logged out of the bit i can access for my data allouence but i'm all ready logged in otherwise i wouldn't be able to access my details page at all.
as i said, Stupid...
they have my email address so if there are any issues they can email me
there is an option to reset my password but what is the betting that i have to enter my forgotten one in order to change it?
went out to do a flute performence last night and i bumped in t
o the celtic whistle man i met at another venue and had good fun chatting to him and performing with him
he plays the same folky stuff i do and he has the same enthusiasticness about it as i do
he plays different whistles and the irish pypes which are beautiful to listen to
i met 2 other blind people last night which was nice
the nice thing i found playing in last nights venue was it was smaller so i could enguage with the crowd more as i was closer to them.
all in all i had a good night...
i am also going to call celtic whistle man up as i now have his phone number to talk about him teaching me stuff on the silver flute as he played that and the keless irish one before he contracted bells paulsy and lost all the strength in his mouth so he can no longer make the shape with his lips to make the sound which is sad but he still remembers the fingering for both instruments so i will let you know how i get on there...
its all go here
nothing happens for ages then lots of stuff hits me at once
thats what seems to happen with me for some reason...
monday night was out playing flute
tuesday afternoon was taken up with mental health phone calls and a friend visiting after that
yesterday morning i went to the bank and then lush
i got a new shower gell they have just brought out
its tropical shower gell and it smells like you could drink it which is a wind up but i will enjoy using that
i also got some solid perfume from there which is wax based so that can go straight on my dreads and tidy them up and make them smell very hippy like at the same time.

yesterday afternoon was taken up by going to pets at home so i could upgrade chocks living space and get hay and food for him
last night i was out for a meal
today is the only day i have had time for my self this week so far
tomoro i have care in the afternoon and the weekend i have free...
my toilet has decided to throw a spaz attack and not stop flushing
the issue is i cant get access to the tank as there is a granet slab over the top that i cant shift at all
i don't even know where the main water tap is in here to turn it off at the mains.
it will flood down stairs and my landlord wont be happy as his books willl get soked but thats not my issue to deal with
k is on his way back and he is gonna try and have a look to see if he can make it stop
what a nightmare to what started off as a plesent day...