Chat Thread.

Not a bank holiday in here, but I'm going to spend the wheekend mostly studying chemistry and physics (one subject) for my final exam, which is next thursday! :mal:
I can already see how I'm going to be totally freaking out the day before... :help:

Arghhhhhh exams, I just about remember those! Good luck! Mrs SB is a chemistry teacher... It blow my mind.
Not a bank holiday in here, but I'm going to spend the wheekend mostly studying chemistry and physics (one subject) for my final exam, which is next thursday! :mal:
I can already see how I'm going to be totally freaking out the day before... :help:
Good luck with your exam
Thank you @sport_billy and @PiggyOwner :hug:

Arghhhhhh exams, I just about remember those! Good luck! Mrs SB is a chemistry teacher... It blow my mind.

Oh really? Then I apologize to her in the name of all those students who, like me, take too long to understand things (at least chemistry related). We don't do it in purpose, I swear XD
Shoot chemistry was my worst grade I loved microbiology and did decent in anatomy and physiology then got into the nursing program but wouldn't go back to chemistry for nothing
I have a friend coming down from london on tuesday to stay for a cupple of days so looking forward to that...
Went in to my favorite music shop this afternoon
Was filmed for their facebook page
It was my own composition which was played for the vidio...
The company that made my solid silver flute make a head joint with a wooden lip plate so it gives the flute a folky sound with out losing the sharps or flats which you do lose if i'm using my wooden flute
The music shop are gonna see how much it costs and get back to me so i'm quite excited...
Had to crack and put my radiator back on as its freezing here
Think summer's finnished for this year...
Went and had bloods taken this morning to check my hormone levels because my anti psycottic that i have to regulate my moods can mess around with different hormone levels so i have to get a 3 monthly test
Its really annoying but its gotta be done...
Went in to town with my support worker this afternoon
Started off by going in to the wrong bank but managed to go to the right one in the end
Went in to super drug instead of sainsberies as my support worker thought the smell of super drug was more intresting which she has a point on but you cant get milk from super drug or backy iether...
So it was fun and games this afternoon lol
Having my dreads cut on wednesday
Its a long time coming as i've never had them cut for as long as i've had them which is 2 and a half years...
Getting them chopped to my sholders as they nearly hitting my waste
Too long, far too heavy not to mention that they take 12 hours to dry after washing and being really hot because there is so much hair there
saw two hutches, one a double really deep and really high inside and a single that someone had put at the side of the road as free. Si pressure washed them and we bought paint for inside and out and have spent all day painting the big one after si sanded them down. They need bigger hole cut in floor and new ramp and he is gonna insulate bottom floor. Bottom is all wire so gonna have sides made for winter with insulation. Gonna use the smaller hutch as a bed for them so will be pretty much enclosed with some ventilation with a storage box as a litter tray that i can slide in and out. Also gonna attach a huge run with a roof big enough to stand in so in good weather they can just jump in and out as they please. Greenhouse heater going in when winter hits to keep them cosy warm.Really pleased with ti so far and only cost us 22 for the paint and the new floors.
Got all my dreads thinned and cut yesterday afternoon. They are just sholder length right the way round and they are all nicee and thin light and bouncy. All i need to do now is have the rutes twisted then i would look a lot better. The cut has totally changed the asthetics of the dreads but i still have all the bits of dread in a bag that i did get taken off my head and the waight thats in the bag is stupid...
After she'd finnished cutting them i asked her how she felt when she was cutting them and she said she felt like she was chopping off a wrellic off...
Even she was pleased how they had all turned out as shes never cut dreads before but shes a fully qualified barber so she got a really good tip on them which she was freaking out at before she started but once she got the hang of getting the scizers throught them.
Usually if i put iether wax in my dreads or my leave in conditioner from lush in it use to take 8 hours before they would even thinking of drying up, last night they were dry with in 20 minits of me putting conditioner through them... Really pleased.
Woke up to no power this morning
Texted my landlord who stays in next house to me which is handy
Apparently they put new street lighting in in this area yesterday and we find it a bit of a coinsidence that no one had any power this morning
It effected 1000 houses in total but they fixed it really fast as in an hour
If that had been edinborough they would have taken sevral hours to realise there was a power cut at all before fixing it...
Got a bargain from heroes charity shop.Fifteen quid for this gorgeous, quite large dog figure.Realised after I bought it it is border fine arts.This one doesn't need fed and no vet bills.IMAG0221.webp
Having my dreads twisted tomoro
About time too as i have about an inch of rute on them as i havent had them done since may i think
Will also be taking my own wax in for them to use as the one they use was a nightmare to get out the hair
Took sevral washes before it came out so i don't want that happening again
Will let you know how its went tomoro...
Having my dreads twisted tomoro
About time too as i have about an inch of rute on them as i havent had them done since may i think
Will also be taking my own wax in for them to use as the one they use was a nightmare to get out the hair
Took sevral washes before it came out so i don't want that happening again
Will let you know how its went tomoro...
How long does it take?
If the person knows what they are doing it only takes an hour
However my head is a mess
All shes done is got the dreads closer to the scalp but thats all shes done
I cant tame them at all
Gonna try get my money back to be honest
Got my washing out the machine which has been in there since friday afternoon
I would remember about it then forget again then wonder what was nagging my head till i remembered about it again this morning so its hung up now
Ooo the joys of being on anti psycottics
They make you forgetful...
Got my washing out the machine which has been in there since friday afternoon
I would remember about it then forget again then wonder what was nagging my head till i remembered about it again this morning so its hung up now
Ooo the joys of being on anti psycottics
They make you forgetful...

Forgetful maybe but not sweaty! I have to unload my washing straight away for it to smell good otherwise a horrid sweet smell develops and I'm sure it's the sweat of all the men and boys in my house (and i don't mean the pigs lol!)
I'm waiting on a Shinobu Japanese bamboo flute to be delivered and i'm really excited about it...
You play it sideways like an orkestral one so its gonna be fun learning how to get the notes out
Forgot to tel you
Went in to the hair dressers the other day to see if i can get my money back from them as they have made such a mess of my hair and they are refusing to give it back
Think a letter or email to trading standards is in order
I will also get the sensory team involved as i feel i'm having the taken out of me because i cant see...
As i pointed out to the person in there i need to have my money back to go somewhere else to have it sorted out but they are still refusing
I'm disgusted...
:( Oh Maddy that is such a shame. You need Chock cuddles to cheer you up.
Going to town on wednesday with my carer
Need to go bank then see if wilco have any dandelion mix as chock has almost finnished it
Will probably pick up a cupple of bails of hay while i'm there. I'm ok for his food mix and cage cleaner
Maybe go to lush as well but not sure about that yet
Will see on wednesday
Need to go to apple as my headset has died again...
Going to town on wednesday with my carer
Need to go bank then see if wilco have any dandelion mix as chock has almost finnished it
Will probably pick up a cupple of bails of hay while i'm there. I'm ok for his food mix and cage cleaner
Maybe go to lush as well but not sure about that yet
Will see on wednesday
Need to go to apple as my headset has died again...

He loves that Dandelion mix eh?

Apple headsets are a pain aren't they, never had a decent set of earphones with any apple device yet.....
Got my Shinobu Japanese flute today and its beautiful
The issue is i don't know how to clean/care for it
I havent got a narrow enough rod to put up the flute to take the moisture out and i don't want to use one i have incase it gets stuck... Google's being useless and i cant find the info for the right flute
Its doing my head in...It sounds lovely though