Chat Thread.

Wish it was here it's only 15 C here and won't stop raining which is great considering some troubled teenagers keep pulling or fire alarm so we all have to stand in the rain until the fire department comes. Also it's finals week so -> -__- Pretty much sums up my life right now
Its 20 degrees in the house which is too hot for the chins :mal: As they can't sweat. As it's also 20 humidity if it gets 25-30 degrees with the same amount of humidity it can be fatal. Even though it's warm its been raining all day so. Arghhh stress time! :mal:
Today's a busy day as i have my social worker to do a crisis plan at 11 and i go flute shopping this afternoon...
If you see me here tell me to go away and be productive. I'm supposed to be making myself a skirt but since I made it once already and hate it and unpicked it, I'm just not feeling the love. (I'm hopeless at sewing too, I try but it never works out well). I've never had the machine out with the piggies in the room, so not sure how they'll react.
The flute is a lovely instrument to hear.. wish i was musical too... my son (9) has just started guitar lessons... he has taught me one song !
I started playing piano at age 3. Started learning harp at age 5 and took the flute up 3 years ago...
Saw a friend that i new when i was in Peterborough yesterday
So had a good time catching up with them
He plays guitar and claranet which is a beautiful instrument i think
Goes nice with the flute...
Played my new harp that he's not seen before and he really enjoyed that as i did show caseing her...
The trubble with the products i use on my dreads make my head an insect magnate. Its a nightmare
Doesn't help that the wax i use smells like honey and the conditioner i use from lush smells like orange blossom...
Both have to be used unfortunately but guess i will just have to cope with insects flying at me...
Thankfully the conditioner doesn't smell as strong now as i did when i applyed it this morning
Its a cream that you run through your hair and its a leave in one and it leaves your hair all soft and shiney
Well worth the 20 £ i think...
A jar lasts me about 5 months witch isn't bad going i think considoring i use it on my dreads every fiew days or so
The wax only gets put on once a week now as my dreads are over 2 years old so they don't take as much maintaining as they did at the start when i 1st had them put in...
Going to get a solid silver flute tomoro provided the music shop still has the one i've had my eye on in the shop still
Hope i manage to get it as its got a beautiful sound
Will keep you posted...
Checked with music shop that they still had the silver flute i had my eye on for ages and they do and they are happy for me to pay in cash so am going to get it this afternoon
So excited!
Got my new solid silver flute this afternoon
It needs a bit of cleaning done on it as its been in a display case for a fiew months but nothing to drastic's needing done
Its only the keys that need cleaning to stop them sticking but i have the tools to sort that out
Lighter fule and rizla papers, those are my tools and its ok to use that cleaning method for flute keys as i cleaned my other flute that way and it stops the keys from sticking.
It sounds beautiful and the sound carrys from half way down the street
Thats with the windos shut might i add...
Got my new solid silver flute this afternoon
It needs a bit of cleaning done on it as its been in a display case for a fiew months but nothing to drastic's needing done
Its only the keys that need cleaning to stop them sticking but i have the tools to sort that out
Lighter fule and rizla papers, those are my tools and its ok to use that cleaning method for flute keys as i cleaned my other flute that way and it stops the keys from sticking.
It sounds beautiful and the sound carrys from half way down the street
Thats with the windos shut might i add...

Wow, they are that loud even with the windows closed?
Yes they are and my picolo travles much more as its really high
You can hear that from the end of the street with the windows closed lol
Todays task is cleaning my new flute keys so they don't stick...
Wish me luck with that as its a fiddly job...
Managed to clean my new flute in half an hour this afternoon which was good as i thought it would take longer...
Still a cupple of the keys are slightly sticky but i will go over them tomoro
The only downside is the new flute is like holding a brick
I can only play it for 10 minits before my hands hurt if i play it for longer
I will get use to it of corse in time
Takes more breath than my other flute that i have...
The only downside is the new flute is like holding a brick
I can only play it for 10 minits before my hands hurt if i play it for longer
I will get use to it of corse in time
Takes more breath than my other flute that i have...
I bet it is heavy... I would struggle controlling my breathing I think on wind instruments, they seem to take lots of control.
Anyone got any plans for the bank holiday weekend?
Not a bank holiday in here, but I'm going to spend the wheekend mostly studying chemistry and physics (one subject) for my final exam, which is next thursday! :mal:
I can already see how I'm going to be totally freaking out the day before... :help: